There once was a limerick from...

Dive right in. These limericks are good for all ages.

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There was a young woman from Platt.

Who tended to sing in B flat.

Her voice was so bad, it alerted her dad, who arranged a duet with the cat.

~ย  ย  ย  ~ย  ย  ย  ~

There was an old noble from Dallas.

Who paddled his boat to the palace.

He asked to be knighted, for he felt he'd been slighted, but he only returned with a callus.

~ย  ย  ย  ~ย  ย  ย  ~

There was a racehorse from Kentucky.

Who had won because he got lucky.

A weekend of rain, muddied the terrain, and his equine opponents got stucky.

~ย  ย  ย  ~ย  ย  ย  ~

There was a hitchhiker from Rome.

Who got fed-up living at home.

His hair grew so high, the cars passed him by, so he returned to look for his comb.

~ย  ย  ย  ~ย  ย  ย  ~

There was a Great Dane from Bordeaux.

Whose gait was painfully slow.

One day in December, too cold to remember, he wound up buried in snow.

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There was a bandito from Chile.

Who went by the name of Fat Willy.

His conspicuous frame, made him quite lame, so his career choice seemed a bit silly.
