Nineteen. Implosion

Conversations spewed throughout every space of the banquet hall. Daisy had an easy time drowning them out thanks to the Adonis sitting beside her. Even better, this Adonis willingly engaged in small talk with the Alpha and Luna along with Cooper and Charlotte. There were enough opinions dancing around the table, allowing Daisy to act as the listener when in reality, she was all in on the cioppino. 

The pack dinner was so far going without a hitch, and Daisy was left counting down the minutes till she could have Mark all to herself. What she didn't know was that the count down was a lot shorter. 

About halfway into the entree, Chase tentatively approached the stage. Daisy was the first to notice the red werewolf, who chose to be in his werewolf form. His two-piece Tom Ford suit meshed with a hint of magic, allowing it to stretch comfortably to Chase's large size. Once upon the stage, Chase coughed a few times and waited. 

It took a couple of extra seconds before the entire hall gave him their attention. "I hope you are enjoying my cioppino. It was quite the debacle capturing all that variety with a BC ferry nearby." A round of chuckles made its way throughout the hall, offering Chase a boost of confidence. "I wanted to take this time to introduce my mate to the pack," he announced and then turned to face the Philips' table. He gave Daisy a thankful smile before bowing his head at Daisy's father. "With your permission, Alpha."

"Very well," Alpha Philips replied indifferently. The rest of the occupants at his table, however, were intrigued along with the rest of the pack. Even Daisy was curious to see who the Fates matched the pack's best chef with. 

Then the sounds of heels gently clicking against the hardwood ringed in her eardrums. Daisy's face paled as she caught a whiff of the girl's scent before even she entered the room. 

Mark noticed Daisy's reaction. "What's wrong?" 

But before Daisy could open her mouth, let alone shield Mark from what's to come, the girl emerged. She walked into the dining hall with an aura of confidence that could rival an Alpha's.

All eyes turned towards the entrance. Mark froze at the sight. The girl strode down through the centre of the hall like it was her personal runway, showcasing her teal Aritzia Hampton dress to the pack. And she did it all in eight-inch black Versace stilettoes. 

She remained in her mundane form because she simply had no other option due to the lack of aquatics in the area. Her ombre blue hair was pinned back into an eloquent low bun. Her blue eyeshadow made her already oceanic eyes pop. Those eyes scanned the crowd nervously until they spotted a few fellow teammates—one of them, who was Daisy herself. 

Kelsey then happily took Chase's paw. Her nerves already melted away after seeing a few familiar faces. The two mates turned to face Alpha Philips in perfect harmony. 

Daisy couldn't bring herself to look at her leaders. Instead, she watched her own mate as his features morphed from recognition to confusion to worry. Little did he know, he had no reasons to be concerned for Chase and Kelsey because Daisy already knew how her Alpha would react. Mark whipped his head towards Daisy in a panic, to which Daisy could only offer a single, short shake of her head. Mark looked even more perplexed, but Daisy couldn't offer him an explanation then and there. All she could do was wait. 

"Congratulations, Chase," Alpha Philips spoke up. All the while, Daisy watched nervously as Mark's emeralds widened. The Alpha paid no mind to the occupants at his table, entirely focused on the newly disclosed mates. "It appears that the Fates have matched you a firecracker. I have seen Kelsey's exemplary patience and precision as a setter for my daughter. I was already happy, Kelsey, that you complimented my daughter's talents so well on the court. And now, I am all the more thrilled to welcome you to my pack." 

A round of applause erupted after the Alpha's warm welcoming. Daisy could practically hear the smile in his words and would've rolled her eyes if it were not for the dire situation unfolding in the seat beside hers. 

Chase led Kelsey to his family's table, where his parents, brother, and sister-in-law welcomed Kelsey with open arms. Kelsey happily accepted their welcome before looking towards Daisy and Mark. The mermaid's eyes nearly bulged out of her beautiful face at the sight of Mark, recognition lighting up all over her face. She didn't know the boy in front of her was Mark, but she did know he once was in Noah's photo, the same photo that started everything between Daisy and Mark. 

Kelsey pulled at Chase's sleeve, and the two of them made it over to Daisy's table. 

"Daisy, who's this?" Kelsey asked, not wasting even a single second. 

Daisy's family and Chase all appeared surprised momentarily. 

"Didn't Daisy tell you?" Chase asked. Kesley shook her head. 

Cooper rolled his eyes. "Leave it to Daisy to keep things under wraps." 

Charolette chuckled as she rubbed her belly. "Always the secretive one." 

"Do you blame her?" Luna Philips asked no one in particular. "Rowan is quite the catch. He's been catching all the pack's subtle glances. Even from me," she added, giving Daisy and Mark a teasing wink. 

Daisy would've blanched if the circumstances were anywhere different. Instead, she was too busy holding her breath throughout the conversation, watching Mark closely. His face was eerily composed, body too relaxed. If anything, Daisy looked like the ticking time bomb. She could feel her pits sweating up a storm, her pulse ringing in her ears, and her face paler than before when she first caught Kelsey's scent. 

And yet, none of the werewolves at the table paid her any mind. 

Instead, Alpha Philips glanced at Mark. "Rowan here is Daisy's mate," he declared with pride. 

Kelsey squeal. "Oh my gosh! You never told me you had a mate! And he's Noah's friend, too!" The mermaid went to go on a roll, but Daisy zoned her out, refusing to lose Mark from her sights. 

Mark finally met her eyes then and there, and Daisy's chest went cold. Her favourite green eyes, the ones that reminded her of a morning run through the taiga forest, appeared hallow as they stared at her. She couldn't even read any emotions in them. Nothing. Just nothing. 

Of all the individuals at the table, Cooper noticed the stiffness between Daisy and Mark. "Everything cool?"

Mark broke eye contact with Daisy, giving Cooper a small smile. "If you'll excuse." Mark abruptly left the table, leaving a bunch of confusion in his wake. 

Everything okay with Rowan? Cooper reached out privately to Daisy, but she ignored him. 

"I'm gonna go check on him," Daisy declared out loud and followed after Mark in a haze. She couldn't even hear what her family was saying, and she put up her mental barriers before Cooper or anyone else could intercept. Luckily her Alpha and Luna were too preoccupied with Chase and Kelsey to inquire into her troubles. 

All Daisy's efforts were on the ogre walking away from her. She let him lead them farther and farther away from the hall until Mark finally stopped by the entrance to the packhouse. Daisy would've preferred to have gone further, but she knew she was in no position to complain. They were technically still in ear-shot, but someone would have to be paying real close attention to them, which Daisy hoped was next to none. 

"You said the pack doesn't accept outsiders," Mark spoke in a low volume that shot chills through Daisy's chest. He turned to face Daisy, trapping her in his gaze. 

Maybe it was her natural stubbornness, but the she-wolf refused to back down. "I did."

"And yet they accepted Kelsey with open arms."

Daisy stayed quiet. She didn't know what to say. All she could do was stare at the ground in shame. 

"Is it because she's a mermaid?" Mark wondered out loud. "They are magnificent creatures," he added with ever the slightest bit of envy in his melodic tone. 

Daisy shook her head, causing Mark to look perplexed for a moment. 

And then everything clicked in his eyes. "You lied," Mark rasped out, barely speaking the second word. 

"I did," Daisy whispered, loud enough for the ogre to hear. "The pack would've accepted you just fine." This wasn't the time Daisy wished to speak the truth, but she had no other option. "I lied in order to increase my chances at winning the Alpha title."

Mark shook his head in disbelief. "So that's what it comes down to."



"You have to understand," Daisy pressed quietly, hoping he'd get the hint to keep his voice down. "Try to see things from my point of view."

"From your...?" Mark shook his head again and laughed. "Get over yourself, Daisy! You're not a fūcking victim!" He didn't bother keeping his volume in check, growing louder with each syllable. 

Daisy could hear the pack noticing the commotion in the distance. She could feel pressure against her mental barrier but refused to drop them. She had more pressing matters to attend to, like her imploding mate before her. She needed to contain him and quickly.  

"I'm not trying to be one," Daisy corrected calmly. "You can't imagine my shock when I discovered you were my mate. It was the day after my birthday," Daisy said, recalling the day that occurred almost one year ago. "I smelt you the moment I entered Brampton, and I knew right away who you were. I couldn't believe it. Why would the Fates pair a werewolf and an ogre? All I wanted was to become the Alpha that embodies strength and dignity."

Mark scoffed. "Strength and dignity? Is that what you think you are? How many times have we've gone over this? It's out of my control that I was born this way. Instead of accepting my heritage, you went on to make me believe that your pack wouldn't accept me. When all this time, it was you who couldn't accept the truth. How is that any way strong and dignified?"

"It isn't. I fūcked up."

"That's the least of what you did. You know what, literally everyone thinks the Fates made a mistake with us. And I admit, I thought so too at the beginning. What did I do to get such a stuck-up-bïtch for a mate? One who looked down on everybody, especially non-werewolves. But I defended you because I didn't want to believe we were a mistake. 

And the more time we spent together, the more I got to know you. And you know what, you are a major bïtch. Like how can someone be so heartless?" 

A piercing pain shot through Daisy's chest. Tears began welling up, and yet, she stayed quiet, unable to refute the truth. 

"But you're also the hardest working being I know, loyal as fūck, funny when you want to be, and so, so amazing. I found myself naturally drawn to you. It wasn't just the bond pulling me closer to you anymore. I wanted to be with you, to stand by your side."

And just like that, all the pain went away with the change of Mark's words. 

The feeling was short-lived. 

"But you told me your pack wouldn't accept me because I'm an ogre. All this time, I've been fighting to prove myself to them when I didn't have to. It's not that pack that doesn't accept me. It's you." 

Daisy shook her head. "No, Mark."

"I'm done. I'm so fūcking done. Let's go back to ignoring each other's existences. That shouldn't be too hard for you anyway."  

As quickly as the pain left, it returned. This time, ten-fold. "What are you talking about?"

But Mark didn't answer her question. Instead, he walked right past her, returning to the hall. Daisy didn't stop him. She didn't have the right to. Instead, she followed after him at a distance, watching as he walked right up to the Philips' table. 

By then, the entire family overheard their dispute. Daisy could tell by the stiff postures of the Alpha, the confusion on the Luna's face, worry from Charlotte, and downright dumbfoundedness from Cooper. Chase and Kelsey had returned to Chase's table, who also looked confused, just like the majority of the werewolves in the hall. The ones who weren't were too busy stuffing their face in Chase's delicious cooking to have overheard Daisy and Mark's conversation. 

"Alpha Philips. Luna Philips." Mark bowed his head to each leader respectfully. "The pack," he addressed, momentarily glancing around the hall. In an instance, silence was given to him, and Mark didn't waste the opportunity. "We've been keeping something from you."

"Mark, please," Daisy pleaded. "Maybe we should take this conversation to a more private setting?" Like the Alpha's office or anywhere but the hall where the entire pack was situated. 

But Mark ignored her, and Daisy didn't put any effort into stopping him.

"I'm not who you think I am. My real name is Mark Rowan Beaufort." Daisy could hear the immediate confusion from her a few of her packmates, specifically those who were friends with Mark or had shared classes with him. Chase and Kelsey were among them, in complete and utter disbelief at what they were hearing. Mark didn't give them time to compose themselves. "I'm actually an ogre."

And with that, he shredded his breathtaking mundane form into his ogre one—an ogre dressed in an expensive Armani suit. Gasps ran throughout the hall, not of disgust but surprise. Daisy, herself, felt no ounce of contempt directed at Mark. All of it was directed at herself, which was why she couldn't bring herself to look anyone in the eye. 

"I'm sorry for deceiving all of you," Mark resumed talking once his transformation was complete. "It was wrong on so many levels, and I understand that I may never be able to regain your trust, but don't worry, because you won't have to see me here anytime soon."

Daisy shut her eyes tightly, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"Again, I'm sorry." Mark turned to the heads of the pack and bowed before looking over to Daisy one last time. "Expect to hear from the SUN sometime this week." With that, Mark turned on his heel and made his way towards the exit, effortlessly transitioning back into his mundane form in the process. 

His retreating form stirred up panic from within Daisy as she realized everything he said just now was real, including a promise of a formalized rejection. This couldn't be happening. Daisy needed to have a proper conversation with Mark. In a daze, she took a step forward, ready to go after Mark, but Cooper intercepted her before she could take another step.

"I don't think that's a good idea, sis," Cooper said, voice sad. 


"That's enough." 

"But" Daisy kept looking over Cooper's shoulder, noticing Mark retreating form. With each passing second, he became smaller and smaller. She needed to get to him while he was still within her reach. 

"I think you've done enough harm for one day, don't you think?" Cooper spoke up firmly, drawing her attention to him. "Mark needs his space." 

Hearing Cooper say Mark's true name was the final straw. Her lip quivered. "I didn't mean to hurt him," she told her brother, voice shaking. "I didn't mean to." At that moment, Mark left the hall, disappearing from her sight. She could hear him ordering an uber. 

However, she also saw Chase and Kelsey chase after him and overheard them offering him a ride home. Daisy closed her eyes as she listened to Mark's voice. There was no malice in his tone as he apologized to his friends once again and accepted their offer. 

"I know, I know," Cooper responded, voice free of judgments. "But that doesn't take away the fact that your actions did, in fact, hurt him. A lot."

Daisy nodded her head slowly in agreement. "I didn't mean to," she repeated, unable to say anything else. 

The hall erupted into numerous discussions all around them, not caring about concealing their disapproval of Daisy. The she-wolf didn't mind. In fact, she welcomed all the cruel names and criticism, knowing it was nowhere near the pain she inflicted on Mark. Daisy knew she deserved everything heading her way. 

That doesn't mean she was ready for it. 


Daisy flinched, unable to set up any barrier around her mind. Not like she stood a chance blocking out such a booming, authoritative voice like her Alpha's. She could barely bring herself to turn around and face him. 

And when she did, she found her spine freeze over at the cold, piercing gaze of his sapphire eyes. His gaze promised repercussions. 

Alpha Philips stood up from his seat. To my office. Now.

There was no escaping the Alpha's wrath. All Daisy could do was bow her head.

Yes, Alpha. 
