
Prologue: The Winter's Ball

Far in the mountains and hills of northern France lies a kingdom where many come to visit. It is perceived as a lavish yet small village, where everyone seemed to love their work and what they do. Except for Adrien, the prince of the kingdom.

He wished to leave the castle, to travel to many places, but he was stuck inside by his father, the king. His mother would try and convince him, but it never worked as the king gave many reasons why the prince couldn't go. He was told a lot by the servants and by his father that thieves would try and steal from him if he ever tried to spend a minute with the commoners. And so he continued to live his life as normal as he could, peacefully along side his family and servant friends. At least, till his mom died.

The death of his mother brought him tears and long hours of mourning. Many tried to comfort him during this time, except his father who barely shed a tear and told him to get over it as quickly as possible as the prince isn't suppose to show flaws. Adrien sucked up his sadness and bottled it up inside, replacing it with coldness and distance away from people.

He studied all day, learned many skills, and grew egotistical, thinking of himself as a knowledgeable man that could easily belittle a commoner with his smart tongue.

One day, close to his 15th birthday, he begged his father to hold a ball as a gift for him and the town itself. Reluctantly, King Gabriel agreed on the condition that nobody was to come in after 10 in the night.

Adrien wanted to impress the people, put on a good front and show them how great of a person he was. But deep down, that person isn't who he put up to people. And a mystical person knew that.

On the night of the winter ball, he threw a loud and extravagant party. Many royals went and so did a lot of the common people, wowed and impressed by the prince as he had grown up so handsomely.

After 10, an old man dressed in many rags knocked on the doors to the kingdom. A servant answered, saying that they were not allowed entrance as it was too late and the party was in full swing. The man insisted, wishing to speak with the prince. Hesitantly, the servant let him in and the old man entered the grand ballroom, to  no surprise astounding the guests.

"What are you doing here?" Adrien raised an eyebrow. "My prince, I will like to speak to you! It is your future and how bleak and dark it'll be" the old man warned. Adrien laughed. "Old man, you are full of it! First barging in at the ungodly hour, and then claiming my future will be dark? Ha! Please tell me why I should listen to you or why I should spare your life, as you are taking up my time" he exclaimed.

"Oh but you shall listen to me good man, as I come offering a gift for my welcome here. A ring. Just an hour to speak to you-" "begone! Peasant!" Adrien cuts him off and the guards start to swarm the poor man. But then, something rather miraculous happened. As the old man fell to his knees, a glow started to emit. The glowing aura of a turtle shone around the man, big and scaring the guests. Adrien stood his ground, but was starting to get a bit scared himself.

"Listen, you reckless child. You deny me any sort of warm welcome and affection. Think about this as your people look on. What type of prince you will become? A tyrant?  Your people would want you to be overthrown if you act this way. Your ignorance is grand, but I will make you learn that appearances aren't all that is needed to succeed" and suddenly the lights go out and many people start screaming. The room started to glow in a deep red like fire. People started fainting and vanishing. The only people kept in the room were the servants and guards. The king fell that night as well.

And Adrien. The one who had the worst punishment. He grew taller, bulky, and hairy. Black hair grew from everywhere. A great big tail sprouted from behind. Ears grew up from his head and a snout formed where his beautiful face once was, teeth sharp and can easily tear anything to shreds. His claws scraped against his face as he yelled in agony, his beautiful melodic voice replaced by a deep growling and gurgles.

He roared loudly as the kingdom plunged into endless disparity.

(Hi! Thanks for reading the prologue! Hope to see you guys are interested, as I've decided to change some of the story up a tad for the purpose of telling a better story- but anyways! Hoped you loved it! Thanks for reading! Au revoir! ~Lemmix)
