Entry Four

Walks to the market we're always accompanied with a guard and another handmaiden we were assigned based on the closeness of our houses.

My walking partner was April. She had green eyes, dark brown hair and Carmel skin.

She never said much, greeted me every morning, commented on the weather and that was it.

Today only the guard joined me.

I was the only maid stupid enough to not look outside before leaving.

My guard, Dylan, grunted as I passed him through the gate.

Leaving his post to follow me to the store. He talked even less than April.

Dylan was a large man. He had crystal blue eyes, and dark dark hair. He was a mountain of muscle. Which must be why he was enlisted as a guard.

All of our postings other then the commanding officers and their ladies were chosen for us.

Post were chosen based on not who we are but what we physically are suited for.

Dylan, a young man with large mountains of muscle was obviously only meant for violence.

Me, a petite female , placed as a handmaiden because obviously all women are good at is cleaning and having babies.

I thought about my old "calling." I have a beautiful studio in Oklahoma.

It sits on a lake surrounded by the forest. The back wall is made up of entirely glass, with a porch and two large doors that open on to the lake.

No matter where I looked there was inspiration for my art.

I longed to feel the soft bristles of my paint brush and feel the smooth grit left over from my pastels.

Owned , I thought. I used to own a studio....

"Walk faster." Dylan pushed me with the but of his gun. "It's fucking freezing."

I jumped from my daydream back to the storm and continued shoving though snow untill we made it to the market.

"Make it quick." Dylan sniped.

I only had eight things on my list so this shouldn't take long.

Once I gathered the vegetables, meat and fruit I met Dylan at the front and we began our trek home.

I walked through the doors of the Remhold house. Frozen to the bone , lugging my hall. Mr. and Mrs. Remhold we're in the kitchen bickering about some non-sense.

I unloaded the groceries into the fridge, attempting to scurry away as fast as possible.

"Where are the biscuits?" Mr.Remhold asked.

Ah shit.

"I seem to have forgotten sir. I am very sorry. Please forgive me for my stupidity." I quickly begged.

"Next time, easy to forget in a storm like this." He replied.

"That's it?" I heard Mrs.remholds bell voice ring.

"No consequence for her laziness? That was obviously on purpose" her voice raising a little with each word.

"Show her what happens to lazy slaves general ."

Holy crow she really wanted some biscuits.

I looked at the general he looked annoyed but I could also tell he was going to , show me what happens.

Before I could think to move ,his fist was wrapped around my coller. He had me pinnd against the back wall.

I could feel the decorative ridge digging into my backside.

"I gave you one simple order" I saw the anger flash behind his eyes.

As quick as a snake , the back of his hand smashed against my face. The hit was hard enough the room went black for a second.

The general dropped me on the floor. "Next time, listen. " He said through gritted teeth.

I could feel the warm drip of blood down my cheek.

There he was , I thought. There's the angry monster I've heard all about.
