Part 35:Time of death

(A/N- Short chapter alert! I usually dislike short chaptered stories unless it's very captivating. So I'm sorry. But enjoy and if I get the time... I'll post another chapter today to make up for it, that okay? Okay! Let's get on with the story! Hope you like it so far and enjoy the rest! Comment and vote if you want to support me, no need to be a silent reader.) 

It was late at night when two patients were reeled into the hospital. 

One seemed to be unharmed yet needed immediate attention whilst the other had burns over their body and a singular stab-like wound in the middle of their chest. 

"I'm calling it, Time of death: 2102 hours. Can someone please page Melissa McCall?" Liam Dunbar's stepfather stated. 

Another male doctor had been working on Alex: "I'm calling it, time of death 2102 hours. Can someone please page Melissa McCall and let her family know." 

Melissa was seen wailing at the loss of her son and a girl she saw as her daughter. The Sheriff, having received the information at a sudden moment, had collected his son and made their way to the hospital in a hurry. 

They looked truly broken at the sudden deaths of Scott McCall and Alex Stilinski. 

After both bodies were reeled too the morgue where the usual gang surrounded the two. 

Though Alex and Liam had not met, Liam could see that the rest cared for her-even Kira and her mother who had learnt the true reflection to the otherwise dark-natured girl. 

They were planning, when Stiles revealed an oddity Noshiko caught and made note of. 

"It's like now that I have this thing around my neck... that I feel even more connected to her. Like how Ethan and Aiden explained their bond to be like. I can tell she's scared, slightly in pain and... I think she's hiding something from us, it's like a type guilt I can't figure out." he explained.

"I think her Fallen Angel grace... dulls emotional connections unless she's fully willing to accept them. I think she refrains from allowing such a connection between you two because of how often she finds herself in harms way. But from what I have seen I think she does feel your emotions and sometimes physical state," the Older Fox replied. 

"We fight all the time, I don't think she's been the same after Kate, the Darach... our Void personalities. I'm just scared it gets bad, you know. I've seen her take risks when she was at a low, it's like she doesn't care. Like... like she wants to die." he told her. 

"I think your sister is strong and she's not here to tell you this now, but she loves you." she replied. 

"I don't need to think, I know Alex loves you Stiles. Just like I know she sees Scott as her stupidly annoying younger brother. I know we'll find a way through this, we always have." Melissa told him with a smile. 

Whilst everyone was now getting ready, Scott and Alex were having the 'dreams' they were warned they would have. 

It was night and quite cold out. Alex was walking towards her farm house where she and her adopted twins lived. As she walked, she was pulled into a darker corner. Her reaction was instant, she was alert with a weapon of some kind on her. In this case, it was a pistol. 

Her ocean blue eyes caught sight of her apparent attackers glowing blue ones just as they died down to their normal deep brown. "Peter?" she smiled, "You gave me a fright!" she giggled. 

He smirked at her reaction and kissed her, short and sweet, she noted. "Shh. They're here." he muttered. 

"Whose here? Where are the twins?" She asked, suddenly feeling panic rise in her chest. 

"Kate, her berserkers and the assassins." he spoke in a whisper. 

"I don't understand, wha-NO!" she screamed as Peter was stabbed, someone's hand in his back- Kate .

"No, no, no! I can't loose you too!" she started crying. 

"I-it's okay, I'll visit your brother, Lucifer, Derek... Talia. I'll keep them busy until you join us too." he smiled as Kate removed his heart. 

Alex's mind registered the problem and she ran, only to stop dead in her tracks as she entered the house. Her hand covered her mouth as she attempted to keep a loud sob from escaping it. 

The place was covered in blood and pieces of the human body she wasn't aware existed. Her brother, father, nephews, best friend, Scott even Melissa laid on the ground. 

"It's your fault," Kate laughed. 

"H-how is it m-my fault?" she sobbed. 

"Your the Fallen Angel, you don't deserve love. You certainly deserve to die." she spoke with her evil smile before beheading her.


Alex's eyes opened as she shot up in bed, a loud gasp escaping from her. Her Nephew's ran in with worried expressions on their faces. 

"Allybean? You okay?"  Sam asked, handing her a water bottle. 

"I-I think so." she squeaked out. 

"Dean, it's the veins." Sam pointed out. 

"Cas said they wouldn't start for another year!" Dean whispered to Sam but she heard. 

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked as she looked at her hands. They were smaller. 

"Don't you remember?" Her mother laughed. "This is where the monster you are, started surfacing. This was after the Hale fire, after you already killed so many others. After you killed him." she told her with a disgusted look in her eye and displayed on her face.  

"I'm not a monster!" she cried. 

"Of course you are," Dean scoffed. That hurt, she looked up to the older Winchester the most and it was no secret that she did. 

"Wh-what?" she silently asked in disbelief. 

"He said of course you are a monster, I think monster is putting it lightly. Abomination, homewrecker, life taker, happiness stealer-" 

"Disappointment." her mother interrupted Sam from continuing. 

"Kate saw it, she'll kill you and everyone who believes that you are human, that you aren't a monster." Claudia spoke, she looked as ill as Alex remembered she did on her deathbed. 

"Mother, I- You. What about Stiles?" she asked. 

"She's bound to be a disappointment just like you. He's collateral damage now. You RUINED HIM!" she snapped and advanced towards her daughter. 

"Mother no!" she screamed as her mother plunged her hand in her chest and looked up. "Would you mind making this a clear symbol with me?" 

"Displaying it for all too see," Gerard spoke from behind her, an archangel blade in hand. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Kate smiled, pouring Gasoline on her. 

A true threefold death, she noted. 

Her mother pulled her heart out, Gerard slit her throat and Kate ignited a flame which fell onto her, burning her. 


It kept happening over and over. First she's on her way with Peter, then she's killed and wakes up as her younger self with her Nephew's. 

This time, it was different though. Alex had grown tired of this. Every time someone killed her, her anger grew. 

A loud growl escaped her throat this time. Kate grabbed her, rather than Peter. She ripped Kate's heart out, only she turned into Peter at the last second. Not that it bothered Alex. 

Her movements were swift as she ran into the house. Everyone was alive and staring at her with an odd expression. She snapped and ripped everyone too shreds, including her family. The scary part was, she knew who she was killing... and she enjoyed it. 

She enjoyed their screams, their begging and crying. The feeling of their blood on her, the scent of their fear... the slight pain from ending the life of her twin. Every second. 

Kate then walked in, looking impressed: "I was right about the dangers behind those pretty blue eyes." she laughed but Alex had gone numb. Alex growled and tore the werejaguar to pieces. When she was done, she stood outside. Taking a deep breath as her eyes closed. 

When they reopened, she was back in the motel. Only she wasn't a little kid this time. 

Her mother appeared before the Winchesters this time. "Monster." she whispered. 

When the Winchesters ran in, they had their guns aimed at her, both saying the same thing. "Monster." 

She snapped once more. Killing both of them in cold blood. Then Gerard, then Kate, then anything she could het her hands on. 

She was being surrounded by people she killed or loved. All of them were chanting the same word, over and over again. "Monster." She had snapped to become what they spoke of. 

Eventually no more people could spawn around her, all of them were dead. Torn too pieces and laying around her like artwork. 

"I told you, you are a monster. You doom everything you touch." her mother calmly told her. 

"Monster."  Alex growled in answer. 

"Horrible, abomination of a monster!" her mother scolded and Alex pounced at her, this time as a wolf. 

Her white fur was covered in a matt black and red color from all the blood and so was her skin once she turned human. She let out a maniacal laugh as she watched the scene around her. 



Alex sat up with a gasp. Her eyes shining blue once more, with only a single, hushed word escaping from her mouth before she passed out once more. One everyone was able to hear.  

