Meeting the shrine people

So I just looked around, and took the peach pills from Nanami's hand.

"Are you a shrine maiden?"I asked Nanami.

"Umm, not really, I uh, It's hard to explain, you see-" Then she got interupted. "Nanami! I made turtle soup!"said a guy rushing to Nanami.

"No Mizuki, peach pills will do it."Said Nanami.

"Hello, I'm Mizuki, I'm the familiar here." He said.

"Familiar?" I asked.

"Why of course! I'm lady Nanami's familiar! She's the land god who lives at this shrine." Mizuki said.

"Land god?!" I asked looking at Nanami in chibi mode.

"Uh, yeah, that's a long story, but don't worry, you'll understand more later on. This is Mizuki, he's a snake yokai. Said Nanami.

"Hello! We are the shrine spirits of the Mikage Shrine! I'm Onikiri! And I'm Kotetsu! Said two little figures popping out of nowhere.

"Uh...I'm (y/n). N-nice to meet you all." I said. This is unbelievable. Land god?! Snake yokai and two shrine spirits?! Wait, something was wrong. Someone was missing around these weird people.

"Oh! Your back Tomoe!" Said Nanami looking behind me.

I slowly turned around. What I saw was a FOX YOKAI!
