chapter 14: A new family



Chapter 14: A new family.

7 almost 8 year old Misaki giggled as she ran across the yard giggling as Kuky barked and ran along with her. She fell to the ground with a breathless giggle, he jumped on her stomach and snuggled against her, she kissed his head and smiled at him, he let out a playful growl and patted at her with his small paws. His foot caught the necklace around her neck making her grunt.

“Careful boy.” she said and sat up checking the necklace for damage, it was a twisted design that had the Uchiha symbol on one side and the Uzumaki symbol on the other, she had received it for her 7th birthday from Itachi and he told her that it represented that she was apart of both great clans and always would be.

She held it and kissed it gently with a smile, the wind blew through her long blue-black locks, Kuky grumbled with a whine getting her attention, she giggled and moved the necklace back under her shirt and looked at him, she saw movement and looked over at Kiki who was hopping along eating the fresh spring grass blissfully ignoring the fox and the fox ignoring her. She got up again and ran around again with giggles.

“Misaki! Lunch!” she smiled and picked up Kiki who relaxed in her arms and Kuky ran behind her into the house, she pulled her shoes off quickly and put Kiki in her large cage and walked into the kitchen.

Itachi smiled at her and she gave him a big grin, he put a sandwich down on a plate with some veggies and her favorite juice.

She smiled and quickly ate her lunch and Itachi watched and smiled as she thought she was being snaky and slipping some to Kuky.

“So, did I finally make it right?” he asked talking about the sandwich. Misaki had been complaining to him that he didn't spread the condiments on the bread correctly or the meat wasn't cut right like how Naru had done.

“It's getting better...” she said, he smiled and sighed. “Still not as good as momma's though!” he sighed with a slump making her giggle and he huffed playfully. “Oh daddy! I wanted go ask, can I go on big C-rank mission with uncle Sasuke-sensei and Kakashi-sensei?” she asked and took a gulp of her drink.

“Hm.” he said stroking his chin with a smile.

“PLEASE!!!!!” she whined and gave him a puppy dog pout, he hummed again and continued to think knowing it was driving her positively insane, she whined and bounced in place a little.

“I guess so.” he said, she cheered loudly and launched at him with a tight hug. “So long as you do your chores and you get your work done.” he said, she nodded quickly.

“I promise!” she said holding her hand up, he chuckled and ruffled her hair.

“Good girl, now I have to go to the hokage office and Kakashi is coming over to babysit, you're going to be a good girl right?” he asked.

“Yes sir!” she said nodding quickly.

“Good!” he said. “I'm going to get ready, you wait for him.” he said, she nodded and Itachi walked up the steps to the master bedroom so he could wash up and get changed.

When he came down he heard Misaki greeting Kakashi who gave a cheerful greeting right back, he looked at Itachi and smiled.

“Thanks again for this.” Itachi said pulling his shoes on.

“No problem.” he said.

“She just had lunch so if she wants a snack she can have one.” he said, Kakashi nodded. “You know all of that. Oye!” he said shaking his head, Kakashi chuckled. “Be good Misaki.” he said as he walked out.

“I promise!” Misaki called and waved as he left.

“Wanna go train some?”
“Yeah!” she said excitedly, Kakashi chuckled and followed the girl out into the backyard of the house.


Itachi walked from the hokage tower two hours later and sighed as he stretched popping his back, he was finally getting full admittance as a Konoha ninja again and he was working on creating an alliance with the akatsuki with Konoha.

He walked through the streets nodding at a few people who had accepted the man, he paused at the Yamanaka flower shop and walked in and shopped around for a bit. He walked out with a few things of flowers and headed to the village graveyard and bent down to the one grave marker and wiped some grass and dirt from it, he placed the flowers in the cups and sighed quietly as he sat down fully.

“I wish you could be here with me, you'd love Misaki, she's grown up so much and is progressing quickly. Already going on C-rank missions, she's almost ready for the chunin exams, I haven't told her yet, I'm still deciding.” he said and sighed. “I miss you.” he said and leaned back and stared at the sky what was ever so slowly changing colors because of the time. He sighed and continued to talk very quietly for almost an hour before he decided to head home.

When he walked in and pulled his shoes off he noticed the kitchen and dining room light on. “Daddy! You were gone for a very long time!” Misaki said coming out and putting her hands on her hips with a pout and frown and a glare, he sweat dropped and chuckled.

“I'm sorry … I'm sorry.” he said with a small chuckle.

“I made supper!” she said puffing her chest out and holding head high with a smug grin.

“Oh really?” he said and ran up and picked her making her squeal and giggle, he looked around. “Where is Kakashi?” he asked noticing the man's shoes were gone.

“I sent him home.” he turned and looked at his very pregnant wife Naru standing by the table with a smile.

“You shouldn't be up.” he said letting Misaki down, she sighed exasperatedly and rolled her eyes.

“I'm pregnant, not handicap.” she said, he chuckled. “I just sent him home not even five minutes ago, so it's okay.” she said. “And anyways, I wasn't doing anything, Misaki was the chef tonight and forbid me from helping.” she said, Misaki held her head high again.

“Yep! So sit! Sit! I'll bring it!” she said pushing Itachi a little and running into the kitchen, he chuckled and walked up and kissed Naru's lips, she smiled at him gently, he brushed her bangs back and sat down.

“Are you sure you're okay, you're almost due.” he said touching her stomach gently.
“I'm fine, just not when you're son kicks, are all of them gonna be kickers?” she asked, Itachi chuckled and she smiled at him.

“OKAY! HERE WE GO!!” Misaki said coming out carrying a plate with a bunch of sandwiches stacked on it, they chuckled as Misaki pushed it on the table and ran back in to bring out soup and finally one more trip she brought out her juice in a large pitcher.

“Well, this all looks delicious!” Naru said, Misaki smiled and got in her own chair and sighed.

Itachi poured the drinks and passed them out and they took sandwiches and some soup and began to eat.

“So where have you been?” she asked.

“Talking to mom, it's her birthday today.” he said, Naru blinked.

“I'm sorry, I totally forgot.” she said.

“It's okay.” he said with a chuckle.

“Well you know she'd be very proud of you.” she said, Itachi smiled as Naru took his hand and squeezed, he leaned over and kissed her lips.

“Ewwwww!” Misaki said, they pulled apart and chuckled and began to eat their supper. “I even made dessert!”
“Well!” Itachi said, she giggled and ran out and came back with a bowl and set it on the table, Itachi opened it and pulled out a piece of cookie dough with a gummy bear sticking out of it.

“Cookie dough?” Naru asked, Misaki blushed.

“Well I'm not allowed to use the oven.” she said tapping her fingers together with a blush, Naru ate one and chuckled.

“Yum.” she said, Misaki lit up and grabbed a few of her own.

“How about I cook these huh?” Itachi asked, both nodded and he walked into the kitchen and put them in the oven and came back out.

“I think I'm going to skip on cookies okay.” Naru said, Misaki whined.

“I'm very tired.” she said and kissed her head. “I promise I'll have one for breakfast tomorrow.” she said, Misaki nodded with a smile.

Naru slowly walked up the steps and sat down and sighed as she laid down and put her arm over her eyes and her mind went back to the fight with Orochimaru.


MOMMA!!!” Misaki screamed, her chakra spiked and began to form over her, Itachi blinked in shock.

What is she-?” he asked.

She's summoned the king of Hell.” he turned and saw Pein standing there.

What does that mean?” Sasuke asked as Sakura healed his wounds.

She's gonna bring Naru back, whether she knows it or not.”
“Wont that kill her?!” Itachi said and turned Misaki but she was unconscious, Pein walked up and touched Misaki's head and focused.

He appeared in an area of pitch blackness, he saw Misaki's spirit running and he ran up and caught her.

Uncle Nagato?” she asked. “Where's momma!?!” she asked. “Momma!!” she yelled, they turned as they saw another spirit appear and they saw it was Naru's with Orochimaru attached. “MOMMA!” she yelled and ran to her, she skidded as a figure appeared in front of Naru and began to grab it.

Misaki! Stop!” Pein barked as she reached out.

NO! I gotta save my momma!” she said.

I'll save your mom but you need to step back.” he said, Misaki cried out as she began to slide forward towards the Shinigami, Pein grabbed her and pushed her behind him. “Hah!” he said focusing, the Shinigami froze and glared.

I select a soul trade.” he said, the Shinigami paused.

“That one's, take the attached snake who has so many souls inside of him for the woman.” he said, the Shinigami reached out and grabbed Orochimaru who let out a bloodcurdling scream as he was pulled with the Shinigami.

Go.” he ordered, Pein touched Naru's body and it faded away, Misaki cried out in shock and Pein hit her chest and she disappeared and he faded away.

Pein opened his eyes and blinked, Itachi was holding Misaki's limp body close to him trying to wake her up, her chakra faded away.
“Itachi she'll be fine.” he said, he blinked and gulped.

You medic ninja's you need to heal this wound on Naru.” Pein ordered, Tsunade walked up and healed the deep cut on Naru's wrist repairing the artery and she blinked as she suddenly felt a tiny flutter of a heartbeat under her thumb, she watched Naru's skin change from sickly gray pale color to her normal fair tan shade.

Her eyes opened slowly and she looked around and sighed, Itachi sighed in relief and even noticed Misaki stirring a little.

Misaki?” Naru rasped, she saw her daughter who opened her eyes and smiled at her, she sighed in relief and blinked as she watched Misaki's eyes fade from the rinnegan to her normal bright purple eyes, she smiled gently, Misaki cried out and crawled to her mom and hugged her tight, Naru blinked as few times and tears ran down her cheeks as she held Misaki.

You're an idiot.” Itachi said, she chuckled and got ready to retort but he leaned down and kissed her lips making her blush red.


The door came open and Naru looked as Misaki came in followed by Itachi, Naru sat up slowly and hugged Misaki. “Goodnight momma, goodnight baby brother.” she said rubbing her stomach gently, Naru smiled.

“Goodnight Misaki.” she said and the girl walked out to get ready for bed, Itachi chuckled and sat next to her and Naru laid back down and sighed, he kissed her lips and his hand rubbed her wrist, he looked at it and sighed quietly.

“Thanks.” she said, he blinked.

“Thank you.” he said with a smile, she smiled. “You need some rest.” he said, she nodded and relaxed and started to doze off with Itachi laying next to her, the door came open again and Misaki walked in, they blinked as she climbed up on the bed and pushed her way in between Itachi and Naru.

“Misaki?” Naru asked, she grunted and pushed Itachi until he fell off the bed with a yelp.

“I wanna stay with my baby brother.” she said, Naru chuckled and nodded as she laid down.

“Hey!” Itachi whined.

“Night daddy.” Misaki said, Naru laughed as Itachi grumbled and got up on the bed scooping Misaki up.

“You little brat.” he said, she giggled as he tickled her before settling down and kissing Naru's lips again and they closed their eyes falling asleep together as a family.


Beautiful disaster is over!!!!! Hope you liked it!!! Review, vote and share!! Keep your eyes open for more Naruto fanfiction! If you are a fan of mine over on FF and you wish to see a story from there on here, shoot me a message and let me know!
