Chapter 13 // Moving Out

Marie finally woke up from her unconscious state. She looked around realizing she was now in her room.

Beaumont leaned in close to her and sighed with relief, "Finally, you're awake."

"Oh Beaumont! I just had the strangest dream of my... life—" Marie saw Adam sitting in the corner of the room, "Oh my word."

Marie started to fade again, but Beaumont shook her desperately, "Mother! Mother, it's alright!" She came to and looked over at Adam in fear. Beaumont bit his lip nervously and explained, "This is Adam." He half-smiled at the massive beast in the bedroom, the sight took Beaumont by surprise for a moment, "He is the... boy"

Adam gave her a big smile, baring his teeth too wide. He tried his best to look friendly, but it ended up being truly terrifying. Beaumont covered his mouth trying his best not to laugh hysterically.

Marie noticed Beaumont's calm composure and settled down, the fear slowly subsiding. She glanced at Adam, then back to Beaumont whispering, "Why did you bring him here, Beaumont?"

"Mother, he can speak." He chuckled looking over at Adam.

Marie turned back to Adam, completely entranced by his appearance, "Oh... sorry, love." Her confused state subsided, she wanted answers. Marie whipped her head back to Beaumont and glared at him, "Explain."

Beaumont sighed and Adam shrank further into the corner with his ears tucked back. Beaumont asked, "How much, mother?"

"All. Of. It." Marie looked at Adam with the same stern glare, "You're not out of the woods either!"

Adam whimpered softly. No one stood up to him like that before.

Marie had tamed the beast with no effort at all.

Beaumont laughed and smiled at her, saying lovingly, "Oh how I've missed you, mother."

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After a long and very detailed explanation of the last few days, Marie began pacing the room, soaking in what she heard. Adam was still cowered in the corner, shocked by her immense attitude.

"I know it seems insane, but it could solve everything, mother." Beaumont added desperately.

Adam gained some confidence and chimed in shyly, "I-it would be my honor, Madame."

"Your honor?" Marie scoffed and glared at him, "What are you? A prince?"

"Was..." Adam looked away.

Marie turned back to him, her heart felt heavy as she noticed the deep pain in that response.

Adam continued, "I've made many mistakes in my life, but I know doing this for you two isn't one of them. " He stood up proudly and bowed, oddly very gentlemanly for being a beast, and said, "It would truly be my honor, Madame."

Marie sighed and gave him a half-smile. She turned to Beaumont and finally agreed, "Alright, I trust this decision."

She grabbed an old, dusty suitcase from under her mattress and heaved it onto the bed. Beaumont and Adam looked at each other, both holding a confused, almost worried complexion. She turned to them and shook her head, placing her hands on her hips. Marie scolded, "Don't just stand there! Get packing!" Marie went to exit, but before leaving, she turned and glared at Adam, holding up an accusing finger, "I better not find one tear in my dresses."

Adam's tail shot between his legs and he nodded quickly, daring not to stare into her cold eyes. Marie smiled and strolled out of the room.

Beaumont was trying his best not to laugh, snickering under his breath. He just couldn't help teasing him and whispered, "She's got you whipped."

Adam blushed and glared at him, growling, "Shut it, Beaumont."

The two stared at all the clothing Marie had. With a heavy sigh, they slumped down  on the floor next to each other and began folding the clothing.

Beaumont worked quickly and efficiently. Humming to himself pleasantly as his pile shrank. Adam was still trying to fold the first, but it kept slipping out of his massive paws at each attempt. He growled with frustration and tossed the garment back on his pile. Adam crossed his arms and hissed, "This is stupid! I won't fold anymore." He turned away from the pile grumpily.

Beaumont glared at Adam and shook his head saying, "Do you want to take that up with my mother?"

Adam's eyebrows shot up and his ears folded back as he whimpered, "Oh god no." He stood up and scowled at the clothing saying, "I can't do this though. Any other suggestions?"

"How about this?" He explained, "I'll finish this and you can carry our belongings. Fair trade?"

"I guess so..." Adam grumbled, pacing the room. He was always the one being served; not the other way around.

Beaumont laughed and rolled his eyes at him as he folded the rest of the clothing. Adam scoffed and turned away from Beaumont, but couldn't hold back the amused grin on his face.

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Marie and Beaumont stood close to each other, hands locked together firmly as they stared at their little cottage. They both let out a heavy sigh and turned away from what was their home. It was no longer a sanctuary for them; just another memory of the provincial village. If they stayed just another day, who's to say what could happen?

Edon was on the prowl, Beaumont just knew it.

Adam sadly watched his new guests with ears folded back and head hunched over. Everything that they thought was safe was now being ripped away from them. As he watched, Adam knew this couldn't be easy, but he was more sure than ever that letting them stay with him was the right thing to do.

He kept his part of the deal, and without any effort at all, carried all of their belongings. Adam was more than happy to help with whatever they needed. It was a good feeling for him to be useful.

The small family turned away from their home Adam noticed Marie was sobbing softly as Beaumont held her close to him.

Beaumont looked back at Adam and gave a quick smirk. He nodded and said, "Let's go."

Adam nodded back, returning a reassuring smile.

They walked through the cobblestone streets quietly, and after a short while, they safely made it back to the carriage.

One of the horses pulling the carriage huffed and kicked excitedly at the sight of Marie. To her surprise, it was the family horse, Phillipe. She ran to him and held onto his neck tightly, petting his snout tenderly. She gushed happily, "Oh how I've missed you, Phillipe. I was scared I never would see you again."

Marie's joy warmed Beaumont's heart. Reassuring him yet again that they were on their way to a new and better life.

He assisted his mother into the carriage, and then helped Adam load the carriage. They both smiled at each other, but it was cut short by the gasp coming from Marie.

"What's wrong, mother?" Beaumont replied hesitantly.

"I forgot my sketchbook." She cried, "I can't leave without it, Beaumont, I just can't." She sighed frustratingly, "I'm sorry, but I have to go get it."

Adam stepped in quickly and exclaimed, "I can retrieve it! I remember seeing it on the kitchen table!"

Beaumont smiled warmly at him, "You don't have to do that, Adam."

"I insist, Beaumont! You two get going. I'll catch up after I get the sketchbook." He pointed at his nose excitedly, "I can just sniff you out! All I need is something of yours to smell."

Beaumont hastily gave Adam his scarf, "Thank you, Adam. I don't know what we would do without you." Beaumont hugged Adam unexpectedly.

Adam tensed at first, but eventually gave in to his gratitude and returned the hug. He smiled proudly, happy that his beastliness was finally useful. Once they separated, he turned toward the village, "I'll be right back. Stay safe."

In an instant, he disappeared in the shadows.

Beaumont hopped into the carriage and smiled at his mother saying, "Are you ready, mother?"

Marie nodded and chuckled softly, "Yes, my love." Before they start of, Marie leaned in closer to Beaumont and whispered, "You like him, don't you?"

"Mother!" Beaumont exclaimed, blushing.

"Just asking." Marie giggled and held onto Beaumont's arm as they departed from Villeneuve for the final time.

Once out of sight, a dark figure revealed itself from the shadows. It was Beaumont's worst nightmare: Edon.

"Now where could he be going?" He said bitterly. He looked back at his two brothers, motioning them towards their horses, "Lets go!"

The three siblings mounted their horses and raced off towards Beaumont and Marie.
