Chapter 23 (Edited)


6.4k reads aaaaahhh you people are awesome *happy dance*









lil muslimgirl







Wattpad is giving more trouble so I can't see all the other voters. But if you voted its aso dedicated to you!!!


•°•°Amina's Pov•°•°

I was sitting with Aliyah while she put my mendhi on, "Hey Amii where's Layla? She's been out a while and I think its raining."
"You right hey, I'll go check." Tasha said.

•°•°Tasha's Pov•°•°

"Layla? Layla where are you?"
Where is this girl?
"Layla?" I walked around the house and up the street but she's no where to be seen. I went back inside,
"Hey Amii, Layla is no where to be seen."

•°•°Amina's Pov•°•°

"What do you mean she's no where to be seen?"
"Exactly what I said, I checked everywhere." Tasha said rubbing her forehead.

This is bad. Layla would never leave without saying anything. "Wait let me call home."
"No Amii lets just check again before getting everyone worried." Aliyah said tapping my back.

"Do you think she made a run for it?" Tasha asked.
"Like seriously Tasha, the girl is getting married tomorrow." I said panicking.

"Hey Amii isn't this Layla's bracelet?" Aliyah said holding up the diamond silver bracelet.
"That's the bracelet Hamza gave Layla." I said.

"Something smells fishy." Tasha said scrunching up her eyebrows
"Wait I'm phoning mom," 

•Ring Ring,  Ring Ring•

“Salaams mom, is uh Layla there?" I asked calmly.
“No dear, why would she be? Isn't she with you'll? Did something happen? Amina did something happen, where is Layla?" Mom asked.

"Uh, I...I uh I don't know” I said
"What do you mean you don't know? She was with you'll. What happened?" Mom asked.

"She went out for some air but never came back, we found her bracelet. But we can't find her." I said softly
"Okay I'll get your father we will be there soon." Mom said before cutting the call.

I should call Hamza bhai maybe he would know where she is.

•Ring Ring,  Ring Ring•

"Salaams Amina what's up?"
"Wassalaams, uh Hamza we can’t find Layla, do you know where she could be?” I asked hoping he would know where she was.


“She stepped out for some air but did not come back. We can't find her. We only found her bracelet." I said.

*Call ended*

“Hello?” He cut the call.

•°•°Layla's Pov•°•°

My throat feels like there's a lump of sand in it. Ouch my head hurts so badly. What happened? Wait where am I? I forced my eyes to open, but all I saw was black around me. I tried to scream but to my luck my throat hurt no words came out because I had something over my mouth. I heard some noises and light blazing at me. My eyes started to sting with pain. I tried moving but failed due to the ropes I was tied down with. I heard familiar voices but I couldn't make them out. I saw a large figure standing in front of me. I looked up at a tall huge man.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

"Hmm." Was all I could mutter.
He opened the rag that was tied around my mouth and hands and handed me a bottle of water. I drank it all in one sip.
"Thank you." I said.

"What is that?" he pointed to my hands.

I looked to what he had pointed to. My mendhi, wait Amina and the girls they must be so worried. "I have to go." I tried standing.

"NO." He pushed me back down and picked up the rope.
"Wait please let me go, I'm getting married tomorrow."

"I'm sorry but I can't." He said tying me up again.

"Why what do you want from me?!"
Hot tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"Let me go please."

"Please everyone must be worried."
He pulled out a large needle and injected it into my arm.
"I'm sorry" was the last thing I hear.

•°•°Hamza's Pov•°•°

•Ring Ring, Ring Ring•

“Salaams Amina, What's up?" I said
“Wassalaams, uh Hamza we can’t find Layla, do you know where she could be?” Amina asked.

"She stepped out for some air but did not come back. We can't find her, we only found her bracelet." Amina said.

*Call ended*

This has to be his doing. I clenched my fists, my blood was boiling. I punched the glass door. It shattered into pieces. I'll break his f@#*n bones!!!
"Hamza is everything ok? I heard something break." Ammi called from the door. I went over to the door and opened it.

"Ya Allah, What happened to your hand?" Ammi asked.
I looked down to see my hand covered in blood.

"Ammi Layla is missing."
"Oh no, she seemed like such a nice girl, she could have just said no if she didn't want to marry you not cause drama a night before the wedding."
"NO Ammi she would never run away, she was kidnapped."
"Ya Allah, I have to call Asma, let me get the first aid kit." Ammi said rushing to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

•°•°Layla's Pov•°•°

Unknown Voice; "She is mine now!"
Second Unknown Voice; “NO you gave me your word. After I get her you won't harm her."
First Unknown Voice; "Hahahaha You believed my word."
I heard the voices again. They were so familiar, the door swung open and the sharp light once again stung my eyes.
First Unknown Voice ; "Well, well. Look who came to visit."

Please check out my sister's story... A Muslim's journey ...

It's on my account but written by her jzkz

Short... and boring chapter I know...!!!

Anyways whatcha guys think happened to layla???






