Returned Home...

After a few days, Entei finally let Beanie go even though He didn't seem to like letting her go but he did, mewtwo grabbed Beanie and flew them to where Beanie was living.

They landed in front of the house but no one saw them "um mew, tell entei I appreciate him and tell mew that they were hopeful" Beanie smiled as mewtwo pat her head

"Sure, just stay safe, I bet that's what entei would've liked" mewtwo then flew up and said its goodbyes

Little Beanie got into her home, everyone was doing thier normal things she felt as if she didn't even matter so she went to her room and got changed, she felt so exhausted that she passed out

The next day, she woke up to find herself in bed with her bother crying "?? Bobo?-" her brother looked up with tears in his eyes and hugged her

"Don't ever go missing EVER again, mom and dad didn't believe me when I said I couldn't find you, i-" Beanie hugged her brother with her tiny arms but her right arm fell down "!!" Her brother panicked and got thier mother into the room

"What's this about-" Beanie looked at Her mother and felt uncomfortable, the lady who had watched over Beanie was nicer then this mom, she also just now realized that she was supposed to get Ms. Kina food but she forgot

"I'm fine, Mom- Mother" her mother looked shocked to see her use the full word but she picked up Beanie and her right arm wasn't able to move

"Let's get you to a hospital, sweetheart" beanie could tell her mother didn't enjoy calling her sweetheart, it even felt a bad taste in Beanies Brain

Her brother held her As he ran into the hospital saying her right arm wasn't working, they doctor took her in immediately

After a few days in the hospital, Beanie had a cast on her arm and was able to go back home but now she forgot her adventure, about being kidnapped, about Kina, all she could do was forget her friends she made and forced on the life she was given

~~~ Time skip ~~~

As a 9 year old Beanie was playing with her LPS and MLP and Toy Cars, she was outside and heard people fall. She then looked over at them and saw three girls laying there

"omg HI, I'm beanie do you guys need anything?" The girls looked at Beanie confused
"I'm Isabella" said the girl with the covered eye

"I'm Fun Girl but I go by many names" said the girl in a school girl uniform

"I'm nightmare" said the girl with robotic parts

Beanie grew excited, it's been a while since she made new friends, her old one left her for a dumb reason fun fact: that actually happened to me

They all told Beanie why they were there and suddenly Beanie thought "oh no, you guys probably haven't ate let, ima go get you some apples stay here" beanie left the yard and the girls were confused but went with it until it took longer then they excepted
