
1. Please be descriptive, I know sometimes we get tired, I work five days a week, so sometimes my replies are short. I am currently starting a new job, so I will be less available during the day.

2. If you're roleplaying with me, no text talk. I don't mind having friends on here, but if we are in a roleplay, do not be like "hey" if we are out of a roleplay, I don't mind if you text talk me.

3. I will not, and by all means, NOT do any nsfw roleplay with anyone under the age of 18.

4. If you want to tell me something, change something, say hello, use the following
( ) , / , ||, { }, [ ], unless we don't have a roleplay going, you can just simply text me normally without the inserts.

5. If we are in a roleplay don't double text. If I don't respond right away, don't push it. I will simply delete your message.

6. Everyone has 5 days to respond for roleplays. This will not apply to those letting me know they are on vacation, school, away for personal reasons.

7. Communication is a gift. Let me know how you're feeling, reach out if you need something, if you're bored, tell me and we can figure it out.  I'm easy to work with.

8. Save the drama for someone who cares. It's not me, I don't care. I left because of intense drama, I will leave again.

9. I take character requests, but please, if you request a character, use them.

10. No killing, rape, incest, suicide. I am okay with drugs, mental health, alcohol and self harm in most cases. If you don't think you should send it, don't.

11. Have fun. This is meant to be fun, make friends and just be yourself. If you read through all the rules be sure to leave a comment on what your favorite song is. That way I know you actually read it.

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