(3) The Bully

Chapter 3:

"Caitlyn, get up!" My brother called from the other side of the door. I still wanted to sleep, but I knew that it was no use, I had to go now. I've been awake for an hour now, and I finally want to sleep.

"You've got an hour, Caitie." His voice getting quieter and quieter with each word said, walking away from my door. Before I could fall asleep, I jumped out of my bed and took a shower. I'll just have to sleep after school. After, I gently squeezed my dripping hair and placed another towel over my shoulders. I wiped my body and wore my underwear. I brushed my teeth, then I wrapped my damp hair in the towel over my shoulder, and went in my room.

I searched for something comfortable to wear for school. I decided to wear a plain purple shirt and grey pants, and wore my favorite white jacket. I put on my sneakers and took one shoulder strap of my bag, and rushed out my room.

Just in time, Cody was now starting to eat some scrambled eggs with some ketchup. He already set my plate, so I sat beside him on the bar stool, and started to eat.

"C'mon squirt, you've got to get your schedule." He grabbed his keys off the coffee table, and I followed him out the door. My brother walked down the hall, and into the elevator. At the lobby, a few kids about my age were texting and sitting on the chairs, maybe waiting for someone.

My brother and I walked to the exclusive parking lot beside our apartment complex. He pressed the lock of his car, and his 2007 Chervolet Impala beeped. He opened the driver's seat car door and sat in, while I sat shotgun.

"Are you gonna drive me to school everyday?" I asked while he drove out of the parking lot and into the quite busy street.

"Well, I was hoping next week you could go to school with Brad, Brian's younger brother. He goes to the same school with you, same grade. But I have different shifts with Brian, so we sometimes take turns in taking him to school, but that was before. He has his own car now."

I closed my eyes and rested my head in the headrest of the car.

"I'm gonna buy you a car though when you get your license. Isn't it you have your driver's permit?"

"Mm-hm. Gonna get my license on December, if I pass the drivers test."

A few minutes went on; it was quiet in the car. Comfortable silence, though.

"Well, here's your school squirt." I opened my eyes and looked at Cody's smiling face. I turned to my right, and my eyes widened.

It was like those schools you see on TV where the students were all beautiful and popular. It has a gorgeous lawn in front, and many teenagers were frolicking on the stone steps

I realized most of the girls here were wearing designer and expensive looking clothes. Their hair was perfect, as if styled by a personal hair stylist, and they had nice bodies that they obviously took care of. The guys had such huge biceps, and their hair messed up in a way you'd think they were going to a photoshoot. I felt my stomach churn. Something I haven't felt this bad until this day. I clutched my stomach.

"Got the case of the jitters, huh squirt?" He asked. I gulped and nodded.

"They look so beautiful. I mean, they're those kinds of people who would be given a modeling contract while they're walking down the street."

"Caitie, don't compare. They don't have your natural beauty. You aren't used to people like them, since no one at your old school is like them. They all wear too much make-up and outfits that show too much. Look at you, you're beautiful, and you look decent."

I smiled at Cody, feeling less insecure. My brother knows how to make me feel better. I gave him a hug, and I grabbed my bag from the back seat.

"Bye Coco"

"Bye squirt."

I closed the door behind me, and walked down the long front steps of the school. I looked back, and saw my brother driving away. I took a deep breath. Many of the teenagers were now looking at me. Great, the new girl gets all the attention. I squeezed the handle of my bag, nervous. There was a sign for where the office is, and so I followed the directions.

In the office, a secretary was seated in the front desk. I walked towards her.

"Hello, I'm Caitlyn Jones, can I have my schedule?"

She didn't look at me. Instead, she searched for something and handed me a lengthwise of a bond paper.

"Here you go, have a nice day." She said, looking back into her computer, typing furiously. I shifted my back pack to the right and walked out into the crowded hall. I looked down at my schedule, seeing my locker number at the top. I started searching for my locker.

On my way down the hall, I heard a bit of whooping, and I turned to see two guys heading my direction

One of them was a guy who was about a few inches taller than me. His muscles were obviously well built, and you could almost see the guy's abs underneath move in rhythm with every movement he did. His jet black hair gelled up, showing of his chiseled high cheekbones and golden brown eyes.

The other guy, who was the more handsome one, was the guy who I encountered in the elevator.

"Oooh, we got ourselves a pretty little new girl."

The guy from the elevator had a stomach-lurching smirk on his face, like his friend, though his suited him less compared to him

I was too preoccupied at taking in everything about the incredibly handsome guy to notice that he was right in front of me, now with the smirk off his face. His eyes were staring right back at mine. He tilted his head with curiosity. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're that girl from the elevator." He said in a weird look.

"Small world huh?" I say, my eyes still locked on his.

I didn't realize that the hallway was actually quiet to look at my staring contest with the guy. A sudden slam of a locker broke us out of our trance. I turned to look at the source of the sound, but it was blocked by a sea of people, who're also looking at the source. I think I heard a sorry, and then the sea turned to look back at me.

I looked back at the elevator dude, who was now smirking.

"So what should we do with new girl?" He asked his still smirking friend. "Closet."

I was about to ask what they meant, when elevator guy grabbed hold of my legs, and carried me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing.

"Put me down!" I said, feeling all the blood rush to my head. I heard laughter all around me. I kept telling him to put me down. I finally screamed, and he placed me down. No, strike that. He shook me off, making me fall off his shoulder butt first on the cold, hard floor. Before I could see properly, it became dark. I heard muffled laughter, and I knew that I was stuck in here.

I tried to turn on the light in the closet, but I couldn't find the switch anywhere. I tried to open the door, but no such luck too. Whenever I'd bang the door, or yell out for help, people in the other side would laugh. I sat down on the floor, giving up.

It smelled like floor wax and faintly of dirty water in the closet. I heard the first bell ring. The hall seemed to be completely deserted. Great, now what? I sighed and waited for someone to pass again. I started to check my phone for the time. 8:17 am. I started playing games on my phone with the volume at its peak, just in case someone hears me.

After 5 games, I finally heard the doorknob shaking. The door opened, revealing a pretty girl with steel grey eyes and luscious black hair.

"Oh my God, they're so dead." She lent me a hand, and I took it with appreciation. My butt already hurts. "It was a good thing I was late or else you would've been stuck there 'till the janitor would come and open this. Thank God I have an extra key."

I closed the door behind me and shifted my bag to the other side. I was terribly embarrassed.

"What's your first subject?"


"Good, we're in the same class. Come on, they're in our class too, we can teach them a lesson." She started walking, and I followed her

"Who are in our class too?"

"The ones who stuck you in the closet. Don't tell me you're not gonna get back at them."

I stopped walking. She walked on, talking about what she'd do. She finally realized I stopped walking, and she came back for me. "Wait, you aren't?"

I shrugged.

"New girl, they locked you in the janitor's closet. Aren't you mad at them?"

"I don't really like violence."

She raised an eyebrow, eyeing me curiously. "Well, if you won't, then I will, they always do that to new kids. I know because I was one. I know how you feel, so I'll get back at them."

I sighed, there's nothing I can do to change her mind. I gave her a nod, and walked together with her.

"You know you're lucky" She said quietly "I was poured with mop water."

I gasped. "That's just mean." There was an awkward silence after. I looked at her eyes. They, at first, were filled with sadness, and then it was filled with hatred. "That's why I look out for new people. You're lucky that I helped you. I had to sit in class the whole day smelling like the floor since I didn't have a phone, or a friend, or someone to help me."

I frowned this time, disgusted at how they treat others, "That's so mean!" I say, my voice shaking with anger. She looked at me and smirked. "I know right."

God, I hate people who bully. I hate them so damn much!

"Why do they do that? Be mean to new guys?" She shrugged. "I guess they're just the typical bullies, not to mention hottest guys of this school."

I remembered the way they walked towards me, and how everyone stared at them. The boys with some kind of grudging respect, and the girls with cartoon hearts on their eyes.

I rolled my eyes to the dirty, cream colored ceiling.. Wasn't expecting to study in such a stereotypical setting.

A rap on the door interrupted my thoughts, we were in front of a door with the word HISTORY on it. The door swung open, revealing a short old man with a balding head.

"Why, hello Elaina, another new girl, I suppose?" He gave me a nice, friendly smile. I replied him with a half smile, still not recovering from being locked in the closet. The teacher opened the door bigger for us, and as we stepped in, howls of laughter filled the air. I felt myself blushing, but I had the courage to keep my head up.

My eyes locked with elevator guy. He wasn't laughing nor smirking, he had a blank expression and he was staring at me again. I felt a shiver go up my spine. I took in a sharp breath of air, and I came back to reality. The teacher was talking to the other guy who was with elevator guy, still laughing, with this Elaina girl glaring at him. I blushed even more, and I looked down on my sneakers. I have never been so embarrassed in my life.

"That's it! Principal's office, now!"

I snapped my head up. The teacher was now giving the stink eye to elevator guy, who was now standing beside his friend. His friend went out of the room with a smirk, while elevator guy looked at me. What's with this guy? He keeps staring at me. I looked away as fast possible, searching for a seat.

When elevator guy went, the teacher told me to seat wherever I want, so Elaina grabbed my wrist and made me sit behind her. She looked at me, then gave me a friendly smile.

"I forgot my manners, I'm Elaina Fitzgerald."

"Caitlyn Jones."


Hope you guys enjoyed this one! Next update is next Friday :D

This is dedicated to my real life and wattpad bestie Jia, who helped me get through a rough day today. Check out her works you guys! Don't forget to vote :)
