Chapter 21: Chernobyl in Russia & Shockwave

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*Sigh*" He was sigh out little bit and he just sat down on the chair and he was holding his assault rifle and make him sat there and waiting for this mission for what he is going to do is...helping the mankind by himself. Then (Y/N) knew the others are ready for mission and this is battle and the mission for saving this mankind's world...and hunt down some Decepticons and Megatron with Starscream.

But they have other mission first is...they going to get the Chernobyl by themselves and it is where the Russia really is and (Y/N) was with the others must get there first before the Decepticon will reach it. After (Y/N) with the others were stepped out of the truck and make them were land down on the ground and they are lock with load their weapons up right away and (Y/N) look around in this place and it is cold with snow outside here.

Lennox: "Alright, let's get moving right now!!!! We have work to do...we get the Chernobyl and if Decepticons arrive here! (Y/N) will back you all up!" He said to them and make them nod their heads and then (Y/N) with the others are went there right away and they both just checking out and make sure if something goes wrong. When (Y/N) was with the soldiers are inside the building and they both went up there and then they start to searching for the Chernobyl by themselves and make sure they get it safety.

Soldier 1: "Where's the Decepticons?"

(Y/N): "I hope they are gonna arrive" He said and then they both heard the rumbling and rumbling comes from the ground and something else is here and make (Y/N) was definitely feeling it is come here. Then he saw something else burst through the walls and also the other grounds too and make (Y/N) with the others surprise and he shout out.

(Y/N): "GET BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them nod their heads and they were running away from here.

When (Y/N) was with the others are fighting back at these tentacles comes from the Decepticon monster and the creature had someone else with it...and something more like creepy Decepticon that (Y/N) is gonna see. This one was big and terrifying with one eyed and he looks like a cyclops and his right arm holding the canon with gun by himself.


Shockwave was left to watch Cybertron by Megatron long ago, but he would eventually follow the call of the AllSpark to Earth. Deadly efficient with a cold devotion to logic, Shockwave is a killing machine like few others and one of the very few who could rival Megatron. This has made him quite popular amongst the Decepticons; some respect him enough to willingly work with him while others idolize him to the point of avenging his death. Nevertheless, Shockwave is ready and willing to destroy whichever Autobots dare stand in his way with his arm-mounted AstroMag Cannon.

Shockwave: "Soon, Optimus....I'll take this world over." He said and make him with his pet monster leaving right away and leave (Y/N) with others and Autobots.

(Y/N): "Who was that?"

Optimus: "That is Shockwave."

To Be Continued.
