Chapter 28

"Great leaders don't set out to be a leader... They set out to make a difference. It's never about the role- it's always about the goal."

Jamie closes the door as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake her two family members at this time of night. She walks into the kitchen, sighing loudly, before placing her purse on the counter. Her feet pull themselves out of her sneakers, pouring herself a glass of wine after a long day.

She almost screams when she finally pulls herself out of her daze, seeing Jackson focused on paperwork spread across the table. Jamie pours her husband a glass before walking over to him, kissing his cheek lightly.

"I didn't even notice you there." Jamie mumbles at her spouse, sitting down across from him. He looks up at his wife, cracking a grin.

"I'm glad you're home safely, baby." Jackson replies, kissing her lightly from across the table.

"What are you doing?" Jamie questions after they pull away, looking down at the paper spread across the table.

"I'm looking at Dr. Webber's and Dr. Minnick's reports from the last year." Jackson grumbles, sighing loudly.

"She really starts tomorrow?"

"Looks like it, Bailey has her mind set."

Jamie bites her lip, grabbing Dr. Minnick's file from her husband. "I'm going to take first watch on her tomorrow."

"What do you mean?"

Jamie smiles lightly, taking her wine glass with her as she travels over to her husband, sitting on his lap. "I mean, she's going to be in my sight. She is not going to take control over Dr. Webber's job, I just won't let her."

"You're hot when you're serious, you know that?" Jackson kisses her neck lightly, causing Jamie to giggle in response.

"I hate you." Jamie mumbles, before Jackson lifts her up, laying her down on the table, knocking over the wine glasses.

"We will see about that." Jackson whispers in her ear, before kissing her hard.


"Dr. Bay!" Jamie hears down the hallway, turning around to see Eliza Minnick running towards her.

"Dr. Minnick, it's actually Avery-Bay now." Jamie flashes a smile to the doctor, who nods her head.

"You should really change that on your file then." Dr. Minnick tells the other brunette, continuing to look down at the paperwork in her hand, chewing away at a pen in her big mouth.

Jamie shot daggers at the women, snapping at her, "I guess I never really got around to changing it. Probably spending to much time saving lives, making friends. How's that going for you?"

The last comment made Eliza look up from her papers, her face unreadable. "I'll see you around, Dr. Avery-Bay." And with that, Eliza turns on her heel, walking away from the pissed off brunette.

"Everything okay, Jamie?" Dr. Webber asks his fellow attending, who shrugs her shoulders in response.

"She makes it really hard for me not to punch her right in the nose." Jamie mumbles, clenching her fist tightly.

Richard notices her hands clenched, slowly grabbing them, causing Jamie to relax a bit.

"We will show Bailey who really belongs, together."

Jamie looks up at her former boss, nodding her head in agreement. "And I know just the way."

"All she wants is everyone following her way-" Jackson interrupts Jamie quickly.

"Just like my wife." Jackson mumbles, earning a stomp on the foot from his loving bride.

"So we won't let that happen." Meredith finishes for Jamie, everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

Jamie quickly digs in her lab coat pocket, pulling out a crumpled up piece of paper. "This is her schedule for today, she's going to be in trauma with the residence today."

"How do you even have this?" Kepner questions, Jamie quickly stuffing the paper back in her pocket.

Jamie shrugs before admitting that she stole it out of Eliza's purse in the elevator. "I stole candy bars all the time from the .99 cent store."

Before anyone can respond, all the doctors pagers go off.

"Trauma coming into the E.R., all hands on deck."

Everyone looks at each other before nodding their heads, "Operation get Richard's job back starts now, people."
"Bay, patient at bed three keeps requesting you!" Hunt shouts at Jamie, who nods her head.

Jamie grabs a pair of surgical gloves, studying the file quickly before rushing over. "Hello Mrs Potters, I'm Dr. Avery-Bay and I heard you've been requesting me. I reviewed your chart, you've had surgery here before?"

"I'm sorry dear, but you aren't the Avery I'm looking for. Could you page the head of plastics for me, dear?"

"Ah, he's my husband. Has he treated you before?" Jamie questions, checking the patients heartbeat.

"Yes dear, I had a lump on my breast that he removed." Just as the lady finishes her sentence, Jackson comes up besides Jamie, smiling lightly.

"Maureen Potters! How are you feeling?" Jackson questions, looking through the patients document on the computer.

"I've been better, my head is killing me." The older women replied, Jackson checking the huge gash on her forehead.

"Mrs Potters, I also noticed a huge bruise on your stomach, it looks a few days old, the car crash wouldn't have caused this, how'd you get it?" Jamie questions, lifting up Maureen's shirt for Jackson to see.

Before Mrs Potters could answer, her heartrate starts flatlining.

"Damn it! Grab the paddles!" Jamie orders the nurse next to her, who quickly does what she's told.

"Pushing one of Epy!" Wilson quickly runs up, grabbing the medication from the tray. Jamie shocks Maureen, noticing her heartrate coming back up.

"Excellent work, Dr Wilson!" Eliza Minnick runs up to everyone, applauding Wilson.

"Jamie, we need to take her up to surgery, the bruise in her stomach is bleeding out, it's causing internal bleeding." Jackson lifts up the bars of the bed, before pushing out of the E.R.

"Dr. Bay, I think Dr. Wilson here should take lead on the surgery." Dr. Minnick walks up next to Jamie, while the brunette rolls her eyes.

"My last name, is Dr. Avery-Bay, Minnick." Jamie snaps, Jackson looking over at his wife in the process.

"I'm just calling you what your file states, Bay." Before Jamie could reply, Jackson cuts her off.

"With all do respect, Dr. Minnick, my wife's last name is Dr. Avery-Bay, she's asked you plenty of times to call her that, please don't be a stuck up bitch and try to annoy her. Trust me, it's not good for any of us. Now if you'll excuse us, we are going to preform surgery on OUR patient. If you have any questions, I could gather a board meeting to discuss your future here at Grey-Sloan, or you could go ask Dr Webber, cause he did a hell of a lot better at the job you took from him." Jackson snaps at the women, while Jamie's eyes widen at her husbands response.

"Dr. Avery, I'd advise you to watch your words very carefully. The residence our my priority now, not Richard's. Now, I order that Wilson takes place for Dr. Avery-Bay. If that doesn't happen, we could have a lovely chat with the chief about how you two doctors are refusing to let your resident learn. Do I make myself clear?" Minnick asks the two, while Jamie steps back, waving Wilson over to her spot. Jamie looks back at Jackson, who stares right back.

"You may be a bitch, but you are messing with an even bigger bitch. I'd advise you to watch your mouth when you are talking to a BOARD member. He is basically writing your paycheck. Dr. Wilson can perform the surgery, but I will be there the whole time, ready to take her place after she forgets how to sucsion. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a surgery to get to." Jamie turns around, as Miranda Bailey is standing right behind her.

"I think you should head to my office instead, Dr. Avery-Bay."


Jamie's big mouth finally got her in trouble, what's going to happen? Update soon! :)
