Chapter Three

Hatty sat on the ground, still sticking his thumb out. Nobody stopped. He sighed and looked at the sky. It was purple and orange, and the sun was about to touch the horizon. That's what happens when you try to get a ride in Vegas. Oh well. Hatty looked up at the sky and thought about Mr. Boat and his friends. "I wonder what's going on over there." He figured if he couldn't get a ride here, he might be able to get one in the city. So, he got up and started walking alongside the road, toward the beautiful city lights in the distance, away from the setting sun.

After about 20 minutes of walking, Hatty began to feel tired. He didn't get much sleep back at the theater, or on the boat. He had been too traumatized from the experience to do much of anything, actually. He set his hat down, lay down on the ground and closed his eyes, starting to dream of Friendship Island, his home...

"Hey, are you coming on the bus or not?!" A dry and grouchy voice said, shouting into Hatty's ear. "Wait, what?" He said out loud. His eyes opened wide. "It's a dream come true!" Right in front of him was a big, red double decker bus full of people. It had the United States flag on the side, along with an eagle. The lit up display on front read "LOS ANGELES". "Um, y-yes! I'm on my way." He grabbed his hat and was about to step into the bus when the bus driver put out a hand to stop him. She had slate-gray eyes and long, light brown hair. She appeared to be about thirty to thirty-five years old. "No you're not. I've seen people like you before, always trying to get on without a ticket and hoping nobody will ask you for one." She turned her hand so her palm was facing upwards. "Ticket, please." Hatty smiled. "Unfortunately I don't have one yet. How many hugs will a day ticket cost?" He said with the complete sweetness that he always used when talking to other people, just in case they might be a potential friend. But the lady just laughed, and Hatty's smile disappeared and he tilted his head to the side in sincere confusion. She shook her head and smiled. "Tough luck, we don't accept hugs here." She pointed away from the bus. "Go. Better luck next time." Hatty sighed and walked backwards, away from the bus. "W-wait!" Hatty exclaimed. "Could you tell me what currency you do use here?" The lady gave a chuckle. "We use American Dollars. Are you not from here?" she put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a black leather wallet. She opened it and pulled out a five dollar bill. "Here. And good luck, too." The woman said. "Actually, if you really want, you can use it to buy a day ticket..." "Yes! One day ticket, please." He gave the bill back to the lady, but she shook her head and smiled. "Never mind, I'll pay for it. I can tell you haven't been here before."

"HEY, get a move on!" A passenger in the back of the bus yelled. "Oh, right!" Hatty stepped onto the bus and thanked the bus driver profusely. She shook his hand and said, "You're very welcome.". And with that, the bus doors closed and the bus began to move. "Maybe I'll make it back to the Friends sooner than I thought!"
