Finding a cure

Y/N carried Kitty into the first monster's gate, Kitty jumped out of Y/N's hands and raised his hand and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Y/N snapped "DO YOU WANT TO GET KILLED?" Kitty put his fists down, realising you saved him

Kitty heard banging on the Warrior Park door, Y/N gathered all of the wood and other materials in said the arena, "That should work" said Y/N breathing and hands on their hips, more and louder bang occurred "WHAT do we do!" Exclaimed Y/N backing towards the doors, Kitty looked around, he saw a door that is navy blue, Kitty nudged Y/N, when Kitty had Y/N's attention, he pointed towards the door "A door?" Said Y/N going closer to the door, with Kitty holding their finger, Y/N pushed the door and saw a brewery maker, Y/N beamed running to the cauldron "This is how we make the cure!"

Kitty placed his fingers on his chin in a thinking position "But something tells me that we are not alone..." Kitty said softly looking around in a determined way, crossing his eyebrows across his eyes

"YOU are indeed right!" Said a soft voice

Kitty jumped behind Y/N, Y/N put their fists up and said "Who are you? And where are you?"

A shy soul came out the shadows and waved in a soft voice "Hi" Kitty peared at the soul, he ran out of away from Y/N's legs

Kitty tried to lick the soul but his tongue went through, confused, Kitty backed up asking the soul "What's your name?"

The soul giggled, the soul put it's hand out and said "I'm Rosy!"

Kitty smiled and held Rosy's hand "I'm Kitty!"

The ghost let go of Kitty's hand "I heard that ZaZangel threw a curse where Orcs eat humans, And I think I have a spell book for the cure, but first, you guys need food" Y/N and Kitty smiled, Rosy backed up an inch, and she wiggled her little hand and a table, and two chairs appeared, Y/N and Kitty sat down, Rosy then spawned tuna and noodles, "Tuna for Kitty and noodles for...Sorry, I didn't get your name"

Y/N chuckled, and held Rosy's hand "I'm Y/N but call me Reader"

Rosy's grin grew wider and span "Is a pleasure to meet you Reader! Noodles for Reader! I WILL MAKE THE CURE!" Said Rosy Flying to the spell book, when Y/N looked at Kitty they were shocked to see Kitty finished

"How did you-" Reader asked Kitty

"Eh, i just love tuna" Kitty raised his paws

"I'm not even finished with my noodles!" Reader put their hands on the bowl of ramen

Kitty held in his laugh and then burped "Sorry" Kitty giggled, Reader stared at Kitty angrily, clutching their fists, and their face turning red.

Rosy came back in the room with a pink potion "I found the cure, but we have to throw it all over Battle Island, that's impossible" Rosy lifted her head and smiled "But i know who can help us" she then did a soft and eerie scream, Kitty and Reader covered their ears, a cloud of souls went out of a dark corner "Hi Sen, Vern, Ocean, Sunflower, Tulip and Tune!" 

Kitty looked at the souls behind Rosy, Kitty looked at Tune, Kitty misheard Rosy and thought Rosy said "Tuna" and started attacking Tune, the other souls grabbed Kitty, Tune started crying,  Sen was holding Kitty.

Reader grabbed Kitty from Sen's hand "Sorry, Kitty misheard Rosy say 'Tune' and thought it was 'Tuna' I'm sorry" Reader took the 6 potions and put in 9 realms.
