Ch. 2 The Calm

Phillip arrives at the hospital thinking to himself, Am I ready for this? Am I ready to see my nephew like that? He pauses for a moment to look around, It doesn't matter now I guess. He steps out of the car and takes his phone out of his pocket then proceeds to dial a number. The phone rings twice before the person on the other end picks up, "I'm on my way up." He hangs up and proceeds into the hospital.

* * *

As Phillip walks into the ICU wing he notices there are two police officers posted near the entrance. One of the officers stands up and stops him, "I need to see some ID, sir."

Phillip stops and reaches into his front pocket to take out his wallet, "Sure officer." He takes out his ID and hands it to him. "This is the first time that I've ever had to go through this kind of a 'checkpoint' of sorts." He chuckles to himself.

The officer takes the ID from him, "Yea, the Commissioner ordered it." After the officer quickly scans the ID he hands it back to him. "So you're Phillip Wayne?"

"Yes, I am."

The officer looks back at his partner, "Call this in." His partner hands him a clipboard with a list of names. After he gives the list a quick scan and turn of the page, he looks up at Phillip. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but you aren't on the list." He steps back and places his hand on his gun holster.

Phillip looks down at the officer's gun then looks around the ICU wing, "If I were you I wouldn't want to do this here. Too many people that could get caught in an unwanted confrontation."

"That is accurate." He steps to the side to reveal that his partner that is seated has his taser gun out and at the ready. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, NOW!"

"Do you two really want to keep me from seeing my nephew?" He steps closer to the officer that was standing in front of him.

Suddenly someone yells out, "Wait!" A man power walks towards them. He stands at 5'7 with balding grey hair and a thinly trimmed mustache. He has a pudgy body and wears a traditional butler's uniform. As he approaches he proclaims, "Wait this is Master Phillip. He just returned to Gotham a few hours ago."

"He isn't on the checklist, so he doesn't get in." He drops into a ready stance.

The seated officer puts his phone down, "He checks out, as per the Commissioner."

"What seriously?"

"Yeah, he said the guy is on the up and up."

"Well, in that case, I'm sorry, sir. Didn't mean to inconvenience you."

Phillip nods and places his hand on the officer's shoulder. "No hard feelings." Then he proceeds to walk towards the butler. "Long time no see Jarvis."

"Yes, Master Phillip." He smiles then turns around.

As the two proceed to walk down the hall Phillip glances over towards Jarvis, "Has there been any news of their shooter?"

"No, Master Phillip there hasn't. So far the Police have no suspects."

Phillip sighs, "Well that is unfortunate. I have something to ask you."

"What is that, sir?"

"Were you the one that had them attacked?"

Jarvis suddenly stops as anger filled his eyes to grab Phillip's arm then pulls him around to face him, "How DARE you?!" 

With a jovial demeanor, he answers, "I dared."

"Are you really asking me this?"

"Yes, and I expect an answer."

"I would never harm a member of the Wayne Family!"

"Maybe not willingly, but you might if they threatened you or offered to pay you something more substantial."

He rubs his hand through his hair, "I can't believe I'm hearing this from YOU of all people." His eyes widen with disbelief at the accusation.

Phillip's voice becomes forceful and cold, "I need you to stop beating around the bush on this and answer the question." 

"There is no power on heaven or earth that would make me harm a member of your family!"

"I'm having trouble believing that."

"You are actually accusing ME of doing something like this?!" He leans with his back against the wall.

He looks down clenching his fist, "I guess my question is answered."

"No! Your question is not answered!" With pain in his voice, he furiously says, "I've tended to you and your brother as if the two of you were my own sons! I would never hurt either of you because to me you all ARE my family away from my family!"

Phillip gives Jarvis a hug, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you with my accusations. I only said those things in order to get a response from you." They both pull away and share an understanding smile.

"I understand, sir. However, I don't understand why you would want to cause my blood pressure to raise so." He wipes his eyes with his hand.

"Right now everyone is a suspect and no one is above suspicion until I find out who is responsible. I had to accuse you in order to gauge your reaction. The more emotional the response the less likely you are to be a suspect."

Appearing shaken by Phillip's words Jarvis states, "You are right. As much as I would like for you to allow the proper authorities to handle this, I know you won't."

"Yeah, plus I'm not totally sure if I can trust the cops with this."

"I must agree, sir. We should proceed to Master Bruce."

"Yes, please. Also, you aren't totally off the hook for this." He chuckles to himself.

He smirks as the two begin to walk down the hall once more, "Of course, sir." 

* * *

As the two approach Bruce's room they peer into the window and notice a female doctor standing next to him with a clipboard in her hand looking at the medical instruments in his room. 

Phillip turns towards Jarvis, "Who is..."

"That is Dr. Thompkins, sir."



Phillip runs his hand through his hair, "I guess it has been a while since I've seen her because I didn't recognize her."

She turns around and walks out of the room. She stands at 5'7, wears a white doctor's coat with a green button-up shirt and a khaki dress with black high heels. Her wavy brown hair is cut shoulder-length, with blue eyes.

As she walks out of the room Phillip calls out to her, "Hello Leslie."

She looks up and turns towards them with a perplexed look on her face, "Phillip?"

Phillip smiles and nods, "Yes ma'am."

She walks towards him and slaps him, "Two dates! Then you skip town and never call me again!"

Jarvis chuckles.

Phillip rubs his face, "Yeah, I kinda deserve that."

"You deserve that and more Phillip Wayne!", She crosses her arms. "It takes a tragedy like this to bring you back to Gotham?"

"I've been back before now."

She glares at Phillip, "Your brother told me, yet you couldn't be bothered to call me?"

Jarvis clears his throat.

Phillip nods, "I'm sorry. However, this isn't the time to discuss that."

"You are absolutely right. Your nephew will pull through, though." She turns towards the window to gaze at Bruce in his hospital bed, "He was shot in the chest and the bullet punctured a lung. The paramedics were able to get to him in time."

Phillip lets loose a sigh, "Well that is a relief."

"It also appeared as if someone had attempted to drain some of the blood out of his lung." Leslie then looks at her clipboard briefly.

"Who could have done that?"

Leslie answers in a condescending tone, "Obviously someone with medical training."

 Phillip smirks, "I should thank them."

Leslie smirks, "It is a great idea, however, that person wasn't around when the paramedics arrived."

Phillip looks down, "Well that is highly unfortunate." He looks up then turns around to lean against the glass. "Thank you, Leslie, for looking after Bruce."

Leslie smiles, "You're welcome, but no thanks are necessary." She glances at the clipboard in her hand, "He'll make a full recovery as long as he isn't too stressed and follows the simple breathing exercises I'll prescribe him with his medicine."

"Thanks again, since you and Matthew have agreed to tend to Bruce exclusively I owe you guys. I'll pay you triple the loss in expenses that you are experiencing from this."

Leslie laughs, "That is hilarious coming from you."

Phillip raises an eyebrow, "Why?"

Leslie smiles and runs her hand in her hair, "We don't need your gratitude, Phillip. Matthew has a fortune thanks to his 'other' business, and I'm considering this one on the house."

"On the house?"

"Thomas was my best friend. This is the least I can do for his son."

Phillip shakes his head, "Well just take the money anyway."

She smirks and nods, "That is the difference between you and Thomas."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Thomas wouldn't just throw money around carelessly like that." She leans her back against the wall then crosses her arms and legs. "If you want to pay me back donate the money you'd pay me to a few charities of my choosing."

"That I can do." He nods and raises off of the wall. "I don't think that Matthew would agree to that."

"You're right. He has a room upstairs if you want to talk to him."

"Why is he up there?" Phillip turns towards the window to look at Bruce.

"Since he is on call, for Bruce, he wanted to have a place with quick access to him." Her jaw drops as she looks around Phillip, "Oh my God."

Phillip looks at her, "What is it?" He turns around and his jaw drops as well.

A man walks towards them wearing a brown double breast suit with a blue shirt and a black necktie, with black shoes, he has short cut wavy grey hair that is combed backward, with a mustache and brown eyes. He stands at 6'1 with a muscular build. He appears to be in his mid-70s.

Phillip's face suddenly grows cold with anger. "What the Hell is he doing here?"

Jarvis has a perplexed look on his face, "That is a good question."

Phillip turns towards Jarvis, "Stay with Bruce would you?"

Jarvis nods, "Yes, sir." He walks into Bruce's room and sits down in one of the chairs in the room.

Leslie starts to walk away, "I'll be going now as well."

Phillip raises his hand, "Wait before you go. I have something to ask."

Leslie turns around slightly, "What is that?"

"Did you have anything to do with..."

Leslie abruptly interjects, "If you are going to ask if I had something to do with what happened to Thomas, I'll jab an epidural needle through your eye. Okay?" She walks off with a smile.

Phillip's eyes widen and he chuckles, "Well that answers that I guess." He looks over at the man walking towards him. "Unfortunately this problem is something else entirely." He walks towards the man and grabs his arm, "What the FUCK are you doing here?"

The man looks Phillip in his eyes and addresses him with an eloquently commanding voice, "Remove your hand from my arm, before I break it."

Phillip chuckles, "I'd like to see you try it, Roderick."

Roderick jerks his arm from Phillip's grasp and proceeds to Bruce's room window and gazes inside, "I wanted to see my grandson."

Phillip walks alongside Roderick, "Well now you've seen him. Now LEAVE!"

Roderick raises an eyebrow, "Or what?"

Phillip clenches his fist, "Or I'll MAKE you leave."

Roderick turns towards Phillip, "As much as I'd like to take you up on that dance I cannot. Let us take this outside."

Phillip smiles, "If you want to we can do it outside."

"I'm not here for a fight." He turns towards Phillip. "Can we just talk in peace outside?"

Phillip nods, "Sure." He waves at Jarvis and walks away with Roderick.

* * *

Roderick and Phillip both sit on a cement bench outside in the hospital courtyard, under the warmth of the midday sun. Roderick hands Phillip a sub sandwich and he reluctantly accepts it. The two take a bite of their sandwiches and enjoy the peacefulness of the summer breeze. The birds fly near them singing and playing in the warmth of the sun.

Phillip glances over at Roderick, "Well you have me here. What did you want?"

Roderick sighs, "I always loved this time of year." He gazes at the robins playing in the birdbath. "It is a time of vigor and exciting new ventures." He smiles and takes a bite of his sandwich.

Phillip takes a bite of his sandwich and tosses a piece of bread from his sandwich to the pigeons hopping along the ground beside them. "That is an interesting philosophy, old man."

Roderick nods, "Yes, it is." He takes a piece of bread from his sandwich and tosses it to the pigeons.

"When do you plan on enlightening me on the reason you're here?"

Roderick smirks, "You still plan on kicking my ass after I tell you?"

"Depends on if I like what you're selling." He takes another bite of his sandwich.

Roderick sighs, "I haven't known you to be this calm Phillip. Usually, you would have tried to knock my head off by now."

"I guess we're all getting old."  He chuckles. "Believe me I'm only masking it for my nephew's sake."

Roderick takes a bite of his sandwich and tosses a piece of bread to the pigeons, "I admire that Phillip."


"I hated your brother with every fiber of my being."

Phillip tightens his grip on his sandwich, "Well I already see how this is going to go."

"Wait, before you do something you're going to regret, hear the rest of it."

"Then talk and stop stalling."

Roderick takes a bite of his sandwich, "Well as I said I hated Thomas for taking my baby girl away from me all of those years ago."

"Yeah, because of the bad blood between our families?"

Roderick nods, "Yes. I hated your brother for taking Martha from me, however, I respected him as a businessman." He chuckles as he takes a bite of his sandwich. "With Thomas in charge of Wayne Industries your family fortune actually surpassed that of the Kane fortune."

"Really? We dethroned YOU as the top dog of Gotham?" Phillip takes a bite of his sandwich.

"For the last year, it was like a game of tug-a-war. Until recently."

"What happened recently?" He takes a bite of his sandwich, "Aside from the death of my brother."

"I stepped down as the CEO of Kane Chemical and passed the reigns to Nathan." He takes one final bite of his sandwich and throws the wrapper in the trashcan behind him.

Phillip takes one last bite of his sandwich and throws his wrapper in the trashcan, "I never thought you would. If there is nothing else I'll be going." He starts to stand up.

Roderick grabs his arm, "Wait!"

Phillip jerks his arm out of Roderick's grasp"Stop wasting my DAMN time old man!" He remains seated.

"Okay, fine.", Roderick sighs, "I stepped down as CEO because I've been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer."

Phillip glances over to Roderick with a hint of sadness to his eyes, "I'm sorry."

Roderick nods and smirks, "It's fine. I went to the emergency room last month because I had been suffering from severe stomach cramps. The doctor on call that night told Martha."

"Well knowing you he's probably dead by now."

"No, not this time." He smiles with a satisfied grin. "Your brother was the one working that night. He sent me to take a few tests. I told him it was only a stomachache, but he wouldn't listen."

Phillip nods with a smirk, "That sounds like Tommy. He always did the right thing, even when it was the wrong thing."

"I'll pretend that I didn't hear that.", Roderick sighs and glances over at the robins playing in the birdbath.

"Must have been a difficult thing to comprehend."

Roderick nods, "It was. I don't know if it was out of spite or pride, but I didn't take him seriously. I just kept working. My main concern was keeping my family strong."

"Even cancer didn't slow you down?"

Roderick shakes his head, "Not at first. Martha came to confront me about it the day after he told me." Roderick leans forward interlocking his hands in front of him as a tear runs down his cheek. "My baby girl was so forceful and charismatic when she came bursting into my office that day." He wipes the tear from his cheek.

Phillip smiles, "She was always a feisty one."

Roderick nods in agreement, "Yes, she was. She had her mother's heart and my stubbornness. She took my office by storm that day with a ferocity I haven't seen since she negotiated our take over of Trident Shipping." He pauses for a moment, "I was so proud of her that day."

"You're getting sentimental on me."

"It isn't, because of you." He lets out an annoyed sigh. "Long story short, she convinced me to remember what is actually important. Which isn't the money or the power, but family. If I continued as CEO while in the state I was in." He shakes his head. "It could have cost my family everything. At first, I thought it was a power-play by her and Nathan to take the company away from me."

"That was a very cold way of denying her help and compassion."

Roderick nods, "Yes, it was. In my mind, though it was all about power. If I remained CEO with my health issues the sharks would come for me, my company, and my family. If I stepped down there would be a chance that Nathan wouldn't be ready to take the reigns." He gazes at the children playing in the courtyard, "My family's entire empire would crumble from my weakness. I wanted Martha to take over, either alone, or alongside her brother."

"Well you had high hopes for her, didn't you?"

Roderick smiles, "You have no idea. She had so much potential. It wasn't meant to be, because she threw it all away for your brother."

Phillip laughs, "Love found a way."

Roderick nods his head, "That it did. As much as I hated your brother, my baby girl did love him. That day she came to me she showed her love for him by convincing me to step down."

Phillip chuckles, "Martha's love for my brother made you do that?"

"Love is a powerful thing. Once you find that kind of love, never let it go."

Phillip nods in agreement.

"She convinced me that I should focus on what is most important. That is something I lost track of a long time ago."

"What was that?"

"Family. Family is always the most important thing. She reminded me that I would continue to miss my grandson's upbringing." Tears begin to trickle down his face, "I already missed so much while she and Nathan were growing up. I've also missed so much of Bruce's life already." He wipes his tears away. "She made her case quite clear. Even after all of those years of hate, she still loved me."

"It was your own choice to cast her out."

Roderick nods, "It was my stubbornness. My hatred of the Waynes from generations of bad blood and constantly competing with each other." He pauses for a moment. "I both despised and respected your family my entire life. As fate would have it our families would be joined in name and by blood that would forge a new legacy. Now the legacy of BOTH families has nearly been killed along with his parents, one being my baby girl, in some God-forsaken alley."

Phillip chuckles, "I've never known for you to be so emotional Roderick."

Roderick nods, "I agree. Most of it is due to my treatments. The rest is due to our mutual family hardships."

"I can understand that about your condition." Phillip chuckles, "The thing about you understanding my pain to yours though, I kinda doubt."

Roderick clenches his fist, "The union of my daughter and your brother made a new combined legacy for both of our families! Right now that legacy is in the ICU with tubes and machines keeping him alive while he is in a coma. Martha was MY blood. When you have a hand in creating another living human and having to care for that tiny person until they're adults." He pauses for a moment, "then that person is taken from you so swiftly and unnaturally. It tends to bring the wrath of God out of you."

Phillip clenches his fist in anger, "I'm going to find the bastards that did this."

"I might not have much time left, but I can use that time to spend with my grandson.", Roderick glances at the children running in the courtyard, "I'll move Heaven and Earth to bring down anyone that has harmed my family. They will wish that they were never born by the time I'm done with them." He slams his fist on his leg.

"You make it sound as if this is somehow your fault."

Roderick lowers his head with guilt, "It was my fault. If I hadn't stepped down my baby girl would be alive, and that boy would still have his parents."

With a perplexed look on his face, Phillip asks. "Why would you say that?"

With a renewed vigor in his voice, Roderick raises his head. "If I were still CEO of Kane Chemical no one would dare oppose my family. Even if that family was married to a Wayne."

Phillip chuckles, "You do know my family isn't pushovers, either right?"

"You're right, however, that still didn't stop them from being killed."

"Yeah, they proved that anyone can be killed in this shit show of a town." He glances over towards Roderick, "Did you have anything to do with their deaths?"

Rage fills Roderick's eyes, "If you ever ask me that again, I swear on my daughter's grave that I'll rain shit down on you from such heights that you would think the universe itself dropped a steaming load on you. Do you understand?"

Phillip nods, "Just covering my bases."

Roderick nods in agreement, "I would do the same. Actually, I even thought the same about you." He stands up and adjusts his suit, "If there is anything that you need, day or night, feel free to give me a call." He reaches into his jacket pocket and hands Phillip a business card with his number on it. "Unlimited favors with no strings attached."

Phillip takes the card, "Thank you, but..."

"Don't worry about it, because despite our differences, we're family. Never forget that." Roderick nods and walks away.

"Wait!" Phillip stands up, "If we both suspected each other, then what changed your mind about me?"

Roderick stops, "Your conviction to protect my grandson." He turns around with a smile, "Only someone that loves his family would act like that. If you were a cold-blooded kin killer, then you would have had someone kill Bruce while he is in his coma." He chuckles. "Of course, on the other hand, you're nothing like your brother. You would have killed Bruce and the guards yourself."

Phillip begrudgingly nods, "You actually have a point."

"I thought so. Goodbye for now Phillip." Roderick turns and walks away. 

Phillip nods in acceptance, then stands up and begins to walk into the hospital.

* * *

Now that night has fallen on Gotham we focus on a rural road near the outskirts of town as a limousine turns off of that road and down into the parking lot of an abandoned dirt pit covered in grass and foliage. The vehicle comes to a stop next to one of the abandoned mixers. The door swings open and a man steps out as another vehicle is heard driving near.

The man stood at 5'6 with balding grey hair and a purple pinned striped suit, with a brown trench coat. He walks behind one of the mixers and thinks to himself, I hate meeting in this godforsaken place.

A four-door sedan with dark tinted windows pulls into the parking lot and drives around the mixer. The car stops alongside the man and the driver slightly opens his window, "Good evening, Mr. Maxon."

As the chilly night air overcomes Maxon, he props his trench coat collar upward then places his hands in his coat pocket, "Good evening." He pauses as he shivers. "Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. X"

"You made it sound urgent on the phone."

Maxon smiles and nods, "Yes, Phillip Wayne is back in Gotham."

"I've heard. Word on the street is he's looking into who killed his brother. Even Falcone has his people looking into it now."

Maxon begins to pace back and forth, "With that in mind you can see the dire situation we're in here Mr. X."

"The solution is simple, Mr. Maxon, we need to accelerate our plans."

Maxon nods stroking his chin, "It'll be more dangerous now, especially with Falcone and Phillip working together."

"We've ended one Wayne-Falcone alliance. Why not end another as well?"

Maxon stops pacing, "Normally I'd agree to that, but in this situation, it would cause panic. Killing another member of the Wayne family this soon would mean trouble."

"What do you propose?"

"You don't know Phillip the way I do." Maxon looks up at the night sky then back down to the car. "He could burn this city down if he wants."

"Then why not have him burn 'the right people' down?"

Maxon smirks, "I like the way you think, Mr. X.", he nods, "We turn him against his allies. Knowing him he slightly suspects them anyway so it won't be a huge stretch to orchestrate such a thing. The only hiccup is the time frame to do so."

"I'll contact the others and inform them of the situation so that they aren't caught unaware of the change in schedule."

Maxon rolls his eyes, "I'm confident that they already know the situation by now; they aren't amateurs after all."

"Agreed. There is a high chance that they are accelerating their plans as we speak."

Maxon nods, "I know they are." He lets loose a sigh. "None of this would have happened if we had taken everyone out at once like WE wanted."

"Yes, however, the others thought we could recruit more to our coupe before we made such a drastic move."

Maxon grumbles in agitation, "Do you think Falcone will realize it was us?"

"Even if he does it wouldn't matter. What can he do against us now?"

Maxon reaches into his inner coat pocket and pulls out a cigarette and matches, "The man still owns this city." He lights his cigarette and takes a huge puff. "It couldn't hurt if he was on our side before we tried this."

"It would have been a great asset to have him on our side, but we have others that can take his place."

Maxon nods.

"We should get out of here if there is nothing else."

Maxon exhales a cloud of smoke, "Once we leave from here I'll make the calls and take care of our Wayne problems." He sighs. "It won't be easy."

"The boy will be an easy target to get rid of and I doubt Phillip is as much of a threat as when you knew him."

Maxon smiles and nods, "Let us pray that he isn't." He walks away and around the mixer

Mr. X rolls up his window and drives around the mixer towards the road.

As Maxon walks to the limo the driver steps out to greet him, "Are you ready Mr..." A gunshot rings out in the night, as the driver's body falls lifeless to the ground. The driver hadn't noticed that Maxon was holding a .32 caliber pistol in his hand as he approached. Maxon grabs the legs of the driver and drags him to the dirt pit. He kicks the body over the edge then walks back to the limo.

Once Maxon gets to the limo he sits in the driver's seat then thinks to himself, Stupid fucking kid, he lets loose a sigh before he starts the limo to drive away, he thought he could spy on me for Falcone and thought I wouldn't find out. Well, I guess he didn't know that this place is a dead zone. I thought he would have thought something was wrong when I didn't let him out of my sight for the last two hours, he's dumber than I thought. He drives towards the road. Shit, I'll have to go tell his mom he's dead, he rubs his hand through his hair, once I get back I'll have to take out the other rat that Maroni placed in my Family. He takes his phone out of his pocket and speed dials a number, "Take out the turncoat."
