I Am The Night

Ivy: "That's it Batman darling. Finish him. Once he's gone we can be together forever."

(Batman lifted Crane by the throat and began to strangle him, but then he heard a voice..a voice he never thought he'd hear again)

Alfred over comms: "Master Bruce. Batman? I know this isn't you. I raised you Bruce. I know you better than anyone. Especially this Ivy woman. She's using you sir. Can't you see? You're better than this. A far greater man than your father was. A better man..than I am. I left you. I ran away from my troubles but you..you refused to. You stood and fought for what you believed in, no matter how much the odds were stacked against you! Don't lose that now, Bruce. Don't give in to your darkest urges. Fight them. It's what you do best. We're all here for you sir. Miss Kyle is here. And I am here for you too. Fight, Bruce. Fight, ...Batman."

(A single tear dripped down Bruce's cheek as he summoned all of his inner strength and let go of Crane, who gasped for air)

(Ivy was surprised as Batman turned to face her)

Ivy: "Impossible! No man has ever resisted my pheromones before!"

Batman: "I'm no ordinary man. You should have figured that out by now, Pam."

(Batman stepped towards Ivy)

Ivy: "Stay back! I can control every plant in this city! They'll tear you to shreds!"

Batman: "I know. I just don't care."

Ivy: "Wha..? What are you?"

Batman: "I am vengeance. I am the night. I am..Batman!"

(He grabbed her with his grapple and slammed her into the ground, knocking her out)

(Catwoman entered)

Catwoman: "Bruce I..are you okay?"

Batman: "I'm...me again. I've got a lot of apologies to make huh?"

Catwoman: "Later. First thing's first let's get these two wackjobs into a nice cozy room upstairs."

(After ensuring Ivy and Crane were securely locked up in Arkham, Batman met with Jim who he explained the situation to)

Gordon: "Nice work, Batman. And to think I always thought you spent your nights getting drunk and sleeping with women."

Batman: "..you thought right."

Gordon: "Huh?"

Batman: "Ivy controlled me, Jim. Made me do things..things I can't forgive myself for. Between Crane's toxin and Ivy's pheromones..I guess it affected my behavior in the worst ways."

Gordon: "But you snapped out of it and you got em locked up in the loony bin where they belong. We've all got a dark side, Bruce. It's just a matter of keeping it in check. There's not a single doubt in my mind that our city is far better off with you protecting it. I'm sorry if I lost sight of that in the past."

Batman: "I'm the one who needs to be apologizing, Jim. But thanks. I'm glad our partnership managed to survive all of this."

Gordon: "You and me both, Batman."

(He walks away, Batman turned towards Catwoman and walked over to her)

Batman: "Selina..I wish I knew what to say to you but..I don't."

Catwoman: "You were a real jerk. But I know it wasn't really you."

Batman: "But it was me. I may have been poisoned by multiple toxins but all of those things I said had to come from somewhere."

Catwoman: "Don't be ridiculous, Bruce. I don't blame you for any of that. Why do you think I called Alfred? I knew you were still in there. And I knew he was the only one who could bring you back."

Batman: "I can't thank you enough for contacting him. But..that doesn't excuse what I did. I hurt you.. No amount of apologies will ever make up for that."

Catwoman: "So what are you saying?"
