Chapter 3

Hey, sorry this isn't very long.

I hope you enjoy it.


Barbara's P. O. V.

I wake up early the next day in a kingsized bed. I feel sore and achey, then I remember what happened last night.

Nightwing isn't as bad as you'd think, especially the way he looks. I slap myself mentally, I am not having a crush on Jerkwing. I don't think I can call him that anymore. Besides when he smiles--- No! Bad Barbara. You do not like him. Not even in the littlest way. Well maybe I do. No. No, nope. I do not like him. I decide pushing Blue Boy out of my head.

I pull myself out of bed and look around. Good. I've got an the a bathroom in here. I turn on the shower and take off my clothes as the warm steam fills my lungs. I hop in and wash myself. After I'm done in the shower, I dry my hair and decide to leave it down. I pull on a pair of dark denim jeans and a long sleeved dark blue dress/top that stops half way down my thighs. Finally I put on a green scarf, which is more fashion than warmth. I walk down and look for the kitchen, I bump into Robin.

"Oh. Hey Robin, can you direct me to the kitchen?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah, sure. I was going there anyway, but this house is like a maze," Robin states.

"Yeah it is," I agree following the young boy. We arrive at the kitchen and sit down. Minutes later Alfred brings out pancakes, Robin and I thank Alfred. The pancakes are gone in a matter of minutes. Nightwing walks in from a different door into the kitchen, coffee cup in hand. He looks tired and grumpy. I smile at him at he catches my gaze, the strait line his mouth was forming softens a bit. He says something to Alfred and then walks out. My eyes follow him until he's left the room.

"Don't worry Miss Gordon, Master Nightwing will warmup once you get to know him," Alfred says smiling. I nod and blush slightly.

Robin invites me outside to play snowball fights, I quickly agree. I grab my coat and dash out the door, Robin on my tail. We make a huge mound of snow balls. Robin picks up a couple of balls.

"Come on follow me," he says smirking. I think I know where this is leading, but agree nether the less.

"Coming," I say picking up a few balls of snow. Robin leads me round the front if the mansion, I see an open garage. Nightwing is crouched down with his back facing us working on the blue motorbike he used to save me last night. Robin and I crouch behind a mound of snow.

"Throw one at him," Robin says his eye sparkling behind his mask.

"I think he hates me enough," I reply shaking my head.

"Nightwing doesn't hate anyone, just throw it at him. I'll say I threw it," Robin bargains.

"If you insist," I reply smirking. I throw one at Nightwing, it hits him right on his butt. Crap.

"Great aim," Robin snickers.

"I wasn't aiming," I declare. Nightwing stands and turns to look at us, though he is a good 15 meters away from us. Robin quickly points at me.

"Hey!" I exclaim hitting him on the shoulder.

"Good luck, Babs!" He calls, "my advice would be to RUN!!"

Robin dashes off already almost out of sight. I quickly run after him.

"You dirt bag!" I call. I just hear him laughing in the distance, but I've got bigger problems. Nightwing is chasing after us, well to be honest, me. I quicken my pace, though running through the snow in hard work. Nightwing seems to be catching up. Okay, I'm dead. It's unfair, my pace slows as his quickens. I see why criminals never get away for the guy. I scream as him jumps at me pinning me to the ground, but I struggle back, not at much use. I sigh and stop struggling.

"Who through it? You or Robin?" Nightwing asks smiling.

"Ummm.. Robin," I squeak not meeting his masked eyes.

"It was you, wasn't it?" He replies smirking.

"Yes, I threw it. Sorry," I give in.

"Good aim," he comments as I flush.

"I wasn't aiming for your butt!" I exclaim looking him directly in the eye.

"Sure you weren't," Nightwing replies moving closer to my face so I can feel his warm breath on my cold cheeks.

"I wasn't," I say stubbornly. He laughs.

"I know, but I like it when you blush," he says poking his tongue out. I blush a deeper red. Ugh, flirt. He smirks when I don't have a come back.

"So are you going to let me up? Because this snow is freezing me and my lips are really cold," I say bitting at my lips.

"Maybe," he answers, "wouldn't want you to have frozen lips now would we?"

"No, well the only way they won't be is if you get off me and let me inside," I counter.

"So there's no other way that your lips won't freeze?" He asked.


"Not even one?"


"Wanna make a bet?"

"Bet made," I say smirking, "now get off m-" I'm cut off when he kisses my lips. Just quickly, but he still kissed me.

"I win," He smirks after his warm lips leave my cold ones, "any warmer?"

I blush really deep red.

"Um.. Kind of," I answer truthfully.

"Only kinda?" He asks cocking an eyebrow as I nod, "you're sure a hard one to please,"

"What? I'm still cold," I reply looking away my face getting redder still.

"Someone's a little nervous," Nightwing taunts.

"And?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just cute," he gets up and offers me his hand, I take it, "come on let's go find that little twerp,"

We walk silently beside each other as we look for Robin. We find him feeding birds. He looks up at us and smirks.

"Ah, I see you're back from your kissing carnival," Robin states.

"We weren't kissing," I reply hotly.

"Oh really?" Robin asks taking out his phone and showing us a picture. Why that little bird.

"Delete it now," I demand. He shakes his head. I throw myself at him gently pinning him to the ground and boy is he strong for a 14 year old.

"You're strong for a girl who hasn't had proper training," Robin comments.

"Thanks," I say snatching the phone from him and tossing it at Nightwing, who seemed to be amused at our act.

"Delete it," I demand.

"Why? It's cute," Nightwing returns.

"Just delete it," I say through gritted teeth.

"Ok, ok. Someone is a little touchy on the subject," Nightwing says tapping at the phone. I quickly get off Robin and help him up, then pass him back his phone. I smile then walk off to go get changed out of my wet cold clothes.

Dick's P. O. V.

I kissed her, can't really tell if she was happy or not, but she was embarrassed that's for sure. The heat hadn't left her cheeks when she walked away from us.

But Robin may have embarrassed her too much; making my job much harder.

"Thanks a lot Tim," I say putting my hands in my pockets.

"What?" He asked still smirking.

"You know how hard it is getting a girl's trust and making her feel okay about it?" I ask, "especially Barbara,"

"No..." Tim replies scratching the back of his neck.

"Exactly," I state looking down at my younger brother.

"Sorry, Dick," Tim answers.

"It's ok bud," I say putting an arm around his shoulder. I continue taking to Tim for a while before go in side for lunch.


Any good? Hope so.

I'll up date soon!
