
Luz had gone back after staying with Amity for over three (3) hours, the mutt having helped her mentor out the rest of the day, eventually leading to night time and the next day. So that's where we are at today. "Luz wake up!" A woman shouted from downstairs.

The mutt groaned, flipping over on her sleeping bag, thinking she was going to fall off a bed, but actually just feeling the cold wooden floor. That woke her up. She sighed heavily, sitting up, shaking her head violently. Luz scratched her neck, her collar jingling, the mutt letting out a small whine as she continued to scratch herself.

She shook her head again, feeling for the collar, unclipping it and taking it off. "I don't need a collar..I'm not going to get lost or anything.."

"Luz put your dang collar on if you're actually going to school!"

"I'm not going to get lost!"

"Yes you are! It took you two hours to get home when it could've taken you twenty minutes! Put the collar on or you're not going to school!"

Luz groaned, begrudgingly puting the collar back around her neck, putting her tag in front. She pouted, getting up, stretching out, letting out a yawn. "So tired.."

She looked through her drawers, getting her school uniform, changing quickly, running her hand through her fur, shaking her head violently. Her collar jingled, Luz lazily going over to her door, opening it and exiting the room. She closed the door behind herself, going downstairs, a demon passing her. "King don't run.."

He's as you expect him to look, the demon looking up at her, shrugging and running down the steps, going to the kitchen. Luz turned the corner, spotting her mentor. She had wings, a beak, fluffy dog like ears, long tail like a lion's but with a poofy tip, very fluffy grey hair, and fairly tall. "Good morning Eda.."

"Morning kid."

Luz scratched her neck again, her collar jingling, the mutt letting out a small whine as she found her itchy spot, shaking her head again. "Am I late..?"

"Hm? No you're an hour early. If you want to have breakfast, it'd be best to wake you up earlier. King get me a plate."

The demon jumped up on the counter, opening a cabinet, pulling out a plate, offering it to Eda, closing the cabinet again. "Two or three?" Eda asked, flipping the pancake in the air.


She flipped another one, that one landing on the plate, using her spatula to lift up another one, sliding that one on the plate. Eda offered her the plate, Luz thanking her, accepting the flat food, going to the table. She sat down, King patting her thigh, offering her the maple syrup. "Thanks buddy."

His eyes closed, his tail wagging swiftly, Luz taking that as a smile. She pat his head, pouring the maple syrup on her pancakes, grabbing a fork, and digging in.


When Luz got to school, she had made it her mission to find Amity and check up on her. "Ammmmiiitttyyyy!"

A green, fluffy tail caught her eye at the corner of the hall, the mutt going over to it, peeking around the corner and spotting who's tail it was. "Amity!"

The kitten flinched, looking back and spotting Luz. "H-Hey!"

Luz hugged her from behind, picking her up a bit, "Morning!!"

The Blight tensed up, the mutt putting her back down but still hugging her. Luz felt something wrap around her waist, looking down slightly, Amity quickly pulling her tail back, "Sorry sorry-" Amity fumbled.

Luz let her go, Amity turning around, patting herself down. "Bit of a surprise seeing you here this early Luz.."

"I wanted to come find you! Did you sleep well? Are you okay?"

"Yes yes I'm fine-" Amity blurted out.

Luz nuzzled her, the kitten purring quietly, leaning against the mutt. "Are you sure you're okay?" Luz asked, pulling back.

Amity hugged her, nuzzling her, Luz giving her a small squeeze. "I'm okay, thank you Luz.."

"Hey, what are friends for?"



Luz was given the silent treatment for the rest of school, the mutt trying to get Amity to speak. "Can we try and pick up Azura Book Club?"

Amity just ignored her, the mutt standing in front of her, the kitten stopping before she bunked in to Luz. "Amity did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if whatever I said was mean or anything..Can you just talk to me? Please?"

Our kitten walked around her, going down the steps of the school, following the path. Luz sighed, her tail drooping down, loosely wrapping around her left leg. The mutt let out a small whine, going down the first step, and sitting down, bringing her knees close to her chest. "What did I do to her..?"

Someone loomed over her, sitting down by her, "Hey Luz, you alright?" Asked a type of deer, his tail being long and horse like, except softer and fluffier.

"Hey Jerbo.." Luz mumbled. "Amity won't talk to me.."

"Well what'd you do?" He asked, patting her back.

"I don't know! That's the issue! I want to hang out with her right now, but she's not talking to me.." Luz whined. "I knew I was a bad dog.."

"Maybe she wants you to figure out your mistake." The beast spoke, his voice squeaking in between words.

"I'll..I'll try to figure something out.. Thanks Jerbo."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

  Then it clicked.

                    To be continued.
