Jin's secret revealed

We were heading to our hotel. We hadn't slept properly since 4 days and 3 nights. We were obliged to Namjoon and Jin as they both turn wise made this long trip possible.
After arriving in the hotel we headed to sleep cause that day we did not wanted to travel or see anything.
We arrived at our hotel at 7am and we slept till 4 pm in the evening. Now we were hungry.
"Lets go and eat something south Indian" shivi cheered.
"As you say madam" V saluted.
We finally went to a resteraunt and ate dosa sambhar.
It was a great meal.
We thought of taking a walk in the nearby street.
Suddenly something popped on Jin's phone. It was a video sent by an unknown number.
Jin opened the video. After seeing the video he didnt say anything and came running back to the hotel room. And then closed the door.
Literally, we all were puzzled as i asked jk what was that video. He also didnt knew.
We all came back to the hotel room. We knocked jin's door but he wasn't opening the door.
"Hyung, open the door we are worried about you" jhope shouted.
"Hyung please tell us why did you came back?" Tae asked.
"Hyung is there any problem please tell us we will help you" jimin shouted.
But he was not opening the door. Only suga slept with jin in his room so till jin was ok suga was with jk and tae.
We all went to our rooms. All were really worried and nervous. All bts members came to my room.

"T you always are the rescuer help us" namjoon claimed.
" I dont know why hyung is not opening the door" suga replied.
"T if u will force him maybe he could open the door" jimin forced.
" You are the only one who can make him comfortable with your words" jhope pleaded.
"T you are a mature girl please do something" v asked.

"No i wont im sorry" i replied. Everyone was looking at me with a shocked face. Jungkook was surprised but he knew that i have something in my mind so he informed them "hyung just give her some time im sure jin hyung will be alright, she has her own ways".

3 hours later
I was at the door of Jin's room.
"Jin, u know ur friends are worried and i know u dont want them to worry because of some message popped on your screen. And if u want us to worry then don't open the door" i yelled.
Suddenly the door opened and a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. I was surprised but after seeing jin's condition my face was full of grief.
"You were saying that you are worried because of me, see what is my condition here" jin's face was red because of crying for almost 4 hours. And his eyes were swollen.
I was standing freezed because i didn't knew what to do.
And he just took out his cellphone and played a video.
In that video i saw a girl kissing a man and they were about to make love.
I was confused when jin spoke "she is my wife".
I was stunned.
"Yeah i am married, she is my wife and i love her a lot and now some one sent me this video of her cheating me. I can't hold this, i will die. There is so much pain. I can't hold this. I can't" he was yelling and crying and hugged me very roughly.
I tried to calm him down. I was stunned but still i managed to keep patience.
I heard jungkook's voice coming from the door. I opened the door and pulled him in. And told him everything.
"Did you knew about his marriage jungkook?" I asked him.
"Yeah, but it was only the bts's secret because if any of our fans have known they would have boycotted him" jk replied.
"I see" i said.
The next minute jin's phone rang. It was his wife.
"I dont want to talk that bitch" jin yelled throwing his phone on the bed.
"Jin i know you are not in a condition to talk but please just talk to her for once.. for my sake, just once" i said.
He put the phone on the speaker.
His wife was very much scared and jin started crying as soon as he heard her voice.
I took the phone from his hands and started talking.
"Hey this is T jin's friend, please tell me what happened?
Hmm... Okay...oh really?? So now what have you thought to do? Okay i will ask jin about it and then inform you, take care bbye"

"What was that bitch saying"jin shouted.
"Shut up jin, i told you to talk her about all that.
Although you are wrong. One of your fans came to know that you were married and as soon as you left for India, your wife started getting death threats and disrespect threats. That fan is so obsessed with you that he made this video on ur phone..and sent it to you so that ur relationship may end" i was explaining.
Jin quietly listened to me. And jungkook was pitying on jin's wife.
"Either that fan will leak your wife's fake video or she expose you of secretly marrying someone"i continued.
" I m so sorry dear i doubted you, but what do we do now T as in both the cases i will lose my love, what to do now" jin was panicking now.
"Dont panic jin, i have an idea... But will u do it?" I asked.
"Just tell me what is it?" Jin pleaded.
"Look i dont twist so i am directly coming to the point.
Bts has its own twitter account right? So just post a video of yourself informing your fans about your marriage and your wife. And also inform them about that obsessed fan... If your fans are your true fans they will take care of tha obsessed one" i explained.
"No he can't do that" jungkook yelled.
"But he will have to, trust me everything will be okay" i replied..
Jin followed what i said. And other members also came to know about jin's problem. Jimin and suga were opposing my suggestion but jin replied "i am okay to take any risk for my love's sake."
And in 2 to 3hours after posting the video jin started getting support and he was very happy as his fans were his true fans. They all supported him by retweeting and other stuff. Some even congratulated him. Some complained that he informed them very late. And like this every one came to know about the culprit. The culprit was caught by the korean detectives and everything went back to normal in the next few days.

Next day jin came to my room and thanked me for the suggestion and hugged me for saving his wife and praised me.
"I am always there for my friends"was all i said.

"So today we are heading to padmanabhswamy temple" i shouted.
We were stuck for 2 days in the same hotel because of jin's video. Now we continued our tour back.

*To be continued*
