Your eyes. . ( SayoTsugu/HinaTsugu Hamilton Au)

- Side note: Hamilton brainrot go brr -

Lisa stood up gripping a whine glass in her hand

"Alright~ Let's give it up for the maid of honour, Sayo~!" Lisa declared, directing everyone's eyes towards the teal haired girl

As Lisa placed the whine glass in Sayo's hands, The brunette's eyes were averted to something else

The applause of the onlookers woke Sayo out of her daze. Before delivering her toast she took a deep breath. .

"I toast to the groom!" Sayo pledged, pointing the whine glass at the short haired brunette of Afterglow

"To the groom!" The crowd chanted back, echoing Sayo's words

"To the bride!" Sayo then spun around, now referring the whine glass to her teal haired twin, of Pastel*Palettes

"To the bride!" The crowd repeated once again, Aya noticeably being louder then everyone else 

"From your sister. . .~

"Sayo. . "

"Who might always be on your side" the crowd chanted ironically

Sayo took a deep breath, bitterly tasting the line which the others just spurted out

"To your union. .!" Sayo added on

"TO THE REVOLUTION!" Tomoe and Moca Called out grinning with pride

"And the hope that you provide!"

"You provide~" The groom's parents echoed, jokingly raising a cup themselves

"May you always. . ." 

"Be satisfied."

As Sayo delivered her final lines, a flash of memory dawned upon her



I remember that night-


I remember that night I just might-

I remember that night I just might-

Sayo took a deep breath

I remember that night,I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.

Sayo's memory brought her back to the place where she first met her.


The groom.

{ Flash back }

The twins and their little "Sister" trudged their way into the ball room. 

The room was filled to the brim with decor and fancy candles.

"T-this is a-amazing!" Mashiro stated, being in her own state of euphoria

"C'mom then!" Hina jumped ahead, pulling Mashiro their sister for the day, and her twin up onto the dance floor

Hina was quick to mingle, as she quickly spotted Eve and Maya Dancing off in the corner of her eye

Mashiro slowly followed her temporary older sister, but then quickly diverting her attention to Kasumi, after she called out to her

Sayo was left alone, at the doorway of the ball before she could take another step forward, something, rather, someone made her stop in her tracks

A brown haired girl. She stood awkwardly amongst her comrades, as each and every one of them wore matching coats. 

Not soon afterwards the music started, As the violins gladfully joined in the melody, with the piano following

The same brown haired girl approached me, probably noticing that I've been staring.

"Would I have the honours for a dance with you?" The brunette said shyly, holding out her hand.

"Yeah, sure." Sayo replied bluntly, trying her best to mask her flushed out cheeks

Sayo's heart started beating, almost like it was on fire.

"You strike me, as a woman who has never been satisfied" The younger pianist commented, looking straight into Sayo's sage pupils

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean. . You forget yourself." Sayo coldly called back, not quite understanding what she meant

"You're like me. . I've never been satisfied." The girl added on, Surprisingly making making Sayo's heart flutter even more

"Is that right?"

"I've never been satisfied."

She kissed Sayo's hand. And then look straight back into her eyes

"My names Sayo Hikawa."

"Tsugumi Hazawa"

"Where's your family from?" Sayo asked softly, being genuinely curious Tsugumi's origins

"Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done." The smaller girl brought her hands in the sky, as though she was spreading the stars throughout the ballroom

"Just you wait.

"Just you wait!"

Tsugumi flashed a smile, and then made her way towards a rather tall girl, with flaming red hair, as they both danced their way into the dance floor.

The brunette left Sayo somewhat of a daze, She couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off Tsugumi. 

Despite the conversation only lasting 2 minutes, Sayo could feel her cheeks finally revealing its pinkish tint

Sayo turned towards Hina, and she is

"Helpless. ."

And Sayo just knows she's just so. .

"Helpless. ."

And her eyes, are just- 

"Helpless. ."

And Sayo finally realizes three fundamental truths at the exact same time. 

Looking down, she bare a smile. 

This is fine.

Tsugumi once again, approached the teal haired twin, but instead of interacting with her like, she would have dreamed of, she lead her somewhere else. .

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm about to change your life. ."

"Well then by all means, lead the way!"

Sayo looking down, lead her towards Hina, her twin.

"Hina Hikawa!" Hina introducing herself, seemingly already eased her worry

"Pleasure meeting you!" Hina added once more

"Hikawa?" Tsugumi confusingly questioned

"My sister." Sayo responded with a bitter tasting shrill following her comment

"Ehe. . Thank you for your services. .!" Hina thanked, with a mixture of sarcasm and genuine gratefulness in her voice

"If it took a war for us to meet, then it would have been worth it." Tsugumi churned back, smiling at Sayo's opposite 

"I'll leave you to it." Sayo stepped aside, tasting her own jealousy

Sayo made her way across the ballroom

Sayo felt a pang of hard envy scouring throughout her whole body like a virus.

She sighed, yet another thing she can't have.

Yet at that moment of sorrow, she smiled, realizing the girl she recently fell inlove with, will be with her sister, and all the hard feelings of envy will wash away, like always.

But it didn't.

But when Sayo fantasizes at night,

It's Tsugumi's eyes.

As she romanticized, what might have been if she hadnt. . Seized her up so quickly. .

Atleast My dear Hina's Tsugumi's wife. .

Atleast I keep her eyes in my life. .

{ end of flashback }

Sayo snapped back out of her state of reminiscence, being brought back to reality, where Hina is Tsugumi's wife.

"To the groom!"

"To the groom!!"

"To the bride!"

"To the bride!"

"To your sister!"

"Who will always be by your side!!"




"You provide!"

"You provide!"

"May you always. ."

"Be satisfied."

As the final act, Tsugumi cups Hina's cheeks as they pull in for a kiss, and as for Sayo. 

She can never be satisfied now.



sorry sayotsugu shippers

go brrr
