Kiss Me You (Saxy) Animal

Kiss Me You (Saxy) Animal

Frank was up in the bleachers with the other trumpets, wishing that Gerard was there with him. It was kind of pathetic, really. Frank couldn't even manage to spend five minutes away from Gerard. He tried to pass the time by watching Pete and his not-boyfriend Patrick.

"How's life in the flute section?" Pete asked.

"It's alright," Patrick responded. "I still can't seem to get the hang of marching."

"Marching's tough," Pete said. "It gets better, though. You won't have Billie Joe yelling at you next year... whoa, it's going to be really weird when the seniors graduate. We'll have to elect a new drum major."

"You should be drum major next year," Patrick said. "You would be good at it."

"I'm not so sure about that, Trick," Pete replied. "I've heard that being drum major is a lot of work. Besides, I wouldn't be able to hang out with you as much."

"Why do you like hanging out with me so much?" Patrick asked.

"Because I think you're my best friend, even though we've only known each other for a day. You're an American beauty and I'm an American psycho. I miss missing you now and then, and I think we would be better off as lovers and not the other way around, but I don't blame you for being you. We're in the wake of Saturday, but even though I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake and spin for you like your favorite records used to, I'm starting to think that the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact is to realize that two out of three ain't bad. So remember me for centuries, because baby, seasons change but people don't, and I'll always be waiting in the back room."

Patrick stared at him blankly for a moment before saying, "I honestly didn't understand half of what you just said, Pete."

" was nothing," Pete said. "Don't worry about it."

"Good, because I'm not even going to try to understand your craziness," Patrick said. He yawned and asked, "Are we actually doing anything or are we just hanging out in the gym until lights out?"

"I think we're just hanging out here," Pete said.

Patrick smiled and said, "I like hanging out with you, Pete. You're just so friendly and kind to me."

"Aww, thanks Patrick," Pete said.

"Are you sure you two are just friends?" Frank chimed in.

"Of course we're sure," Patrick said.

"Whatever you say," Frank said. Honestly, listening to Pete and Patrick just made him think about Gerard more. Frank finally spotted Gee on the other side of the gym, drinking coffee as he talked to the other saxophone players. As Frank continued to daydream about Gerard, he remembered one of the crazier things he had done to get his attention last year.

It was seven o'clock on a Monday morning, and Frank was putting his trumpet in his locker when he came up with the idea. It was Gerard's birthday, and he wasn't there yet, so Frank decided to hide in his band locker. Despite the fact that Gerard's locker was kind of small, Frank figured that he could fit.

It was a bit of a squeeze, but Frank climbed into the locker and waited for Gerard to show up. If nothing else, he had at least proven that there were occasionally advantages to being four feet tall. Frank just waited there for around ten minutes before Gee finally showed up.

As Gerard went to open his locker, Frank popped out and yelled, "Happy birthday, Gee!"

Gerard simply laughed and said, "Frank, can you please just get out of my locker?"

Frank sighed. "Okay," he said as Gerard helped him out of the locker.

"Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday, but next time, don't hide in my locker," Gerard said.

Frank waved to Gerard and went off to class. At least Gerard Way had finally noticed his existence.

Now, Frank was looking across the gym, wondering if Gee would ever be his. Everything that had happened today made him wonder if Gerard might be interested in him after all. He swore that Gerard was trying to flirt with him a few times, but maybe that was just him. Nevertheless, Frank had a little bit of hope.

"Hey Frank," he heard someone say. Frank saw that it was Brendon Urie. Frank and Brendon usually didn't talk much, but Brendon seemed to be nice enough.

"Hi Brendon," Frank said, still looking towards the other side of the gym. Even when Gerard wasn't trying, he still managed to be beautiful.

"What are you thinking about?" Brendon asked.

"Nothing," Frank lied. "Just watching those kids playing basketball."

"I would have joined them, but I'm too tired after that game of beach volleyball," Brendon said.

"When was there a game of beach volleyball?" Frank asked. "I would have joined."

"During the afternoon sectional," Brendon said.

"Wait a second," Pete said. "Frank, you said you were with the drumline during the afternoon sectional. Where were you?"

Dang it. Frank knew that he should have used a different excuse. "I...uh...was don't know..." Frank stammered.

"Tell us the truth, Frank," Pete said.

"I was just hanging out by the lake with Gerard," Frank admitted. "It's really not that big of a deal..."

"Wait, what?!" Pete exclaimed. "You were with GERARD WAY?!? The saxophone player?"

Frank was going to respond, but he was interrupted by Billie Joe. "Everyone, come down to the basketball court! It's time for the Body Part Game!"

Frank grinned and climbed down from the bleachers. He had almost won the Body Part Game last year as a freshman, and he was certain that he would win it this year. The game was relatively simple. The drum major would call out two body parts, and you had to find a partner and touch those two body parts together. The last two people to do so were eliminated.

Once everyone who was playing was on the basketball court, Billie Joe explained the game for the freshman and then he called out "Nose to knee!" Frank found some random freshman and touched his nose to her knee. It was awkward, but that was kind of the point of the game.

Two freshmen were eliminated, and Billie Joe called out, "Elbow to stomach!" Frank ran over to Joe Trohman and touched his elbow to Joe's stomach. The game continued, and more and more people were eliminated. However, Frank managed to stay in.

"Ear to shoulder!" Frank put his ear on Lindsey's shoulder. Two more people were eliminated, and now there were only four left: Frank, Lindsey, Jamia, and Gerard. Frank actually had a chance at winning.

That was when Billie Joe called, "Lip to lip!"

This was Frank's chance. He stepped a little closer to Gerard and whispered in his ear, "Kiss me, you saxy animal."

Strangely enough, it worked. Frank wasn't sure if he had kissed Gee or if Gee had kissed him, but their lips collided, and it was every bit as perfect as Frank had thought that it would be. As Frank deepened the kiss and electricity ran through his veins, he thought that there was no way that he could get enough of this marvelous feeling.

Frank didn't even notice everyone else watching them, and honestly, he didn't care. He didn't care that Pete was completely freaking out in the bleachers, or that Jamia was internally fangirling over "Frerard," or that Mikey had just walked in, wondering what the heck was happening. None of that mattered. He was in his own little personal heaven, just him and Gerard.

Gerard finally broke the kiss, his hazel eyes still gazing into Frank's. They had just won the Body Part Game, but that wasn't terribly important to Frank anymore. He had just kissed Gerard Way, the saxiest kid in the entire marching band.

Shortly after the game ended, everyone had to go back to the dorms for lights out. Frank was about to leave the gym and go back to the residence hall, but Gerard tapped him on the shoulder on the way out. "Follow me," he whispered. Frank nodded and followed Gee as he walked to the cork tree.

Somehow, the lake was even more beautiful at night. The stars sparkled in the sky, and the moonlight shone through the branches and illuminated the soft angles of Gerard's face. "It's such a great night for stargazing," Gerard commented, staring up at the sky as he wrapped his arms around Frank.

"It really is," Frank said. He moved closer as Gerard began to point out some of the constellations. Honestly, Frank just loved listening to Gerard's voice, but what he had to say was absolutely fascinating.

"And that one's Gemini," he said, pointing to a cluster of stars near the horizon. "The constellation is supposed to represent the twin brothers Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology. They were both Argonauts, and when Castor died, Pollux was so overcome with sorrow that he begged Zeus to allow Castor to become immortal, and thus, they were reunited in the heavens."

"That's sweet," Frank said.

"Yeah," Gerard said. He sighed and said, "I wish I had someone who would care about me that much. Maybe not a brother, since I already have one of those, but just someone who would love me no matter what."

I could do that for you, Gee, Frank thought. You can run away with me anytime you want.

"To be honest, I didn't even bring you out here to talk about the stars," Gerard said. "I've been putting this off for way too long. Frank, ever since we met last year, I've really liked you. Even if the other saxes say it's wrong, I don't care. You're one of the most amazing people I know, and if they can't deal with that, then that's their problem. So Frank, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Frank exclaimed. "Of course I will!"

Gerard grinned and said, "Frank, you've made me the happiest man alive."

That was when Frank heard thunder booming in the distance. "We should probably go before it starts raining," he said. He grabbed Gerard's hand and the two of them ran towards the residence hall as it began to rain. They shared one last kiss before they entered the dorms and went their separate ways.

Frank's roommate Ryan was already sleeping when Frank arrived in the dorm room, so he quietly started to get ready for bed.

At the very least, Frank knew that he would definitely have sweet dreams tonight. 


Anyways, this is just a quick shout-out to my friend RadioSpirit. She's new to Wattpad, and she is almost as cool as MCR, so give her a follow and check out her book Countdown. It's a really interesting exploration of depression, and I HIGHLY recommend it. 

Thanks for reading this so far! I love all of you! :) 
