Chapter 35 : Perpetuation

"Ah, dear Edward," said the young lady, gently moving her slightly curled bang behind her ear. Her hair was a bright and vibrant variation of blonde, and her clear blue eyes were beautiful against it. Edward approached her, "You look beautiful this evening, Mother."
Aelinore smiled, lightly rubbing her hand down his chest. She had a strange hat in her other hand, it looked like a blue jester's cap.
Arya cringed. She couldn't place exactly why, but it may have had something to do with the Duchess being obviously younger than Edward, her stepson. She approached a tall woman, assuming that she may have been some type of warrior, according to her strong body.
"Uhm.. hello," said Arya, stiffly.
"Hm?" Her voice was overwhelmingly deep. She turned around and smiled, "Oh. Greetings, ser."
Arya's jaw dropped, "L-Lyon?"
His eyebrows raised, "Yes?"
"I mistook you for a woman!"
He raised an eyebrow, "Well, that's certainly queer. I'm wearing pants"
Arya chuckled and scooted away, "Why did he have to use the word 'queer?'"

Almost an hour later, the Duke raised his hand. Silence slowly followed this action, "I am grateful for all in attendance. I encourage you to enjoy the rest of your night and have a safe journey back to your homes." Murmuring ensued, and people began readying to leave. As Arya turned around, Edmun placed his massive hand on her shoulder.
"I hear that you're on a journey to slay the Dragon," inquired the Duke.
"I am."
"Tis a fool's errand. Don’t waste your youth on something unrealistic."
Arya felt suddenly uneasy.
"That's why the Wyrm Hunt exists, as it has for over two centuries," continued Edmun, "Leave the Wyrm to them."
"The Dragon is not some beast that should be slain in a campaign, like some common dog --"
"Those who challenge nature either die a pathetic death or live an abominable life. Remember that, and go with peace."
Arya looked up at the man, who stared blankly ahead, seeming to stare at a ghost.

What could he be hiding? Arya thought to herself, on the way out of the demesne. She came upon Mercedes in the middle of a conversation with the chamberlain, who turned to meet her. "Ah, ser Arya. 'Tis good to see you are well."
Arya smiled, "I can't believe I didn't notice you at the party."
Mercedes sighed and pouted a bit, "I might have left after ser Julien's comment. I was more than fairly offended. My apologies."
"You should've stayed! I told him off, for true!"
Mercedes returned a smile, "Well, I have an investigation to tend to. We'll have to continue this conversation for another time."
Chamberlain Aldous clasped his hands as Mercedes left.
Arya followed her, and went back to the inn, where she continued preparing alchemickal tools before going to sleep.

She arose to a small chest in front of her bed. Confused, and still half-asleep, Arya kicked it, causing it to barely move. -gasp- "It's. . Full?" She curiously opened it with her toe, revealing a hefty sum of coin. "Maker's teeth..!" Inside was a note that read, "My thanks. -Edmun Dragonsbane."
"Impressive! So that's what honest work looks like. Almost makes me wish I wasn't a bandit," said Tsung, sitting on the edge of her bed casually eating a loaf of bread.
Arya squealed, kicking him repeatedly. "What in blazes are you doing!? How long have you been here?"
After fending off the barrage of attacks, he stood up and dusted himself off, "I just walked in, and I'm pretty offended at you ignoring me. Anyway," he gestured at the door, and two men brought in another chest, heavy with gold. "I appreciate your help. We were able to get that gold from the caverns without a hitch. Well, except for a certain silver idol I wanted."
Arya shooed him away, "I don't want your creepy gold. I know not what obligations come with accepting that."
Tsung laughed, "None! Besides, I have more than enough gold for my important quest."
"Excellent, now you can leave," replied Arya, yawning.
"Hey! Don't act like you're not curious!"
"I'm not."
"A new Bandit troupe has arrived in Gransys, called the Northern Fang." said Tsung suddenly, "They think me dead, and I needed the funds to gather manpower."
Arya scoffed at him, "That's why you'll always lose, Tsung. You attacked the bandits of Fort Aernst and lost. That's because your men fought for money and not what they believed in."
Tsung was silent for a few moments, "Those Iron Hammer louts fight for money, like as anyone!"
Arya stretched and laid back down, "You're wrong, Tsung. Maul knows the names and personalities of each bandit under his care. They were more than allies, they were also friends."
Tsung paused, and sat back down on the bed. "I... I see."
Arya kicked him off again. "And leave the money," she said, opening one eye, "I may find aught use for it."

Once he left, she sat up and looked around her room. Her sword was chipped, notched all over, and her armor was well and beaten. Arya's first task of the day, hit the marketplace. She walked downstairs and greeted Asalam with quite the sum of coin, then proceeded out the door. She inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air of a beautiful day. She exhaled blissfully, and upon opening her eyes she was greeted with a terrifying sight.
Only a small amount of people, no more than ten, perhaps, were all staring at her with plain open eyes. Certainly there's nothing strange about being noticed after you bust the door open and take a dramatic breath of air, but only their heads were turned directly toward her while their bodies still took care of their work. They eventually paused completely, staring at her ominously.
Arya drew her sword, "Have aught a problem!?"
Some people looked over, awkwardly, but the people who were originally staring went back to what they were doing.
Suddenly, someone grabbed Arya's wrist, "You're causing trouble."
"Unhand me, fiend!" Arya snatched away and pointed her sword at the guard.
"My name, is Ser Tolth."
He stared with the same open eyes.
Arya pushed him aside and approached Caxton's armory, where she snuck a couple of glances at the townsfolk while leaning on the counter. Not only were the people that were staring no longer there, but everyone else were acting as if nothing happened. "Ser smith. Have you noticed anything odd as of late?"
Caxton scoffed gruffly, "Honestly, every day these people freak me out." He let out a sigh, "Anyways, can I get aught for you?"
Arya shook her head and pinched her cheeks. "Yes, actually."
