Bakugou X Heartbroken! Reader X Natsu Finale

Time Skip After A Few Weeks
Your POV

I was just at the bar drinking. Natsu and Gray are fighting like usual.

Suddenly, an explosion went off in Natsu and Grays fight.

When I stood up and turned to them to stop their fight, I look at the explosion they did and it quickly reminded me of a certain someone.

'Katsuki... '

I then ran out of the guild with tears in my eyes.

I ran and ran to a river.

I sat there with my knees at my face and cried. Why did that explosion had to remind me of HIM?!

Moments later, I heard footsteps behind and I sniffed the scent and I already know who it is.

"What are you doing here, Natsu? More importantly, why did you follow me? " I asked him.

"Well, I saw you ran out the guild and saw you had tears in your eyes so I just had to follow you after I finished off the fight. " He answered. "What's wrong? "

I looked down and had my eyes shadowed, "Nothing."

"Y/N, I know you too well to know you have something on your mind that's bothering you. " He said sternly and sat beside with a worried look on his face.
"Y/N, I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything. "

I looked at him for a sec then slowly turned to the river. And finally I told him.

"Natsu, do you know why I came back? Well, it's a stupid reason actually. I got heartbroken by a guy I loved for a long time. You remember the guy I told you about, Bakugou Katsuki? " He nodded. " Well, he got a girlfriend and I immediately knew that was rejection. "

"I mean, who would love me? I'm just a worthless girl who's apparently the strongest wizard. I'm kinda stupid to know if someone would love m-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on my own. Natsu's lips was so soft.


"Natsu... " I whimpered softly. "Thank you.. And I love you too..." I cried in his chest.

After that day, we became a couple.

Time Skip After A Few Months
Third Person POV

A mysterious person wearing a red cloak suddenly appeared at the front of the UA school.

They went in and roamed around the halls.

Suddenly, four people behind the mysterious person appeared and saw them.

"Hey, you with the cloak! " A tired man shouted.

The mysterious person turned around with the cloak shadowing their face.

"What are you doing here? More importantly, how did you get in here? " A woman with dark blue hair asked.

"It'll be better if you leave. " A skinny blonde and a blonde who's energetic warned in unison.

The mysterious person chuckled, "Come on guys, you don't remember me? " The person said.

When they heard the familiar voice, their eyes widen.

The mysterious person puts down their cloak to reveal Y/N with a soft smile.

"Y/N?!?!?? " The four shouted in unison.

"It's good to see ya guys again. " Y/N said.

"Y/N, are you coming back? " Aizawa asked her.

"Sorry but no. " The four heads looked down. "I'm just here to visit and checked what's changed. "

Toshinori sighed, "You shouldn't scared us like that, Young Y/N"

You giggled and apologize.

"So Y/N, do you want to check out the Class 1A dorm? " Present Mic asked.

"Yeah, I won't be seeing anyone but just roam around the dorms."
You answered.

"I'll escort you to the dorm building. " Aizawa insisted.

"Thanks! Let's go right now cause I have a mission me and my team has to go. " They nodded.

They all hugged you except Aizawa.

"We missed you. " They said in unison.

"I missed you guys too. " You answered.

After that, you and Aizawa walked to the UA dorm building with of course your cloak on.

"Well, this is my sto-" You were cut off by Aizawa hugging you.

He pulled away and said, "I hate to admit it but.. I missed you too. Now go! " He then walked away.

You giggled and went in. Surprisingly, no one was at the main room.

'I'm guessing they went training or hanging out.. ' you thought.

You roamed around the building.

As you roamed around the 4th floor, a walking time bomb appeared right in front of you.

When he saw you, his eyes widen.

You tried to run away but Bakugou grabbed your wrist and dragged you to his room.

"Hey! Let go of me! " You shouted with tears in your eyes.

"No. Come with me. "

When you went in his dorm room, Bakugou locked the door and sat on his bed while you stand up.

"Why the fuck you dragged me into your room? " You asked him while looking away your cloak fell off.

Suddenly, Bakugou hugged yo but you quickly pushed him off. He had hurt in his eyes.

"Y/N...Your back...I missed you so damn much... What happened? " He asked.

You turned to him with a furious look, "WHAT HAPPENED? WHT HAPPENED?! I GOT HEARTBROKEN BY YOU THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED! " You shouted. "Aren't you gonna go on a date with Uraraka instead of wasting your time with me? "

"Y/N... How was it my fault for you gone? " He asked sadly.


" I LOVED YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING, BAKUGOU! YOU WERE MY FIRST FRIEND IN THIS WORLD! I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS! " you inhaled sharply. "Now, I got someone who would stay by my side and not leave me unlike you. " You said and looked away sadly.

Suddenly, your phone or lacrima rang.

You picked up the phone and read the text. It was from Natsu.

Natsu: Hey, Princess! Me and the team are waiting for you right now! You done yet?

You had a soft smile on your face after you read Natsu's text.


I'm done. I'm on my way. Don't leave me.❤

After that, you turned off your phone and turned around so that your back is facing at Bakugou.

"I gotta go. I have a mission. " You said and summoned a portal.

Before you went in, you turned around to Bakugou with a glare. "I hate you, Bakugou. " You said sternly

Bakugou's face turned in to shocked and concerned.

Then, you went into the portal.

After you left, Bakugou cried to sleep.

He felt.. Sad... Angry... Worry... Pissed...



This is the finale part. I hope all of you enjoyed this oneshot story!

Thank you for 886+ reads! I appreciate that you all like my stories! Especially this one.

See you on the next oneshot! See ya!
