That Night (Small smut warning)

3rd POV
Bakugou, and Deku decide to get ready for bed...

Baku-"Hey Nerd, wanna watch a movie? I'm not tired."



Deku-"Ehh...Ok, Sure!"

Baku-"Ok, Don't worry, they aren't that scary....besides...You have me here.."

A huge smile forms across Dekus face and he chuckles

Deku-"Ok Kacchan!"

Bakugou's POV
Hopefully the movie doesn't get to scary...We still have school tomorrow....

Deku's POV
I hope Kacchan doesn't mind if i accident jump onto him, or scream....I haven't really ever watched a scary movie....

3rd POV
Deku goes to the kitchen, grabs popcorn, and then grabs a big, soft, blue blanket...He goes back to the couch where Bakugou is sitting, and throws him the blanket, then jumps onto the couch right next to him.....Bakugou starts the movie, and already Deku is cuddled against Bakugou, Hiding half of his face....



Baku-"Are you ok?"

Deku-"Y-Yeah just a little scared..."

Baku-"Ha! nothings happened yet."

Deku-" its still scary.."

Baku-"Ok what ever you say."

Its gets near the middle of the movie, and a not so appropriate scene comes on, and Deku hides under the Blanket completely...

Deku-"C-can you skip it...."

Baku-"But your 18?? This stuff still bugs you?

Deku-"...well I'm with you....."

Baku Chuckles-"What is the supposed  to mean! Nevermind, there I skiped it."

Deku-"Do you really?"

Baku-"Yeah Nerd...Now can you get up your laying right on my D-"

Deku's Face gets red, and he jumps up-"IM SO SORRY KACCHAN I DIDN'T KNO-"

Baku-"Its fine. Now keep watching the movie, its not that scary."


An hour passes, the movie is over, and Deku is all wrapped up, cuddled up to Kacchan, afraid something will get him...

Deku-"K-kacchan c-can i sleep out here tonight w-with you, o-or we go into my bedroom?"


Deku-"Where do you want to sleep."

an idea pops into bakugou's head

Baku-"BEDROOM! S-sorry i mean bedroom."

Deku-"Ok...I'm kinda scared to move..."

As soon as bakugou heard that he picked deku up over his shoulder and took him into the bedroom....Bakugou threw him onto the bed, and jumped onto him...

Deku POV
I-I..Don't know whats happening.....

3rd POV
Bakugou removes Dekus clothes, and soon removes his own......

A few house pass, and they both go to sleep (11:12 p.m. they fall asleep)
