Internal Suffering

Izuku saw his mother, Lying down with blood everywhere, He in response screamed and called the police, They arrived and

Inko was sent to the hospital, Shortly later Izuku was called back by the hospital and asked how she was doing,

"We're sorry to break it to you,She had passed away." Izuku then hung up and had a panic attack, Today he just had enough

And so Izuku ran all the way to a rooftop, and took off his shoes, looking down crying very heavily, "What is that?"

Undercover hero, EraserHead asked to himself, He couldn't tell if he was hallucinating or he was truly seeing something

Izuku then took a leap, He felt calm for some strange reason, Before hitting the ground he passed out and Eraser Head

Saved him before he could hit the ground. "What the hell, child..." *Sigh* Eraser head then brought Izuku to the hospital to

Check his mental health, When Izuku woke up he was told he HAS to be checked for any new mental illnesses and even though

He didn't want to, He felt something telling him to do it and so, Izuku accepted. After that, Izuku had to stay there for 2 weeks

up to 3 months until the results come back, When they arrived Aizawa was told that the paper with the information will be sent

To his mail, Aizawa waited, and it finally came, Aizawa was shocked and he felt bad for Izuku and it almost made him tear up

Izuku was diagnosed with EXTREME PTSD,Major depression,Separation anxiety, dysthymia, There was a note stating that

This is the most severe cases they've seen, and it may take up to 3 Years to completely treat his problems. Aizawa couldn't

Help but feel bad for the young, Broccoli like child who is so innocent that its very sad.
