Emergency Room

My eyes slowly flutter open as I take in my surroundings. 

Where was I?

I look around the room and finally it hits me.

I'm in Suho's room.

"What the heck!" I jump off the bed and look around for Suho. Suddenly I remember. I fell asleep on his shoulder. "No no no no no!" I bury my face in my hands, dying from embarrassment. 

Did he have to carry me all the way here?

Oh my god my life is over. I should just run away and never look back.  

"Y/N... are you okay?" My head whips up to see Suho standing there.

But wait...


"I- uhh I..." I scan him up and down, taking in the sight of his perfectly sculpted abs. He seems to notice and gives a smirk. 

"Sorry. I just finished showering when I heard you yelling. Like what you see?" 

My ears flare up. Gosh I should go slap him but my feet stay glued to the floor. I glance next to me and see a hoodie lying on the floor so I pick it up and chuck it in his face. 

"Put this on so we can have a normal conversation." He laughs but follows my order. "Anyways why am I still here? Did my parents forget me or something?"

"Yeah obviously." I flick his forehead and cross my arms pouting. "Ow! Fine! They also fell asleep here. So I guess it was like a family sleepover. They're downstairs waiting for you. Go eat breakfast. They're making pancakes."

I give him a quick nod before rushing downstairs.

There was a plate in the middle of the table with a huge stack of pancakes. My moth watered at the sight. I reached to grab a pancake when a spatula comes and smacks my hand away.

"Aish Y/N! What are you doing? Go wash your hands right now! Then go get a plate! What are you? A caveman?"

I trudge away from the pancakes to go to the bathroom. As I leave, I see the dad's bringing in syrup, whipped cream, sprinkles and chocolate chips. My stomach growls loudly. I felt like the stack was mocking me. I quickly wash my hands and sprint back to the table. I begin filling up my plate like a maniac, throwing on whatever I could find. When my mom walks in, her eyes widen in horror. 

"WHERE'D THE STACK GO?" Her eyes slowly raise to meet mine. Just then Mrs. Kim walks in.

"Oh don't worry about it. The poor girl is just hungry. We still have a lot of batter left. Let's go finish it." My mom gives a sweet smile and agrees, however when we reach home, I know I'l get in huge trouble. 

After finishing breakfast, I ask my parents if I could go back home and freshen up because apparently we're going to leave at night today. They agree and my dad hands me the car keys. I say a quick by to Suho and exit the house.

The drive to my house was pretty uneventful. I quickly brush my teeth, take a shower and put on my daily makeup. I throw on a t-shirt and some sweatpants and then dry my hair. I rush out the door again and begin driving.

As I start driving, I notice several ambulances and police cars by the school. Even firefighters began to approach the scene. 

What happened?

I see a large crowd of people standing by the scene, standing with their phones out, recording the scene unfolding in front of them. Even many news reporters showed up. I decide to join the crowd and park in the parking lot of the school. I sit in the car, deciding to check the news to see if there have been any updates. 

Wow I haven't opened my phone since yesterday before I went to Suho's house. As I open my phone, I see a message from Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun : Y/N I'm sorry. I can't take it anymore. I can't stay friends, I can't. Either we should never talk again or we stay together. Because every time I see you, my day quite literally lights up. You're the reason why I smile on most days. Every time I see you, I want to hold you. To take you into a hug and never let go. But I can't. If you want to talk, I'll be at school tomorrow morning, finishing up grades. Come by and see me.

My hand trembles as I finish reading. 

But I don't want to never see you again.

You also light up my days. 

But we can't be together.

All the signs are a no.

Fate can really be a jerk sometimes can it.

I decide to text him back "See you there," but I stop myself in the middle. I was already at school. And it was packed with ambulances.

I immediately shove my phone into my pocket and run out of the car. I rush towards Baekhyun's classroom when I see it was cut off by crime scene tapes.


At this point I was bawling. I see a cop nearby and rush to her. "Ms! Ms what happened?" My voice begin cracking. I point in the direction of Baekhyun's classroom. "What happened Ms?"

She takes a deep breath, placing her hands on my shoulder. "Listen kid. You should probably leave. There was a teacher here who was nearly stabbed to death. He's barely holding on, but he's still alive."

My world quite literally cam crashing down.

I fell backwards, landing on the ground. My vision started blurring and my head began to feel dizzy. Soon  a high pitch filled my ears.

Who would do such a thing?

Suddenly the police officer rushes next to me. "Ms? Are you okay? Listen, you're going into shock. I need you to breathe. Take deep breaths."

I follow her instructions and start taking deep breaths. My head slowly starts to feel better and the high pitch is gone but my entire body still feels weak. I use the rest of my strength to ask her one question...

"Who did it?"

"We're still investigating that. So far we know tha-, " She pauses for a moment before continuing. "Wait I'm so sorry but I can't reveal anything. It's against protocol." 

My anger rises but I know it shouldn't. 

It's not her fault.

She's just doing her job.

"What hospital is he going to?"

"The one four blocks own from here."

"Thank you." I quickly jump to feet and rush to my car. On the way to the hospital, I phone up Suho.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?"

"Suho you have to listen to me."

"Y/N are you okay?"

"Please just listen. Baekhyun's was stabbed."

"Wait what?" I ignore his statement and continue.

 "I'm on my way to the hospital a few blocks down from school. Call up Kai and Minjun. Let them know. Then meet me here."

I hang up the phone before I start crying. 

How could this happen?

If only I'd seen it earlier and actually went to meet him then he could've been alive.

It's my fault.

I pull up to an available parking spot and rush into the building. I go up to the front counter and frantically slap the desk until a lady comes.

"Hi may I help you?"

"Where is Byun Baekhyun?"

"I'm sorry but I need you to slow down and repeat that."

My anger flares but I try to stay composed. "Byun... Baekhyun." She types in the name as slow as possible, pressing the keys with one finger. "Could you please hurry up?" She shoots me an annoyed glare but continues.

"Oh he's been taken to the emergency room. But you can't go and see him. Only family."

I nod an start walking back to the entrance. But when she turn around, I run past her in the direction of the emergency room. 

As I navigate my way through these drab halls, I try to assure myself that he'd be okay.

That he'd make it.

That he's be out in a week.

But deep in my heart, I knew the reality. 

He was on the brink of death. 

It could take months before he's completely okay. 

I slowly approach the waiting room and I go to the desk. 

"Excuse me, where is Byun Baekhyun?"

She quickly pulls up something on her computer and scans it with her eyes.

"He's still in surgery." She point to a door with the number 101 on it. "He's in there so you could go sit over by the door."

I make my way over to the door and peer in through the glass. However Baekhyun wasn't visible because of the huge crowd of doctors and equipment around him. The sight only made em more nervous. I take the chair right by the door trying to stay calm. I bury my head in between my knees and take deep breaths. Tears slowly drip down my cheeks and slowly plop on the floor. Soon enough there's a puddle of tears. I lost track of time while sitting there. All I could see was the puddled floor.


I turn around to see Kai and Minjun running in my direction. Minjun sits down next to me and takes me into her arms. 

"Kai go get her some food and water," she orders Kai. He immediately runs off in search. Then Minjun turns to me. "Shhhh Y/N. It's going to be okay. He'll be okay. How long have you been here? When did you come?"

I try my hardest to speak up but barely manage to make a sound. "Around 10:00 in the morning."

"You've been here for 5 hours! You should eat and go home and freshen up."

"I already did," I mutter.

"Y/N you should go ahead. Suho's on the way. He went by the police station for a debrief and to ask them to contact Baekhyun's family."

"It's fine. I'll stay."

"Are you sure?"


Luckily Minjun understood that I wasn't in the mood for speaking. She stays quiet as we wait for news from the doctors. Soon Kai shows up with several bottles of water and some ramen. As he hands me the bowl, I refuse.

"I'm sorry I can't eat right now. I feel like throwing up." He hesitates taking it back but obliges, knowing not to force me. Soon enough Suho rushes in with two men and a women behind him. All three shared a striking resemblance to Baekhyun. 

It's his family. They take a seat from across from us and the younger man, probably his older brother, squats on the floor in front of his parents' chairs to console them. His mother was a sickly shade of green. Suho sits a few seats down from me. The entire waiting room seemed to have frozen.

Each clock tick was audible. 

Nobody made a sound. 

As night approached, Suho and Kai left to get some blankets for everyone in the waiting room. Xiumin and Sooyeon would come tomorrow morning. 

"How do you all know him?" I look up to the direction of the voice and see Baekhyun's mother looking at us. I open my mouth to speak, but it had gone dry.

"He's our teacher," Minjun pipes up.

His mother nods as the room descends in utter silence once again. Kai and Suho show up with the pillows and blankets and distribute them among the people. Baekhyun's brother thanks them and goes back to his parents. As I begin to set up the bed on the floor, several officers approach us. 

"Hello, which one of you is Y/N?"

My heart races.

Did they find the culprit?

Did the find evidence?

Did they find a breakthrough?

I slowly rise to my feet as anticipation fills the waiting room.

"I am," I say raising my hand. 

He then gestures two cops to go behind me. One of the cops roughly grabs my hands while the other places something on my wrists. 

I shivered at the cold metal which circled my skin. 


But why?

I hear Suho yell "What are you doing?"

Kai yells "What's going on?"

The cops raised his hand to instill the silence again then he turns to face me.

"Y/N, you are under arrest for involvement in the attempted murder of Mr. Byun Baekhyun."
