We Can Be Happy

Kel's pov;;

I start walking home with Vida, she eats her ice cream. While I use my small towel to clean up my sweat. Most of the time girls ask me if I'm single, which I respond with, "I really need to shower, can you please excuse us?" then leaving the female.

"Vida, when we get home just go to our room and get ready for a shower alright? Mom and Dad are out with HERO so it'll just be us three! You, Me, and BASIL!" I say, she just smiles and skips ahead of me.

"Can't get me!" she says, skipping away from me. I just run to catch up with her. Scooping her into my arms then placing her on my shoulders.

"Home tim!" she said, happily. "Yup, now get down and get clothes. Stinky.", I say in a joking tone, she then laughs again.

-Time skip!-

I get out the shower, towel on my shoulders. Force of habit I guess? I do this all the time, which I've just noticed. Vida walks towards the bathroom, a dress in hand along with shorts and her other items of clothing. Like socks, undershirt, hair clips, that stuff.

I start the water, then placing her in the bath. Allowing her to clean herself. Our mother raised her to be independent, not to rely on men.

I walk down the hall, entering the kitchen. Grabbing the instructions my brother left. "What-? I can literally just make quesadillas. But noooooo! HERO makes me go extra and makes me cook Albondigas! What if he doesn't like it-? He'll think I'm weird-", I say. Then hearing a yell.

"KEL! TOWEL! I NEED TOWEL!" Vida yelled, loud enough for me to hear. "Alright! Going!" I say, grabbing a new towel and running to the bathroom.

-Time Skip!-

I finally finally FINALLY finish making the Albondigas, with the approval and taste testing of Vida, and I. Quickly I take off the apron, running to my room to change into a long sleeve and shorts. Along with my socks and sandals.

No ones pov;;

"KEL! Someone at door!" Vida yells, Kel to busy getting dressed to hear. She opens the door. To see BASIL. He wasn't supposed to be early, but a new playmate. Right? "Oh! Hey Vida! Is, uhm..is KEL home?" BASIL asks nervously. After what happened earlier, it's understandable.

"Come in! Play with me!" she says, dragging him inside by the hand, just to receive a nervous laugh from him. As he closes the door.

Basil's pov;;

It was so weird, was KEL not here? Or was he still getting ready? Or- Wait! Stop thinking BASIL! Pull yourself together!

"BASIL? Which doll you want?" Vida asks. "Oh! Uhm, this one? She looks like she plants cacti!" I say, earning a laugh from her. I immediately get nervous, was I hosting the house as a clown?

"Sorry I took forever Vida! I just found the best sweat pants- Oh! BASIL! You look....", he stopped talking, looking me up and down. "You look so cute lilly pad!" he says, then kissing my cheek.

Kel's pov;;

Oh, My, God. Why'd I kiss him?!?!?!?!?!?!? I wasn't so sure myself. All I knew was, this feeling was familiar. I sit him down at the table. Vida sitting across from him.

"Would you like carrots?"

"Yes, please!"





"How many meatballs? One or more?"

"Just two please!"

"Here you are BASIL! Enjoy it! I don't normally cook, so I hope you like!" I say, he blew on it, then placing a piece of the meatball in his mouth. His eyes begin to form star like shapes as he continues to eat.

"Im hungy too!" Vida yells, hitting my arm.

"Alright alright! At least we know where you get the fighting from! Dad!" I say with a smile, quickly serving her a small portion. Then serving myself.

-Time Skip-

We finish eating, BASIL getting dragged by the hand into the living room. Vida sits him down, then telling me to get them drinks. "I want soda! What you want BASIL?" she asked, pulling the hem of his shirt.

"I'll take lemonade! If that's alright?" he said, I nod my head then turning back towards the kitchen. Grabbing three cups and filling two of them up with lemonade. Then one of them with coke.

"Here you are! Just let me know if you want some more! Alright lilly pad?" I say, he just nods.

I move away from BASIL and Vida, resting on the couch. Closing my eyes, then falling asleep.

End of Chapter 9!

AN;; Sorry that this chapter came out kinda late- I was asleep most of the day. So it came out a little later then expected- Have a good day everyone!

Word count;; 799
