Chapter 7

I was so shocked that I couldn't move. Why is he here? I wanted to forget everything. Just when I came out of my shell he appears out of nowhere and decides to destroy my life again. "Yah, you son of a bitch, let her go. How the fuck do you dare to touch her with your filthy hands?!" Jungkook was boiling of anger. He grabbed his neck and pulled him away from me. When I finally got out of his embrace my legs gave out and I fell down to the floor. "Wh-why are y-you here, Hoseok ?" He looked at me and his gaze softened even more. But that wasn't the hoseok I know. Did I even know him? I mean all he did was make my life a living hell. He bends down reaching out to stroke my cheek and I tried to crawl away but sadly the table behind me stopped me. When his fingers trailed my cheekbone I couldn't help but begin to tremble. When I looked into Hoseok eyes I could see guilt and sadness. "Grace...I'm so sorry that I hurt you. But please believe me if I say I changed and want to start new. Be a better person... But I can only do that if you forgive me." His eyes searched for mine but I avoided his gaze. "I d-don't think I ca-can. Give me some time." He sighed before standing up and walks away glancing back at me before disappearing into the hallway. "That bastard. Don't you listen to him, sis. All that comes out of his mouth is nothing else than bullshit. If he regrets what he had done, why did he do it in the first place?" I nodded when jungkook pulled me up, hugging me. " Just ignore him, okay? I will think about how we deal with j-hoe ok?" He stroked my back before planting a kiss on my forehead and grabbed my arm gently, dragging me to my class since I was still a bit out of it. Right when I sat down the bell rang and the teacher appeared out of nowhere. "As you probably know tomorrow is the day our sport Festival will begin. Please don't forget you partner since we will go on a trip to Jesu Island and you will have to share a room with your chosen person. We will have different challenges, some are about speed and teamwork some are about tactic. Please don't be late tomorrow morning, we won't wait for anyone. We will meet sharp at 5 am." He got interrupted by everyone groaning. Why do we have to leave so early? He glared at us so we quickly stopped chatting. "I know that you all will be very tired, you're not the only one, but you can sleep in the bus until we arrive there. That is all I've had to say, lets begin with class." As always I tried hard to focus on taking notes and the teacher but surprisingly, Yugyeom didn't bother me. When I turned to him all I saw was an empty seat. No wonder it was so peaceful. I shrugged my shoulders and continued writing everything down. 

The last class finally ended and I packed my things relieved I finally could go home. Just when I walked into the hallway a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom. Before I could scream the person covered my mouth with his second hand. "Wmo ish thif? Led mi go!" I could feel him get closer as his breath tickled my neck. "Please calm down I won't hurt you." Oh no... why can't he just leave me alone. He let go and I spun around. "Grace...i-i just want to start new. Why can't you believe me? Don't you see everything I've done for you?" He grabbed my shoulders shaking me lightly. "If you are really sorry then why are you here? Why couldn't you just leave me alone. Why do think I went to America? I wanted to forget everything. Do you know how I felt when everyone bullied me. Slamming me into the lockers, pulling at my hair, destroying the schoolbooks or homework. It was bad but I've could handle it thanks to my best friend. But you just had to ruin our friendship. You knew that he meant everything to me. But you set us up and now he probably still hates me! It was my fault that she died! I killed her because you were frickin jealous of him! Just when I already fell down you kicked me so I couldn't get up. You beat me up until i couldn't breathe, you made me think that I was worthless, a bag of shit. Do you know how it feels to be called slut or be hated by everyone even though you haven't done anything wrong!" I finished pouring my feelings out when I noticed that hoseok was furious. "No, I don't know how you felt! What could I do when I saw that you were with him. I liked you, even adored you but you never were interested in me. It was always him, so I thought if I teased you or annoy you occasionally you would finally see me. But since it wasn't working it escalated too quickly and I couldn't stop it anymore. If you weren't such a dumb bitch this would have never happened!" He shouted pressing me to the wall. By now tears were streaming down my face, my throat burning and my chest hurting. My body began to tremble and hoseok started shaking me again but much harder. "Please stop, you're hurting me!" I pleaded but he wouldn't stop until the door slammed open revealing my superhero. Even though I was relieved he was here I couldn't help but wonder why he always appeared at the right time. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! " He pushed hoseok to the ground and punched him in his face. "How dare you come here? You knew I was here. What do you want? Do you think you can separate me and my friends again? What tf do you think you're doing here? You never change always harassing girls, blackmailing them." He spat into his face before turning to me asking concerned. "Are you ok- grace? What are you doing here and why with him?" I was just as shocked as he was. How do they know each other. They way he way. "Gyeomie?! " His eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor. "Cupcake?!" so it's true. Why couldn't I've seen it early. How come we didn't recognize us? I was occupied feeling happy seeing my childhood and best friend who helped me in bad times that I forgot how much he despised me. When we locked gazes I could see the sadness, hate and disgust he felt for me. He felt betrayed. Without saying a word he rushed outside me chasing him. Since school has already ended we were alone. "Yugyeom, wait. Let me explain. You don't know everything!" I grabbed his shoulder but he yanked away from me. "Don't touch me" growling he pushed me into the wall. I gasped when my back hit the cold stone. When I stared into his eyes all the memories came back. The happy and sad moments we spent together. I opened my mouth sobs escaping when I remembered our big fight.  I wanted to tell him what really happened. I wanted to ask him why he just disappeared. But nothing came out. He was mad. He was so mad he was shaking and I knew he tried his best to control himself. "You can hit me" I whispered. He frowned. "What?" "You can hit me" I said louder. He tightened his grip and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. Before I could realize he slammed his lips on mine. 
