05- Death And Soul.


~Song of the Chapter-Outro: Wings By Bts.



"Before I could even figure out, I was already casted in the spell of love."


Death. That's what she was used to be afraid of. Yes, she 'was' as she have overcome the fear of death especially those of her loved ones, obviously. She was terrified of the word 'Death' in this temporary world.

'What if one day I wake up just to know that someone close to me died...?'

She asked herself this question multiple times until she acquired the knowledge that death is a part of our life and our life is the one who decides when to end it's journey and not us. After that, she learnt to controlled the fear.

'Death is a process. In fact, even life which we are breathing right now is a process. So should we get afraid of living too...?'

Realising that moving on is the only option in the case of death, we understand the importance of acceptance and how it acts like a key to the lock of 'moving on'. Getting devastated over the thing which already happened and spoiling your present, we should learn something from it and move on. As earlier said, that's only the option and acceptance is the key.

'Humans live to leave someone behind.'

The incidents from 10 years ago replaying in her head as she clutched her forehead lightly with tears incessantly descending down at a high speed.

The mid-night moonlight glowing from the glass mirror of her bedroom made her shredding tears look like beautiful pain struck diamond caressing the cheeks to provide her with comfort.

'The room was filled with silence as the two females sat down. One was a little older, and the other one was looked like she was in her late teenage days.

"I know I shouldn't say this but I knew that she is going to die."

The older women, instead of getting angry over her words as the younger one thought she would, she encouraged her to speak more. That's what all she needed to burst open the wound which she was trying to suppress, trying to ignore, trying to endure the pain.

"I knew that she was going to die, Mummy. On the first day of Diwali, when I went there, I was supposed to feel happy as I usually feel but the sudden rush of negative, messed up with my head.

Looking at her fragile yet strong body laying on the bed while smiling down at me and praising the pink dress I wore that day, her eyes clearly displayed that she have given up the life and was just only waiting for the signal from the heaven to be heard by her.

The next day, the reason why I made food was because I wanted her to eat the food made by me before something wrong happens. She always told me to learn cooking but I was stubborn. I didn't liked cooking but nevertheless, I felt like making that day, just for her. Only for her.

A week before Diwali, she told me that one day she will come to our house and will eat everything made by me, no matter how it tastes. But I told her sarcastically, to wait for more two years. She looked at me with a meaningful smile on her face and said, 'I should be alive till then'. To which I seriously said in the same way she quote this, 'You are supposed to happily complete your century and live your life to the fullest.'

Mummy!! She knew she would die!! I already knew that she would die!! I should have done something!! I should have made something from my own hands before she goes!! I should have run to the doors when I suddenly felt that sharp dip in my stomach making my heart cry with tears of blood!! I should have-"

Laying on the floor with her bare fists tightly clutching over the tiles, she was shocked by how she managed to say such heavy words bravely without shuttering.

She have been keeping all her words to herself from the time thag tragedy took place. So when her mom kept her warm hands on the back while rubbing it slightly in a comforting way, all the strings went lose.

"You know what, for this once, I prayed to God all the time, only for this once, my intuitions to go wrong. But we all know what happened. Great-grandma is no more."

The pain was surely settled in her but the guilt have made a big place for itself in her heart. For others it might look like it's not a big deal but for her, not doing anything memorable for her when her great-grandma was always there for her, is the biggest guilt ever she will carry for her whole life. From her first step to their late night staying up rendezvous in her early childhood days, she was always there for her.

Without stopping crying, she said those heartbreaking words before blanking out.'

Loud gasps and heavy breathing were the only voices which can be heard in the whole apartment.

'Our bodies just live for once, but souls is forever young and alive.'

Soul, both in religious or philosophical path, is considered as 'something which is immortal' until it attains 'Moksha'. The soul resides insides us and gives us life to live.

Moksha, also called as mukti in Indian Philosophy and Religions, means liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. This concept of liberation or release is shared by a wide spectrum of religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

Being born in an Hindu family and in a diverse country as India, she have been always religious. The only thing which made her different from all the people is that, she considered spirituality above the religion as she believed that religion have the essence based on the basis of the spirituality.

In the mortal world, soul is an abstract concept but in the immortal world, the same soul is the foundation of the mortal world and connections.

'On this Earth, we are just mere humans bounded with the strings of relationship for our whole life.'

Sighing and looking at the calendar once more which proudly showcased the date, 8th November 2021, without knowing the catastrophe it created in her calm life, she layed down comfortably on the mattress of the bed and tried to calm her racing heart down.

The panic attack always gets back to her on the same day. No matter much she tried to indulge herself in the work or even try to busy herself in the month of November, her heart have hallmarked this date as the worst day of her life.

'Manipulating mind is easy, but manipulating heart is the most difficult job.'

Taking her mind to some different places to distract it just to suddenly getting reminded of those golden-black eyes.

Surprisingly, her heart calmed down on the thought of those beautifully carved eyes, as she pondered over that drunkenly night once again.

She is sure of the fact that it was real and not her hallucination, as it was too real to be an illusion.

Immediately after her mind reminded her of those golden-black eyes, the mischievous subconscious mind made her wander over the person who handed over the precious lipstick to her, to test her.

Even after being a quick-witted individual she is, she failed to recognise the trick and gave it the name of coincidence as her wandering mind can outstretch to any extent.

Groaning loudly at the memory and getting up early than she does, she decided to get ready for the work early to distract herself from her emotions and to complete the work which she hurriedly left after the unforeseened intimate encounter with one of her colleague which she wasn't very fond of.

But little did she knew that the emotions always find their way towards the heart without letting the owner know and in her case, the returning of the emotions is going to be in an extraordinary manner.

Talking about the intimate encounter, even though she isn't very much fond of that guy, she can't help but agree with her heart after ignoring her mind, that the episode between them was interestingly sweet and fiercely heart-touching.

Hopping inside her car and making a promise to not think about him, she ignited the engine without knowing the emotions which she was going to ignite inside her.

The drive towards the office was supposed to be filled with pain and guilt, but surprisingly for her, she felt overwhelming calm.

Overwhelming Calm. A very weird combination but isn't our life is stuffed with such weirdo amalgamation...?

Her feelings were powerful. So powerful that it has the capacity to make a person go mad, but to her, they provided her with calmness.

'She is in Chaos, but still she can hear the silence of the Calmness.'

(A/n- Thank you soo much for the 1k+ reads within just 19 days of the book publishing!!

Love ya❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
