the adventure begins

Devil- So. Out of all of these people, who do you pick.

You look around at all of the people in the big city of Sydney, Australia. There is many people that are rich, poor, and everything in between. You didn't quite see anybody you wanted.

You- Could I take a while and look at the people I am choosing from?

Devil- Yes, you may.

You look around the crowded area and you see a little girl. She has ginger hair and she is really pretty.  She is sitting on the sidewalk, looking around for her mum. She is calling out, 

Little girl-Mum where are you? She looks helpless.

You- I will take that girl.

Out of all of the rich people on the streets, you choose a poor, homeless, little girl. You didn't mean to choose her, but you did. The words just spilled out of your mouth like you are pouring water into a cup. There was no turning back now. The Devil is gone and all of a sudden you are on the ground. 

Devil- Thanks for your soul!

He was taunting you. Treating you like garbage, like you are incapable. But you know that you can do this. You can get your old life back. He thinks he knows, but he doesn't. 

A/N i'm sorry that this chapter was short. There will be a second part coming out today! I hope you enjoyed it though!
