bambam may have bawled his eyes out the day he and yugyeom graduated. he cried into yugyeom's shirt because he was so relieved to be done with college.

"bammie, we graduated, don't cry." yugyeom rubbed bambam's back and let him cry. "let's go, my family is here."

bambam held yugyeom's hand as they walked to yugyeom's mom's car. they both climbed into the back and yugyeom leaned forward to kiss his mom's cheek.

it didn't take long for them to get to yugyeom's mom's house for a little graduation party.

bambam went to another room so he could call his mom and so yugyeom could enjoy time with his family.

bambam talked to his mom and after almost 45 minutes of talking to her, he called beer, and then bank, and then baby to talk to them too. he was proud of himself for graduating and wanted to tell them about it.

bambam had wanted to drop out in his freshman year than then all three years after that, but he didn't. yugyeom was surprised and at one point had ever wanted to encourage bambam to drop out. it was not good for his mental health but he had gotten through it and yugyeom had been extremely proud of him.

"bammie," yugyeom said softly, opening the bedroom door to see if bambam was still on the phone. "come eat."

yugyeom held his hand out for bambam to grab and follow him out of the room. bambam shyly made a plate, following yugyeom close behind and trying to stay out of the way of everyone else.

bambam sat at the table outside next to yugyeom. they talked to yugyeom's mom and brother.

"bambam, are you going to go see your family?" yugyeom's mom asked making yugyeom grit his teeth because it was a bit of a rough subject.

"no, i can't afford to go since we have all our bills." bambam held yugyeom's hand, his mood dropping as thought about not being able to go see his family.

"oh i'm sorry, but you two are always welcome here and you're like a son," she told him. yugyeom and bambam had been dating for nearly four years so it made sense for yugyeom's mom to see bambam like a son.

yugyeom wasn't sure why his mom seemed to be saying the worst things but he let it go.

"bammie, let's go to the park?" bambam nodded and grabbed his hand. bambam had to old onto yugyeom's arm to put on his shoes.

bambam noticed yugyeom fidgeting but didn't say anything. he really appreciated being away from the house because he had become a little upset about the topic of not being able to see his family.

yugyeom let bambam sit down on the bench but he didn't sit down himself.

bambam didn't realize what was happening until it had already happened. and he may have accidentally kicked yugyeom over.

"oh my god!" bambam jumped off the bench, kneeling next to yugyeom to help him sit up.

"you kicked me and didn't even answer my question," yugyeom pouted as he sat on the sidewalk.

"of course i'll marry you, loser. i love you so much."

bambam kissed yugyeom before they both stood up to not bother anyone walking by. luckily, there weren't many people out so they didn't have much to worry about.

both of them cried but wiped away each other's tears because everything was happy.

"i'm really sorry we can't go visit your family, bammie, i know you really want to."

"it's okay," bambi said, looking down at the ring yugyeom had put on his finger.

they held hand as they walked back to the house where yugyeom told everyone that they had an announcement.

bambi couldn't look around as yugyeom told everyone. he stood behind yugyeom and hugged him from behind. yugyeom smiled and played with bambam's fingers that were resting on his tummy.

"i asked bambam to marry me," yugyeom told them as bambam pulled the sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing down. it was yugyeom's hoodie so the sleeves covered his hands. "and he said yes. we're engaged."

they were congratulated lots but there was at least one of his family members who didn't agree, but he had more people defending him.

yugyeom and bambam stood in the corner so yugyeom could wrap his arms around bambam's skinny waist and kiss him.

"i'm going to marry you, i can't believe that. i love you so much, my bammie."

"gyeom," bambam cooed, pressed his head to yugyeom's chest. "i love you, gyeomie."
