part 3: Diapers are The Worst

Juan's P . O . V

I was in my room making the antidote for this, baby spell. I took out the items in order to make the antidote. I took out a cooking pot and filled it with one bottle of water.

I took out a purple feather, a glass of sugar blood, Six's sharp tooth, and some of Six's hair. Some of these items I bought, and some I got in Six's room.

I puts the items in the pot and mixed them together. I put the pot in my closet and went downstairs.

An hour later, me and the others where watching TV until Two came into the room.

"Hey, I'm going to buy some stuff at the store, you guys don't mind babysitting Six for a while, right?"

"Yeah, we don't mind" I said while turning my head to look at her.

"She will be fine, Don't worry" Mono said while drinking tea

Two smiled
"Thank you guys, so, who wants to hold Si-"

"I DO!!" Seven shouted and quickly went to Two.

She handed Six to Seven and he jumped around with joy. Two opened the door and went out.

Seven's P . O . V / Minutes later...

I'm in the living room, playing around with Six, and ticking her tummy.

"Tickle tickle, hehe"

Six would giggle or laugh when I tickle her. I kept on tickling her more, and, more, until she started blushing.

"Uhh... what's with the face Six? Hehe" I said nervously, then I smell something, something awful. Then ,I finally got the pieces together, Six, messed her diaper.

Six started to whimper, and it sounded like she was going to cry.

"Oh no"

"Whaaaaaaa!!!" Six suddenly bursted out crying.

I picked her up and went to Juan.

"Umm, Juan I think, Six messed in her diaper, can you change her"

Juan put his hands up with widened eyes.

"Hell no, you change her"

"Please Juan, I can't change diapers" I pleaded. Then Mono took Six out of my hands

"I will change her"

Mono walked upstairs and went to his room. Me and Juan looked at each other, then I got worried.

"I hope he could handle it" I said nervously

"Yeah, cause changing diapers is the worst part" Juan said with a desgusted tone.

Mono's P . O . V

I walked into my room with Six still crying in my hands. I took out a rag, placed it on my bed and put Six on top of it. I got the stuff that I need, put on some gloves, and start to take off Six's diaper.

I ran to my trash can and threw the messy diaper in it. I gaged of how awful it smelled.

"Oh god *Gage" that's awful"

I walked over and started to wipe Six's behind. I threw the wipes away and put the baby powder on her. Then I put on a clean diaper on her.

I was finished, I watched as Six rolls around on the bed, happily making noises. I nuzzled my cheek against her belly.

"Your so cuuute~" I said in a playful tone.

I gave her kisses on her belly, making her giggle. Then I started to doze off into a daydream.


Me and Six were in Six's bedroom, and Six was back to normal. We kissed each other as I touch her hips and squeezed them a little.

Six started to moan slightly, I smiled as are spit was connected and trailed from our mouths.

"I want to get dirty Six~" I said dirty like

Six sat up "oh! you want to~"

I nodded with a dirty grin.

"Well then~" Six reached to her top raincoat button.

"As you wish, babe~"

Six slowly took off one button after, revealing her body shirtless.

End of daydream

My daydream then was interrupted by Two calling my name.

"Oh!, Finally we got your attention, we were calling your name for like ten minutes" Two explained.

I blushed slightly and looked at Six on my bed, she was still a baby. I looked back at Two.

"I uhh, was in a daydream" I said shyly

"Makes sense" Juan said with a slight node.

I gave Six to Two and scratched my head awkwardly.

"I changed her diaper for you" I said with a awkward smile.

She gave me a warm smile.

"Aww, thank you Mono, that's so nice of you"

I smiled with a slight chuckle. Everyone walked out of the room leaving me laying on my bed and with hearts over my head, still daydreaming about Six.

(To be continued...)
