Chapter 5:

The Mission to gather the Intel of The Black Mental Cube was a success and now things are getting better than ever Thanks to Enterprise,E and Enty including the Modern Warships and are now Turning the Tide Against Red Axis


E: *Waking up and Yawning* Just another Sunny day *Smiling* That days battle was rough but we did win this is a turning tide Against the Red Axis

Belfast: A very good morning Miss Enterprise my dear

Belfast: Breakfast is ready and waiting

Enterprise looks at the table were she carry a lot of ration bars that soldiers use for war

Enterprise: I'm coming

After that they went to canteen to eat breakfast and Enterprise meet Nevada

Enterprise: Isn't that too much

Nevada: Don't be that modest , I own you one for helping Oklahoma I thank you for that

Kaga M: Oh morning Enterprise good to see you here this morning それは名誉です (It's an Honor)

Arizona: Yes it's really is good to see you

Ramage: Yeah nice to see you here

Kirisame: *Nodded* 朝の灰色の幽霊 (Morning Grey Ghost)

Enterprise: Oh Hello

She grabbed her Breakfast and she meet Northampton she and her sisters were talking to Vella Gulf, Zumwalt, Ronald and George H.W Bush

Northampton: Morning Enterprise

Ronald: Oh That's a Lot you must be really Hungry

Zumwalt: Seems that way right Grey Ghost

Enterprise: Oh no that's uhh nothing (Walks away to the next table and sat down) Breaths Belfast why don't you take sit too

Belfast: Apologies I must intend to my duties as a Maid

Enterprise: I don't think I can finish this along

Belfast: Well if you wanted assistance then I be more delighted to join you

Bel: Mom I'll take of the rest If you don't mind

Belfast: Sure why not

And then E and Enty arrive at the table

E: Hey Mom mind if we join you

Enterprise: Sure thing

And they all sit at the table with Enterprise and Belfast And Vestal see Enterprise and was happy how she changed and then Hornet came behind her

Hornet: "YAWNING" So What's Up (looks at Enterprise ,Belfast and her Niece and grandniece with Enterprise sitting at the table)

Vestal: It feels like Enterprise starting to open up a little bit

Hornet: And for my Niece's they both carry the same name and they are strong like her

Ford: You can always stick with the best

Hornet: Damn Right Ford but it's still weird to be related to a champion

Ford: Cheer up Hornet it's not that bad

Location: A few miles from Azur Lane Territorial Waters

Lake Erie: What the.... Where am I'm looking at her Hands* Wait I'm Human this can't be real

Missile Guided Cruiser Lake Erie

Nationality: United States Of America

This time Lake Erie was alone and no other ship was with her

Lake Erie: Ok things have Gotten weird here

Lake Erie was doing a lot of thinking about the tips of her she first she moved it and check the Weapons Systems

Lake Erie: Ok Those are check what else... Wait what

She doesn't know what's happening too her ship because it burst into millions of Blue Mental Cubes and begin transforming into her riggings and this was a Surprising to her

Lake Erie: Well I'll be damn this surpris my Eyes ok time for me to that again

Her ship went back to normal

Lake Erie: Ok now *Her Radar detected something* Oh that's my Radar

Lake Erie Was looking around and see were the unknowns are but there were 9 of them now she's was making her way towards them until

???: *On Radio* Unidentified Ship you are approching to our location what's your affiliation and identify yourself immediately

Lake Erie: This Is Ticonderoga Class Cruiser USS Lake Erie of the United States Navy

???: *On Radio* Read you loud and clear Lake Erie This USS Michael Monsoor Second ship of The Zumwalt Class Stealth Destroyers good to see you still kicking

A Modern Warship Fleet

Michael: Just keep moving towards us we'll be able to meet up with you

Lake Erie: *On Radio* Wilco Michael

Missile Guided Stealth Destroyer Michael Monsoor

Nationality: United States Of America

On a Aircraft Carrier

Light Aircraft Carrier Invincible

Nationality: United Kingdom

Invincible: Your Majesty *bowing* Michael has made contact with another ship and it's a Ticonderoga Class Missile Guided Cruiser

Aircraft Carrier Queen Elizabeth

Nationality: United Kingdom

Elizabeth: Thanks for informing Invincible *Drinking Tea* It's still a little to hard to figure out were should we go

Invincible: Not if I know Your Majesty

Elizabeth: Hmph.... Kuznetsov might be still continuing the Search but make sure to inform me if she found anything

Invincible: Right away Your Majesty

On a Arleigh Burke Missile Guided Destroyer

Missile Guided Destroyer Roosevelt

Nationality: United States Of America

???: Not much of a talker

Roosevelt: That's because I'm a silent type right now *looks behind her*

Littoral Combat Ships Pierre and Kingsville

Nationality: United States Of America

Kingsville: Well at least you're enjoying yourself today

Pierre: Yep

Roosevelt: Who knows you two *Smile*

Kingsville: How about you

Amphibious Assault Ship America

Nationality: United States Of America

America: I same as always Kingsville not Venture nothing Gain

Kingsville: You don't say right sis

Pierre: Yeah I agree Right Baden

Guided Missile Frigate Baden-Württemberg

Nationality: Germany

Baden-Württemberg:  Indeed it is

On another Carrier

Aircraft Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov

Nationality: Russian Federation

Kuznetsov: Mmmmm

Missile Guided Cruiser Marshal Ustinov

Nationality: Russian Federation

Ustinov: You find anything Comrade *Holding her

Kuznetsov: No nothing the search is still continuing as planned comrade

Ustinov: I see then

Kuznetsov: Got it there's a base about a few kilometers away but I think we'll be arriving at Night fall

Ustinov: мы доберемся туда к ночи (We'll Get There By Nightfall)

Kuznetsov: правильно, дайте эту информацию invincible сейчас в россии (That's Right Give this information to Invincible now)

Ustinov: Сразу (Right Away)

On to Aircraft Carrier Queen Elizabeth

Elizabeth: By nightfall

Invincible: Yes Your Majesty it's long trip from here

Elizabeth: Well it doesn't trouble me dear let's just focuse on getting our American Guest a warm welcome

Invincible: Of Course My Queen

A few minutes later

Michael: It's good to see you Lake Erie I didn't realize you'll be out here

Lake Erie: Same to you guys

Kingsville: It's good to see another ship like you around

Lake Erie: Yeah

???: Well I'll be certain to this little celebration of yours of course

Kingsville: Oh Elizabeth

Elizabeth: I'm sure you aware about yourself

Lake Erie: Yeah all of those new things I did about my Rigs and all that stuff is a good

Invincible: Good to Hear that I aware that you know what to do

Lake Erie: Yes I do

Elizabeth: Well we should be get going There's a Naval Base just about a few Kilometers away from here from what Kuznetsov we'll be arriving by nightfall

Lake Erie: Nightfall

Kingsville: Yes She's telling the truth alright that's were we're going to Arrive

Lake Erie: Ok

Bougainville: Cheer Up Anzio well be there in No time

Baden-Württemberg: Might want to get comfortable it's a long trip to get there too

Azur Lane Base

And then there was area were many Shipgirls use to do school work and after that Enterprise meet Repulse and then saw Cleveland

Cleveland: Enterprise Hello....I never introduce you to my Sister's come girls say

Columbia: I'm Columbia the Second sister ship in the Cleveland class it's nice to meet you

Montpelier: I'm Montpelier the third ship thank you for helping my sister

Denver: And I'm Denver Sister number 4 it's a real honor to meet a legend like you

Enterprise: Thanks Nice to meet you too

Cleveland: See why I'm so proud of these ladies

Montpelier: Still were not compare to not

Denver: Your number one Cleveland where just trying to keep up

After the Introduction of Cleveland sister's

Denver: Oh hey there you two I heard about you two

Columbia: Yeah I impress that we have three Enterprise's here

E: Well you can say that

Enty: *Laughing while scratching the back of her head* Yeah you know what they say Stick With The Best

Cleveland: *Giggling* Also one more thing what happened to the thing we got from Sakura Empire

When the Box open they were shock to see what are they are seeing right now

Enterprise: A Black Mental Cube

Prince Of Wales: Sakura Empires secret weapon base on Siren Technology

Cleveland: Should we ne use this should disable those mass produce Sirens their controlling

Akashi: The Orochi itself controls the Siren ships the cube is just for extra support

Hornet: Our Intel said there building something I guess this massive ship Orochi was it

Vestal: The relationship between the Sakura Empire and This cube

Prince Of Wales: What we do know that a Siren gave them this cube and Akagi is working alongside with that Siren

Belfast: If that's the case Sakura Empire has Engage in a vas deception

Akashi: Akagi this will be a Disaster

E: Extra support that means this cube can only obtain Data so it could complete the project the more data this thing continues to gather the more dangerous The Orochi will be

Enty: Looks like I was right they did may contact with a Siren and now the thing is no one in The Sakura Empire and Iron Blood know about this except Akashi and now Akagi and Kaga are the only ones who have have made contact

Prince: Precisely

Zumwalt: I have a bad feeling about this we don't know what kind of Weapons it has and it's capabilities is unknown

Bel: Indeed

When Enterprise noticed the cube was glowing and she started to touch it

"Inserted Alterprise"

Belfast: Enterprise

Enterprise: *Gasp*

Belfast: Are you feeling ok

Enterprise: I'm fine it's nothing

Timeskip on

On The Beach Side there was new ships opening and everyone was gathering around

Enterprise: There are more shops now

Belfast: This place has grown quite lively

E: This place could be the most perfect spot to hang-out

These shops were getting popular and popular than ever it's a good thing that Akashi is having a good time

Peter: Wow this good And Очень впечатляюще (Very impressive)

Kennedy: I'm really enjoying this

Huston: Your Going to eat all that

Portland: No I'll share with my sister

Lhasa: 有时一切都可能很有趣 (Everything can sometimes be Fun)

Enterprise: It's like a Human City

Belfast: Well we are Human

Enterprise: Please don't start this conversation again it doesn't make sense to me

Belfast: Enterprise what I really think is that you to find elegance in your heart

Enterprise: Find elegance I don't understand that either are saying become a maid like you

Belfast: Well now are you interested I can certainly discipline you to become a fine maid suit for any House hold

Enterprise: No i..that was ugh

E: Mom careful what you wish for or else it will happen

Enty: *Laughing* What she said it's true

Belfast: Maid or otherwise dear you might find your understanding and exploring something new A Hobby or some kind of job anything other than fighting

Enterprise: That's not going to be easy for me

E: Your right In our world being a adult may not be easy but many people have been doing lots of things other than going to war people pick many different jobs to try out and work hanging out with friends and family members doing like shopping and all that stuff

Enty: Yep it's true Grandma people do a lot of fun things when you're Human

Belfast: is right it's worthy challenge for you life is about adventure seek and you shall find it

Enterprise: I supposed that might be true

Belfast: Ponder it much as much as you need that because how we got here it's what made us truly human

Ford: Hey kid come and join us * lift up Enty's Skirt*

Enty: *Blushing and Yell at Ford* Ford why would do that

Ford: Come On kid I'm your Older Sister after all *Laughing*

Enty: Please don't that AGAIN

E: Pff *Smile and Laughing*

Enty: Hahaha Very Funny Mom laughter is the best medicine after all

For that it's exactly the same when Hornet flip up Hammanns skirt

Outside part of the base

Kirisame: Ramage, Zumwalt told me that your mother can summon a giant fox

Kaga M: Wait she can do that

Vella: That's right

This permission was given from Prince Of Wales because She and the rest of Azur Lane saw what did Kaga did during the Attack on the base but now Kaga M is practicing how to do that

Kaga M: But I don't know how to do that like her

Kirisame: I'm sure you can do we have faith in you partner

Kaga M: Ok I'll try *Her Eyes begin to Glow blue*

Laffey and Javelin were cleaning and Javelin was having flashbacks back at the previous battle when facing Ayanami

Laffey: Shining and Clean

Javelin: Were supposed to be enemies
But I still we won't have to fight

Laffey sprays water on her

Laffey: Javelin don't slack off

Javelin: Laffey..... I'll get you back

Laffey: Come at Me bro

Next sence was at the Bath Area

Oklahoma: So did you pick up those skivvies I told you about

San Diego: You'll have to show me later

Nevada: I can always count on your good taste

And then two more Shipgirls came up behind Unicorn

Javelin: Hey hi there Unicorn

Unicorn: *Turn around*

Javelin: *Chuckles*

Unicorn: How did you get all wet

Javelin: Oh we we're having a pre-soak Are you taking a bath too let's go in together okay

Unicorn: I-I don't if I

Zumwalt: Yeah I know right oh hey Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn taking a bath as well

Javelin: Yeah we are

Laffey: *Sneezes*

Ramage: Bless You Laffey

Laffey: *Nodded* Thanks

Zumwalt: Ok we're going in See you kids inside

Javelin: Come on Unicorn We don't want anyone to catch a cold let's go I can't wait

Next Scene

Columbia: Oh wow those are really nice

Denver: Hey sis do the Royal Navy Girls wear all such fancy grown up underwear like that

Enty: Seems like it but not Sure

Ford: I'll be Damn I wish I knew

Kennedy: I don't know about that Big Sis

Cleveland see's Sheffield

Cleveland: Excuse me you Three

Enty: Sure

Cleveland: *Whispering* Sheffield quick question so is the fancy underwear like a Cultural thing

Shelfield: It's Not I usually tend to do without

Cleveland: I'm sorry I think I misunderstood you

Shelfield: I don't wear nickers

Pulls up her skirt and Ford, Kennedy, Enty, Cleveland, Columbia, Montpelier and Denver saw she wasn't wearing any underwear and was surprise

Enty, Ford, Kennedy, Cleveland, Columbia, Montpelier and Denver: *GASP*

Cleveland: *Shivering and Gulp*

Enty: I think you should never ask that question

Ford: I agree

Edinburgh: Oh dear

Bel: *Sigh*

E: Oh ok now time to take this off *Takes off her Arm and*

Everyone Scream expect for Enty, Ford, Kennedy

E: What is it

Denver: Your arm *Pointing at her Arm*

E: Oh it's just my Robotic Arm

Columbia: No what happened to your real arm

E explain everything about what happened to her right arm because of her incident during 1969

Scene change

George H.W Bush: This much more better than I expected

Lhasa: Taking a bath is perfect

San Diego: Yahoo bath time

Hammann: Hey becareful your going to hurt yourself

San Diego: Here we go

Norfolk: No wait that's

San Diego Get Shock by electricity

San Diego: Why... How the bath be electric

Ronald Reagan: What just happened

And Eldridge came out of the Water

Rhineland: Oh Eldridge

Norfolk: Sometimes Eldridge leak's electricity into the water 

Ronald Reagan: You don't have ask me twice

Denver: Hey sis aren't the Royal Navy Girls Awesome

Cleveland just gasp and dive into the water

Cleveland: She really wasn't wearing any....

Edinburgh: *Chuckles*

Akashi: *Sighs* A hot spring soak after makes me feel like one divine feline

Queen Elizabeth: A thermae bath hand built by us the Royal Navy High Springs are exclusive too Sakura Empire my dear

Warspite: It's quite impressive Your Majesty

Now everyone was a good time in the bath together and things were going better than expected when it's comes to you hanging out with your friends and same thing happened at night as well

In a Room were Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn are and they were having a conversation about Ayanami

Unicorn: Ayanami that girl we meet before

Javelin: Supposed to be her enemies so this could be wrong but I don't want to give up on her truth is I still want to be friends with Ayanami

Unicorn: I do to I want to see her again and get to know her I don't think it's fear that we have to fight her like this

Laffey: Same here and we haven't started any fights yet

In USS Enterprise CVN-65s Room

Enty: I wonder what our next move will be

E: I was thinking the same thing too

Enty: *Drinking Oxygen Cola* Well the thing is I'm starting think that Red Axis could be making a move one day

E: If they are making a move we should be prepared for anything when the time comes

Enty: Yes but the thing is why would Akagi and Kaga started working with the Enemy anyway

E: I'm not sure but this is Siren must have already Manipulate them and she's making them do there biding

Enty: I agree with that

E: Well it's getting late we should get some rest

Enty: Yeah *Walking towards the door* Goodnight Mom

E: Goodnight Enty and tell Mom that too

Enty: I will *Closes the door* Oh Grandma were you're going

Enterprise: Outside for some fresh air what about you

Enty: No I'm just going straight to bed

Enterprise: Ok

Enty: Ok goodnight and Mom told me to tell you Goodnight as well

Enterprise nodded


Enty: Zumwalt what's the rush

Zumwalt: An unknown fleet Is approching the Base

Enterprise: Is it Red Axis and The Sirens

Zumwalt: Unknown right that's why we need to get ready for there Arrival

This situation has spread out to all Ships in the base after the mobilize was set they are now waiting for the Unknowns to get close

Samidare: I see them about 400 meters

And then the Unknown ships have gotten closer

E: This USS Enterprise CVN-65 to Unidentified Ships approching this base Identify yourself immediately failed to comply or you will be considered hostile I say again identify yourself at once Fail to comply or you will be considered hostile

All Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships and Battlecruisers were prepared to fire Aircraft on Aircraft Carriers are standing by too take off

???: This is Ticonderoga Class USS Lake Erie we heard your reply

Vella: Wait Lake Erie

Port Royal: That's one of Our Sister Ships

Kaga M: I see them only nine of them

Until they arrive at the Docks

Port Royal: Lake Erie I'm glad to see you

Erie: You too *hugging them by the neck*

Prince Of Wales: I'm sure you all came a little bit late

Elizabeth: Indeed but let me introduce myself My name is HMS Queen Elizabeth First Ship Of The Queen Elizabeth Class

Prince: Sister

Elizabeth: Long time no see my dear sister

Prince: It's a honor

And the next one came up

Kuznetsov: RFS Admiral Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier part of The Russian Federation Navy

Ustinov: Marshal Ustinov Slava Class Cruiser

Pierre: USS Pierre Independence Class LCS or Littoral Combat Ship and this is my sister USS Kingsville we're reconfigure for different roles, including Anti-Submarine Warfare, Mine Countermeasures, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Homeland Defense, Maritime Interceptor, Special Operations, and Logistics

Javelin: You can do all that

Kingsville: Hey hey calm down it's what were we're build for kid

Laffey: Sounds Good

Roosevelt: I'm Roosevelt Arleigh Burke Class Missile Guided Destroyer

Lake Erie: Ticonderoga Class Missile Guided Cruiser Lake Erie

America: Amphibious Assault Ship USS America first ship of The American Class Amphibious Assault Ships

Cleveland: Amphibious Assault Ship what's that

America: Means I'm fitted for Transporting troops and to employed to land and Support Allie ground forces on Land that's my role but I'm still fitted for Anti-Air Combat

Michael: Ok I guess I'm next my name is USS Michael Monsoor Second Ship of The Zumwalt Class Stealth Destroyers

Zumwalt: My Little Sister is here *Laugh and Bear hugging her sister*

Michael: Zumwalt you're crushing me

E: Zumwalt calm down I know you're really excited but can you put her down

Zumwalt: Alright *Let's Michael Go*

Invincible: HMS Invincible First Ship Of my Class of Light Aircraft Carriers

Lusty: Invincible my Older Sister

Invincible: It's nice to see my Little Sister here

Baden-Württemberg: Baden-Württemberg First Ship Of The Baden-Württemberg Class Frigates of The German Navy

Rheinland: My older sister

Baden-Württemberg: That's right Kleine Schwester (Little Sister)


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