¤ Acceptance ¤

Warnings: angst, slight description of a beheading


"I accept my fate." The voice rang out with such certainty that the surrounding crowd began to cheer, their cries of excitement filling the ears of the one who had spoken. "Very well, bring forth the headsman." Another, more prim and proper voice commanded, causing the crowd to fall silent once more. A short man, most likely a messenger of sorts for the jarl, ran off stage and through the back of the guards that were standing alert off to the side. A few moments later, the man returned, being slowly followed by a large male adorned in heavy Daedric armor, which was enchanted with various perks. The large male's frame was filled in, you could tell he was ripped underneath the armor he wore, but the most unusual aspect of the large male was the long, flowing tail that trailed behind him. It was long and green, tapering out into a plume of dark green fur, but he was neither a Khajiit nor Argonian, he was a hybrid of some other kind. The large male stopped before the one bound in chains, who was noticeably smaller. The smaller male's nearly white platinum blonde hair hung over his eyes, disallowing anyone to see the look in his eyes, it was a look that had never been seen before, a look that would be nearly impossible to describe. "Now, let us hear the words of the priestess who will speak on your behalf." The speaker from before finished, giving a slight gesture towards the priestess who wore brown robes. The priestess spoke her words, commending the small male's soul to wherever it may go after death, how it normally goes. When the headsman was ready, the commander shoved the small male to his knees and laid his head on the block, before anything happened though, the headsman leaned forward and spoke to the commander, it was no more than a whisper. The commander nodded, stepping back slightly, allowing the headsman to kneel down and lift the prisoner's head. Dark brown eyes met the soulless gaze of the Daedric helmet, causing all to go silent. The headsman's breath caught in his throat as he stared down at the unique individual before him, he was... intrigued, to say the least. The prisoner continued to stare at the helmet the headsman wore, earning him an oddly warm feeling, the feeling of being recognized as a human, even if for a brief moment. The headsman let out an audible sigh before letting go of the prisoner's chin and stepping back into place. Before the headsman lifted his axe, he removed the helmet he wore, revealing his ghoulish face and piercing red eyes. The headsman looked down at the prisoner once more, seeing he was looking up at him, "May you feel no pain, my beloved." The headsman then lifted his axe, bringing it down with great force, severing the prisoner's head from his shoulders. When the headsman wore his helmet once more, he let a tear trail down his face, the look he saw in his lover's eyes before he brought down the axe was none other than acceptance. Cold, hard, chilling acceptance. The headsman never felt the same after that, he had become numb, he had lost the only person in this cruel world who cared for him. He lost that person to his very own axe and hand, the sick and twisted laws of that town changed everyone who came there, making them numb, unfeeling.
