Ch - 17 Departure Of The Devil

I went into my chambers after rubbing off the mehandi.

It was light brown in colour

Jyoti came and started helping me in changing my clothes.

I asked to her.

"Jyoti, Why don't husbands apply mehandi on their hand? Don't they want to know how much their wives love them."

She smiled and said

"They already know kunwari"

How?  I asked

She then said

"Every woman loves her husband but not every husband loves his wife
A woman gets married  and after that dedicates her life to his husband and his family. She gives everything to him so he knows that she loves him. Meanwhile husbands can marry several women because of politics and love but for women her last love is his husband "

"Hmm. You are right". I said

Her words hit me. Every woman sacrifices for her husband and every woman loves her husband too but not me.
Even though I am sacrificing everything I won't be able to love him.

I didn't talk much after that as I was feeling tired.
She left and I went to my bed
I looked at the balcony in a hope that maybe he will come today but after some time I turned around
I realised that there's no point of thinking about him. It is a sin.
Even though I hate the man whom I marrying but I can't cheat him. I can't cheat myself.
I am falling for a stranger which is not good.
I should not wait for him.
I don't even know his name.
He might be married, might have kids and he tried to kill me and threatened me.
I can't fall for such a man

One part of me was cursing myself for having such feelings about a stranger,  other part wanted to meet him at least once.

I lied on my bed and pull my blanket
Facing the balcony and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up early.
I woke up and a sudden anxiety hit me.

I am going to get married today!

I burst into tears thinking about all the things I thought for my wedding since childhood.

All I asked for was a human. A decent human as my husband but I got a devil.
I wanted a peaceful life and I got chaos.
I wanted to live a respectful life and I got a life of stain
I wanted to be happy and now there's no happiness left for me

I looked at my marked arm and all the things that happened in the past few days crossed my mind.

Suddenly , I heard footsteps outside my chambers and I immediately wiped off my tears.

The door opened and it was my mother, grandmother and cousins.

All of them were carrying different things in their hand.

They came and placed all the things on my bed.

It covered all the area of my bed.

I stood up and looked at it with my wide eyes

My mother came walking near me and said.

"Today is your wedding beta, you need to wear all these things."

"All of this?" I asked shockingly

Not all of these but many of these. She smiled.

I smiled too.

She started telling me about her wedding day and

Suddenly an attendee came running and gasping

Rani ji, Rani ji !

All of us looked at her and she in her short breath said

"Kunwar ji....Kunwar ji ......left !"

"Left! "

My mother went near her and said

Who left?

She panted and said

Kunwar ji!

My mother asked

Which kunwarji ?

She said

Aditya Kunwar ji !!!

He left! I was shocked to hear it.
My mother and grandmother was also shunned to speak.

I can't believe what I heard.

I went near that attendee and said

"Are you sure that it was Aditya"?

My mother and grandmother looked blankly at my face

"I mean are you sure that you saw Crown prince ?

Ji kunwari.... Everyone saw him leaving with his army.

My mother looked at my grandmother

A sudden smile appeared on my face thinking that he left me.
I looked at my mother and grandmother and controlled my emotion

My mother said to grandmother.
Come, maa ji

They immediately left and I shut the door.

A sudden excitement and joyfullness prevailed in the environment.

He left! He left! Finally I could live peacefully.
I knew that coward would have  never married me.
How can he?
I guess rumours about me sleeping with the  guards must have reached him and he left me.
But didn't he knew that already?
Who cares?
Everything will be alright now.

I smiled and jumped in my room.
I shouted in happiness but controlled my voice thinking that guards outside my room shouldn't know this.

I went to my bed. I slided the clothes and jwellaries, made way for my sleep and lied down.

I closed my eyes but because of excitement I couldn't sleep

I woke up and took a bath
Today I got ready alone because I didn't wanted anyone to see my happiness and I can't seem to hide it well.

I didn't wear lehanga. Instead I wore my other night dress because I knew that no one is coming to my room soon. They must be busy in finding out the reason of his departure.

I am also eager to know why he left but I don't want people to see how happy I am.
My family is sad and I am happy. This is not good but I can't stop myself from being happy.

I lied on my bed and within a few moments I fell  asleep.

I woke up and it was almost dark.
No one came to my room to wake me up.

I haven't eaten anything since morning. I was starving. Even though today is not my marriage I am starving.
It's like an half day fast

I started looking for fruits in my room and suddenly my eyes sighted my wedding dress
A sudden pinching feeling occurred in my heart
A sudden affection occured and I went near it.
I took it in my hand  and I started feeling it's fabric.

It is maroon in colour and so beautiful. It is heavy and anyone who will wear it will look elegant in it
I smelled it and the fragrance of rose and Jasmine was coming from it.

A sudden urge emerged in my  heart and mind and I started undressing my self

I then wore my wedding lehanga and using my hands tied the knot of my blouse. It was difficult but after failing for few times I succeed.

I then went near the mirror. It was fit to me. Not one inch loose not one inch tight. It was perfect.

I started brushing my hair and I made a simple braid with some twisting  hairstyle in front.
I wore the jwellaries that came with them.

After wearing all of it I stood and went a bit far from my mirror. I took a glance  of my full look and I was looking beautiful.

Everything looked so perfect and elegant.

I took the duppata and placed it on my head.

I was glowing. My skin was looking radiant and bright.

I was staring at myself and suddenly someone opened my door with full force

I turned to look and it was Jyoti

She was sweaty, and gasping.
She came in my room and in his short heavy voice said



I thinned my eyebrow and went near her to understand what she is trying to say.

"What happened?"

She was huffing and gasping.

I started rubbing her back and said

"Calm down....what happened?"

" need to come....
Come and see."


From Author

Where and why  did our Raja ji went ?
What will happen next to Awantika ?
Is this the end of Aditya and Awantika story?
Is there's something new to come?
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