2. Training With Them

Preference requested by @Academygirl568

"Just stay still, (y/n)," Tony instructed.
"Wait! Why is it closing?!" You asked with panic raising in your voice.
"It's supposed to!"
"But don't you get to adjust?!"
"It doesn't take long to get cozy in here," Tony smiled stroking the side of the suit. He was teaching you how to use his suits, and this was your first day.
The metal encased your body, and you held your breath, as you could now only see Tony's face in a small frame. You attempted moving your arms and legs. You felt your right leg move, and with a great wave of sudden confidence, you widened the step. Bad decision. You felt the stability leave the space around you, and you can only register a pulling motion coming from the ground.
"(Y/n) no that's not what you're supposed to do!" Tony yelled in panic as he tried to stop what was about to happen. But it was too late.
The ground grew closer and closer to your face, and your chill went from 100-0 real quick. You shrieked, as you tried to move your arms in front of you, but that failed, and you landed on your stomach and face, arms outstretched above your head.
The impact hurt your chin and forehead, and if you didn't know any better, the "ringing" in your ears sounded like the annoying laughter of Anthony Edward Stark, and multiple camera shutters.

He loves training with you, but when it comes to combat, Steve was always reluctant. He wouldn't try at all- only pivoting in one place, pretending that he was going to make a move, when in reality, his right foot never left the mat. Steve would never kick you, punch you, pin you to the ground, take you by surprise, twist your limbs in ways they shouldn't, or ever make you bruise or bleed. The worst he has done is punch your nose. You were tired of seeming like a fragile glass sculpture to your own boyfriend, so you finally told him that if he keeps worrying that he's going to hurt you, you're never going to learn, and are probably going to get even more battered up out on the field because you didn't know how to properly defend yourself. He explained that he wouldn't be be able to look himself in the mirror if he hurt you, but he also realizes that you are correct. And he wants you to be the strongest one out there. The first real fight you guys had ended with you sporting a bruise on your jaw, a bloody nose and a sprained ankle. But at then end, you thanked him for believing in your strength. And he said he did with all his heart.

In the morning when you came back from the gym, you saw Thor stuffing his face with Poptarts and watching the Regular Show. When he saw you, he immediately got off of his seat, Poptart crumbs clinging onto his clothes.
Food wrappers were strewn all over the floor and wine stains soaked into the cream shaded carpet. He had nothing to do when he wasn't out on the field, and he spent the free time lazing around.
So the next day, you took him to the gym with you so he could actually do something productive.
After showing Thor how to properly use the punching bag, you stepped aside to let him try.
Just then, Tony walked in calling for you, and you turned around in response to your name being called.
Maybe you should've walked over to the billionaire, because as soon as you turned around, Thor pounded the punching bag so hard, it rammed into your back and sent you flying at least a foot ahead of where you were originally standing.
"(Y/N) HOW WAS THAT?!" Thor boomed excitedly.
You groaned as you turned over so you were lying on your back, and you clutched your torso as the pain buzzed through you.
As you hobble back up to a standing position, you mouth "just a minute" to a smirking Tony and tried to walk back to Thor, he struck again, but this time he lost balance and the bag jutted sideways, ramming into your side and knocking you over.
This time it took you three minutes just to get up as Thor kept punching, and once you finally managed to get up and walk to Thor, the punching bag was swinging it's way back from his previous punch, but you didn't see it coming since your back was to it, and it knocked you right past your boyfriend.
You whimpered and internally groaned.
Thor tied his hair up in a bun and rolled his eyes as he kept going at the now- very battered punching bag.
Finally, the clasp holding the bag up to the ceiling gave out at Thor's final punch and flew across the room knocking poor Steve off of the treadmill.
"WHAT THE- THOR!" Steve screamed his face red, as he was crumpled up against the back wall.
"APOLOGIES!" Thor yelled back.
Thor turned to you and lowered his voice but not before raising his eyebrows of confusion.
"When did you end up on the ground?"
As for Tony, he walked out a long time ago.

You called for Clint from upstairs and told him that you wanted to learn archery since you had nothing else to do.
"I LITERALLY JUST SAT DOWN (Y/N)!" Clint yelled from the couch.
Forget about it.
He wasn't going to get up anytime soon.

Bruce wanted to teach you how to use the lab in case he wasn't there and something happens.
Then he remembered the time you heated a sample in a container, but kept the lid on, so when he opened it, the substance exploded onto his face.
Or the time you were helping him dissect an alien body part and cut into his hand by accident. Bruce still wonders to this day why he let you do the cutting.
Don't forget the time you set Bruce's lab coat on fire. You both didn't notice it until he turned around to get another test tube and you saw the flames and shrieked which made him shriek as well. Yes, he literally shrieked.
Even though Bruce had warned you millions of times, you still forgot to tie up your hair. He noticed the fire in your hair and screamed loudly. You found out what had happened and screamed back. In the midst of panic, Bruce screamed again. You replied with another scream. He didn't know what else to do so he screamed in response to your scream.
Long story short, you wore a beanie everywhere for quite a long time.
Bruce just ends up shaking his head and dismissing the thought of training you and laughs, shaking his head.

Next month was your first official marathon, and you wanted to at least get second place, since first was a bit far fetched.
Pietro would push you past your limits and make you work your ass off. He would make sure by the end of each training session you were on the ground gasping for air- he claimed its the only way to begin marking progress. And he was right. You noticed your stamina was increasing and you weren't out of breath as often as before.
However after the marathon, you swore you weren't going to do another one for a very, very long time. You were sore for five days and underestimated the whole situation and finished in 37th place.
Pietro was still proud of you, and he would keep jumping up and down like a little child on a sugar rush.
Even though you didn't win, you were a winner in Pietro's eyes.

When it came to training you, Natasha wasn't exactly easygoing. She would give you exactly what you would get on the field, and "going easy" was a foreign method. She would always push you to your limits, but at the end of the day, you would end up shocked at how successful you had been.
Even if you were going to be sore for the next 200 years and had cuts and bruises over your knuckles and face, Nat was always proud of you. Even on the days where you didn't give your 100%, because she knew you were always giving your 200% in your mind because of your determination and perseverance.


Keep smiling,
Riley <3
