chase pt 2

I was on my way to school I was already running late because I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom but that's another story right now I need to get to school I start sprinting to school I rush by buildings and shops until in my very corner of my eye I see that cat girl on top of the building this time I think smart instead of fast I put my hood up and zip up my jacket all the way, I reach into my pocket to get my sunglasses and put those on too. I slowly walked over to the building where she was at making sure for her not to recognize me I start to cling to the building I make my way up it was a little bit of a climb I would guess maybe 20 story climb but I made before I get into the roof I take off my hood and put my glasses back in my pocket I lift myself onto the roof and see her back, she had a white tail I didn't really get a good look at her last time so I was a little curious to see what she looked like.
"Umm.. hi I'm Peter," I say she quickly looks back then leans back in shock she falls over tripping on the ledge she falls back off the building
"Ahhhh!!!" She screams without hesitating I run over and jump off I fall quickly I reach out my hand with the air pulling me back. she locks arms with me and I pull her close and I wrap self around her I fall faster then feel impact I cant get up I feel myself on a hard rocky surface I cant move I can't feel anything but pain on my back I only feel the pain I cant feel.... any... thing

"Umm.. hi I'm Peter" I hear a voice I start to get scared it was that same guy. I jump up then trip over my own feet and go off the roof I look down falling towards I see my life flash before me but I also see him with his hand I quickly grab it fearing for my life he wraps himself around me before I even realize what's happening we land I quickly get off of him we crashed through the ceiling into some kind of warehouse I look at him what did he say his name was? Peter that's it. He looked lifeless I wouldn't be surprised if he is I check for a pulse luckily I find one. He has some blood flowing. I hear a crash from the other room I quickly get up and take out my Claws ready for anything I hear some ruffling then the door is kicked open and dozens of men start to surround me there all pointing their guns at me.
"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM" I hear a voice say then a bright light shines on my face I see one man through something in front of me it hits my chest when I feel an intense shock go through my body spreading like fire I fall to the ground and everything goes black all I hear is some faint voices then silence then nothing....
