Confused steve Rogers 🤔

It was Sunday February the 13 2020 there were no threats and all the avengers had an off day. (In this story peter Parker lives at the compound and pietro still alive and thor and loki are at the compound also and were in quarantine) anyways Steve was sitting in the living room with everyone except Pietro, wanda, Y/n and Peter.P. Then out of nowhere Peter(who is 17) and Y/n (who is 23) come in the common room arguing as Steve try's to listen to why they are arguing all of a something Tony tells them to stop and explain. Y/n says that peter lost a bet and now has to throw it back for tiktok but peter says that Y/n has to do it also. Steve asked what that was considering he as old as a Mf. Tony show him a video and Steve flips out and says he girlfriend Y/n nor peter is doing while he leaves the common room. When he leaves the whole squad throws it back for tik tok.
