Intro To Character

Name: Nova Mercury Phoenix

Hair: Long curly silver hair with dark purple streaks 

Eyes: Black ringed eyes with purple in the middle 

Skin: Pale

Lips: Dark purple (natural)

Abilities: Teleportation, Mind Reader, Tech. user (The ability to use, create, delete ect. anything having to do with technology), Shape-shifter (only into mythical creatures can't shift into regular animals or people), and has the ability of a speedster (basically, she can run super fast)


Father: Aaron James Phoenix (dead)

Mother: Angelica Marine Phoenix (dead)

Age: (now) 21 

Soulmates: Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanova, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, and Loki

Hobbies: Hacking, Singing, Dancing, Partying, Drawing, and Fighting 

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, and Slovak 

Tattoos covers her body including her soul- marks (on the next chapter or maybe even two)

IQ: over 200 but can be dumb and oblivious sometimes

Sense her abilities with the internet is so strong, she can think of what she wants to know and it will go straight to her. Because of her abilities, she was also given a photographic memory. 

Neither S.H.E.I.L.D or H.Y.D.R.A. know she even exist as to which she is very proud of. 

Her body is what people call a curvy or a "sexy" body as men put it. 

Extra Descriptions: She wears thick black rimmed glasses. Shes really short but can pack a punch. 

She is trained in different types of martial arts. She is extremely flexible. 

Weapons she uses: Knifes, Daggers, Pistols, Rifles, and last but not least, her weapon of choice is a scythe. 

Personality: Sassy, not very dominate unless needed or wanted, Calm and collected, Sweet, kind, Protective, Dangerous ( if you mess with someone she cares for ect.) and smart. 

Backstory: Parents died on her second birthday. Not wanting to be put into a orphanage, she ran away and continued to live on the streets gathering information until she became twelve. She became an expert at pick-pocketing and started taking money from rich looking folk that she so "happened" to walk by. Nova saved enough money to buy herself a laptop and from then on she began hacking into rich peoples accounts and taking only the necessary money needed and some extra just in case. It may seem cruel but you have to do what you got to do when you live on the streets. At the age of thirteen, she had gotten enough money to buy herself a van and stuff to decorate the inside with and of course still had enough for her personal health care and food along the line of clothing as well. She didn't have enough room for a bathroom so she stays in a alley way close to a coffee shop she normally goes to and uses their bathroom. 

At the age of four-teen she had become one of the most respected and known hackers among the poor (because she would give them money for shelter like tents and food) and in the dark web for criminals to get their information.

Of course she isn't with the bad people, she just gives them information for a price. Then again, she doesn't just give them to bad people. In fact, she has given information to cops before sometimes for free.  She continued to live like this for seven years (not including the four-teen before hand) 

