
I was rudely awakened by Grace once she yanked the blankets off of me. I groaned and opened my eyes "You're late, village life start early remember?" I sighed, scratched my neck and nodded. Grace stood up ad walked out of the room for me to change.

I sat up on my bed and started to freshen up. By the time I was fully dressed, Trudy walked in and began packing. I raised a brow "What are you doing?" Trudy stopped and looked at me.

"Augustine said to start packing, we're heading to Site Sector 26 and we'll be staying there for a while"

I grew confused at this "Why?" Trudy shook her head "Caught Jake giving those power hungry bastards info about the home of the natives" My eyes widen and I scowled. I stomped out of my dorm to look for Jake.

Once I did found him, I pulled his wheelchair to a secluded part of the base "What the hell did you think you were doing Jake?! Giving out information on the Na'vi to them?!" Jake didn't say anything but his eyes widen for a fraction before he turned away.

"You wouldn't understand" He mumbled and I growled "What did they bribe you with to go through with this mess? Money? Power? Status?...Your Legs?" That statement made Jake tense up and I knew I hit the target.

I sighed and made him look at me "I'm not stopping you Jake, I'm just warning you that they a sneaky little bastards who can get anything they want by playing dirty and I don't want you to become involved of something bigger than you" Jake nodded as I released him.

"Prepare yourself, we're going to Sector 26. Meet us at the chopper"

Jake nodded and I left. Still pondering on how to assess Jake's situation.


With our packs on our backs we boarded the Samson and Trudy immediately took us to see an amazing sight.

"You could see the Hallelujah Mountains from up here!"

Trudy yelled. Her passengers squinted their eyes to catch a sight but the cloud bank was too thick for us to see "I don't see anything but continuous fog around here!" Jake yelled.

Trudy grinned from the back of her mind "Wait for it..." As soon as the Samson pierced through the cloud bank my jaw dropped open as did Jake and Tom. Norm gasped and his eyes popped open.

"Sweet Mother..."

Tom gasped as we watched the mountains literally floating from the ground. It was like Pandora heaven. Waterfalls fell and disappear into the bottom to turn into clouds. It was like Pandora heaven!

Trudy and Grace laughed at our expressions. The beauty was soon disrupted because Trudy was already landing her chopper on the ground.

"Welcome to Camp!"

Grace said as we entered a shack that almost looked like it hadn't been used for a long time. While Grace assigned us to our bunks (I called dibs on the top one) Trudy opened a mini fridge and her face contorted to disgust "This stuff's nasty" She closed the fridge.

Tom spotted photos of a familiar looking house and realized it was the abandoned school of Grace. A lot of Na'vi children including Neytiri with another female Na'vi whom Tom guessed was her deceased sister, Sylwanin.

"Jake, your on the far left side, Tom your on the right. Emersyn, your beside Tom. Those three are the least glitchy links"

Grace said and I immediately placed myself in. Jake and Tom followed suit, knowing our Na'vi lessons were about to begin.


Jake woke up to find the nivi that were supposed to be filled with Na'vi people empty. He quickly got up and headed out to find Neytiri.

"You are late skxawng!" Neytiri's annoyed voice came and Jake grinned and rubbed his head sheepishly "Well, once you are sleeping in a nice comfortable hammock, you tend to sleep a lot" He gave her his lopsided grin and Neytiri sighed before turning her direction to Hometree.

"Come, I have something to show you"

Like a puppy following his master, Jake obediently followed wondering if Tom and Emersyn were doing fine with their lessons.


Tom woke up with an unexpected surprise. He screamed when he found a young woman staring at him with piercing eyes. The woman jumped back in shock before composing herself.

"Hello Tomsully, my name is Ni'nat and I am going to be your teacher. What made you scream so loud?"

Tom took a moment for himself to compose before speaking "Forgive me, I am not used to seeing women staring at me like that. I heard about you from Grace, you must be the next High Singer" Ni'nat smiled and nodded "For a dreamwalker, you are wise" Tom smiled as he stood up, completely forgetting he was wearing less clothing that was almost showing his...essentials.

"Let us go and before you move, please straighten out your loincloth, it has moved in a different angle"

Tom gasped and turned around while Ni'nat's whimsical laugh filled the air as she headed down.

Real smooth Sully, real smooth.


I yawned and opened my eyes and unfurled the nivi I was in. Looks like Tsu'tey didn't even notice my tardiness. I sat up from my nivi and yawned.


A well aimed bow with arrows was suddenly smacked in my face. I fell back down before pushing them away to glare at the perpetrator. It wasn't to my surprise that it was Tsu'tey. He had a scowl etched on his face as he looked at me.

"It was bad enough I teach you Na'vi, you had be late on the first day!"

He scoffed before marching off. I quickly grabbed the bow and arrows before I followed Tsu'tey, trying to keep up with his powerful strides.

What a nice way to treat your student jerk!

I was now dreading this day he was going to teach me.


My arms were sore and my shoulders were stiff as I made my way back to Hometree with a scowl etched on my face. Tsu'tey had gone off to go out hunting with the rest of the hunters and you have no idea how relieved I am of that.

Tom bounded towards me with a huge smile on his face "I had a great time today with the singers! Turns out, it wasn't that bad once I got use to it and it's only been hours - are you okay?" Tom asked and I glared at him.

Why is it HE gets to have a grand time not getting yelled at for almost every simple mistake?!

Jake came in and rubbed his shoulder and neck "Whew, Neytiri's attitude of being annoyed by my every mistake is slowly diminishing. I feel like I accomplished something!" I huffed and Jake turned his concerned eyes to me.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh, everything is just...peachy"

I walked away and my brothers followed. I stopped once we were far away from earshot (I had just learned the Na'vi have very sharp ears) and began to rant.

"That arrogant, egotistical son of a male is beyond one of the most infuriating male I have ever met in my entire life!"

Jake and Tom winced as I hissed, my ears pinned back in anger "What happened that made you like this?" Tom asked. I glared and answered with gritted teeth.


"Again!" Tsu'tey yelled as I drew the bow string back again before I felt him slap my elbow up a little higher.

"Raise your elbow up! Suck in your stomach, you must have a strong abdomen!"

He pushed (more like shoved) my stomach in that I almost lost my balance. I held back a snarl as I aimed my bow carefully before letting it go. It hit the center of the mark and I turned to Tsu'tey, hiding my excitement.

He shook his head, clearly not satisfied "One excellent hit is not good enough, Do it again!" I bit my inside lip before notching an arrow and drawing the bowstring back.

When I had enough I had asked if I can have at least  a 1 minute break. You know what he did?

He laughed.

"No rest until you get it right female!"

I think I felt something snapped within me after that.

End Flashback

Jake and Tom had their mouths gaping open as I finished the tale. I sat down and stretched my aching limbs.

"Wow, I mean, Neytiri was a bit like that when I first tried to shoot but she always give me breaks when I get tired"

Not helping Jake.

I stood up from my sitting position and went back towards Hometree "I'm going to sleep!" I yelled. Jake and Tom quickly ran after me.

"But sis, there's a celebration for tonight's dinner!"

Tom called and I looked at him dead in the eye "Well, after the training I had oh so harshly with Tsu'tey, this assassin needs a well deserved rest!" With that, I quickly made my way to my nivi, dead intent on going to my bunk to sleep my ass off once I unlink.

I was surprised to see Tsu'tey somewhere near my nivi with an armful of Pandora food. I held my firm gaze "What do you want?" I spat. Tsu'tey's eyes darkened a bit before handing me the items in his hands.

"You act like a baby when you ask for a break"

I growled a bit.

"But I saw your determination and progressed your stance on the bow. You may not join the festivities for tonight"

He walked pass my stiff form "Do not be late again or there will be consequences" He threatened before heading down to join the Na'vi.

He left me and my mouth gaping.
