You underestimate my power

"Avatar, if you can take care of the battalion I can make sure the army doesn't get into the city."I started to say
"Wait what you already have a plan?" Water tribe said.
"Yes water tribe."
"What about the rest of us?" I paused for a moment thinking about what she said.

"You can't possibly hold them all off by yourself."
"You'll be surprised at how powerful I am. Just get the civilians to safety." All of a sudden the sky turned red. The moon spirit was dead.
"Go now" I yelled to everyone.The avatar in the princess then fell.
"Water tribe! Get them to the moon spirit, I'll hold The fire nation."
"Go!" I jumped off of the sky bison, watching myself towards the front line.
I see the fire nation soldiers stare at me. Some of them remember me from"training". The others looked at me like I was nothing.

"Go on little brat. Don't want you to get hurt." One man said.
"Lieutenant, that's the assassin. Don't mess with her."Another said and rushed over.
"This little kid is not the assassin, she's just a ki-"

I didn't let him finish the sentence. I just said it again that I wouldn't let anyone talk to me like that. So I punched in the stomach, causing him to cough up blood. In one swift move I immobilized him, permanently.
Know if anyone else would like to end up like him I suggest if you can around and run back to the fire nation like the fire lord running from the avatar. I said innocently.

"If we attack us one she'll never stand a chance!" One shouted and they all abated.
"Whatever, I warned you!" I shouted as my blue fire reach them, creating a title wave a fire.
(Avatar, water tribe,princess)

"What was that!" Katara said to Aang.
Princess Yue had just died. Sokka was in tears.
"Aang? AANG!" Katara yelled. Aang was in the avatar state. He had no control.
