New neighbors

The door bell rings

Ryan's POV:
I'll get the door.

Ryan opens it and sees all of his buddies with there wives and on the lawn.

Ryan's POV:
OMG hey guys what are you all doing here at my new house in a newly developed neighborhood?

Tyler's POV:
well we all moved here yesterday I know you got back today from visiting your parents. Your wife knows that we've all moved here.

Ryan's POV:
Ava honey? How did you find out my buddies were moving here?

Ava's POV:
well the wives and i are in a group chat and they expressed how they all want to live closer to where we live so we can throw the awesomest parties out there.

Williams POV:
yeah we just loved the prices of these houses and decided to all move our families here. Were all going to be the best neighbors and definitely throw the awesomest parties. That reminds me Memorial Day is coming up. Were hosting that cause you all have to see my new solo stove fire pit and my new grill.

Ryan's POV:
my family won't miss it. My wife is heavily pregnant with triplets.

Williams POV:
wait what?? So your now going to be a family of 11 kids and 13 including you and Ava your wife?

Ryan's POV:
yes we are and my wife and I couldn't be happier.

Alex's POV:
it's impressive how the kids keep coming for you and Ava.

Ryan's POV:
well when you love your wife so much stuff happens. That's how we somehow ended up with 8 kids and 3 more on the way. We've anyways agreed to cut it off after this pregnancy is over with.

Chase Briscoes POV:
Yeah that's probably a good idea! My wife and I have 5 kids and we said enough after the 5th kid who's now 2 years old.

Ella Briscoes POV:
Honey I am pregnant.

Chase Briscoes POV:
Wait what?? I thought we were forsure done after 5 kids. Crap we must of not used protection last Monday on our anniversary day. Oh well kid #6 here we come.

Ryan's POV: Congrats Chase Briscoe on baby #6!

Chase Briscoes POV:
Thanks Ryan!
