•stupid feelings•

Sage woke up by the annoying sound known as her alarm clock. She sat up groggily and wiped her eyes open. Sage got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Morning." Sage said in a quiet tone. "Morning!" Sages dad said. Sage smiled at her cheerful dad before getting herself some cereal. "Are you excited it's Friday?" Sages dad asked. "Yeah." Sage said as she began to eat the cereal she prepared herself. "Aaron said he wants to have a friend over, that okay with you?" Sages dad asked as Sage looked at him. Sage didn't know who it was but she had a very good feeling it was Andy. "Yeah I don't care." Sage said as she finished her cereal. "Okay good." Sages dad answered as Sage smiled softly before washing her bowl and going upstairs to choose her outfit. Sage ended up deciding this.

Sage brushed her hair and did light makeup like usual before going to Aaron's room to wake him up. "Aaron!! WAKE UP!" Sage said as she turned on his lights and ripped his blanket off of him. "IM UP!" Aaron said as he got up and rolled his eyes at Sage, who was now laughing. Sage wanted to skate to school but Aaron wanted to drive to school so they both ended up doing their own stuff. Sage left earlier then Aaron so she could be on time and still get Starbucks. "HI! Can I get one venti pumpkin spice latte!" Sage asked as she gave the girl her money. "Yeah! Just wait over there!" The girl said as she gave Sage her change. Starbucks wasn't busy since it was still it was still pretty early in the morning so Sage got her drunk pretty fast. "THANKS!" Sage said as she left. Sage didn't drink her drink on the way there because she wanted to save it for school. Once sage got there she put her skateboard into the bike rack. "Hey!" Lydia said to Sage. "Hey! Where's Stacy?" Sage asked Lydia. "I don't know, we got into a fight." Lydia answered as she shrugged. "About what?" Sage asked since she was curious, though she had a feeling Andy had something to do with it. "Andy kissed me and Stacy saw." Lydia said with regret in her voice. "oh. Well did you enjoy the kiss?" Sage asked Lydia as she looked at the ground. "Kinda I don't know." Lydia answered as she looked over at Andy. "You should apologize and whatever you have going on with Andy, break it off." Sage said as the bell rang. Sage didn't know if Stacy was also mad at her but Sage didn't do anything wrong so Stacy shouldn't be mad if she is. Sage mainly just zoned out and thought about Andy the whole class instead of paying attention. Sage knew that they would never date because Stacy and maybe Lydia like him, but it doesn't mean Sage can't look at him. Sage knew she was falling for Andy whether she wanted to or didn't want to, but she liked him and theirs no going back now. The bell rang signalling it was lunch time. Sage didn't know if she was gonna eat with Lydia or Stacy since they both got into a fight. "Hey! I'm assuming you already know what happened." Stacy said as Sage turned her head to look at Stacy. "Yeah. Are we still going to eat together?" Sage asked Stacy. "Sure! Though Lydia won't be." Stacy answered as she dragged Sage outside. "I mean like I get it Andy's hot but he is MY crush!!" Stacy complained as Sage tried to agree but it was hard since she also liked him. "I mean LOOK at him!" Stacy said as the 2 looked over at Andy, who was playing soccer. "I'm surprised you haven't kissed him yet." Sage said as she laughed a bit, making Stacy FINALLY smile. "He's just so dreamy." Stacy said as she continued I look at him. Sage wanted to agree but knew that would make things weird so Sage just continued to also look at him. "heads up!!" Someone called out but unfortunately Sage didn't hear them in time. A ball came FLYING out of no where and hit Sage in the face, making her fall back. "Fuck." Sage mumbled we Stacy went to help her. "Aw shit man." Andy said as Aaron laughed bit. "Hey! You good?" Andy asked as Sage smiled. "Yeah I think so!" Sage said as she sat back down. "Are you okay?" Stacy asked as Sage laughed. "Yeah yeah I'm good!" Sage answered. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly for Sage but she was dreading the fact that one of Aaron's friends were staying over for the night, and that friend was most likely gonna end up being Andy. Sage grabbed her skateboard and began to skate home well listening to paparazzi By Lady Gaga. Once she got home she instantly rolled her eyes at seeing Aaron and Andy. "Lord please save me." Sage mumbled as she made eye contact with Andy, making Sage blush a bit. "So this is your idiot friend?" Sage said as she smiled. "I'm not an idiot?" Andy said as he smirked. "Yeah so stay away from us and mind your own business dickhead." Aaron said as he dragged Andy upstairs to his room. "Gladly." Sage answered as she laughed a bit and also went upstairs to her room.  Sage practiced her Torah portion (or whatever it's called) for a bit until she gave up and decided to go annoy Aaron and Andy. Sage grabbed cold ice water and went into Aaron's room. "Hey!" Sage said. "What?" Aaron asked as he looked at the smirking girl. Just then Sage threw the ice cold water on them. "What the fuck!" Aaron said as Sage giggled. "Okay that was a bit funny." Andy said as Aaron laughed a bit "I'm still gonna get you next time." Aaron said as Sage left Aaron's room to get some sleep. Sage tried to get sleep but still couldn't stop thinking about Lydia and Andy kissing, Stacy liking Andy, and just Andy know general. Sage wanted to stop liking him but at this point she didn't think it was possible for her to stop liking him.

AN: I know this sucks literally shit but the heat is still terrible yk. But hope you enjoyed the chapter <3
Word count: 1078
