
✒︎ Addison

The last bell rings signalling that school is over. Everyday I praise the lord when the bell rings, but today was a little bit different. I was not going to be coming back to this hell hole. I mean, I absolutely hate school, don't get me wrong, but, I'm going to miss my group of friends.

The stoners. They're called here in America. They probably have other names for them outside of my school, but to be honest, I don't know what else they would be called. I've never actually smoked a blunt, but I'm almost positive that the entire school thinks that I do. I really only drink. I don't smoke, that story is for later.

I had just finished my senior year in High School. I know I should be excited and all of that shit, but to be honest I'm terrified. This means I actually had to start my life. The furthest I know into my future is what I'm having as a fucking snack when I get home.

Instead of going to college, I'm taking a gap year. My mom doesn't agree with me, but hey, college will always be there. But, travelling around the world won't seem as fun after I graduate college and actually know where I'm going with my life.

I empty out the rest of my locker before I go meet my friends outside in the parking lot. My two closest friends are Morgan and Daniella. The three of us call ourselves the holy trinity. That's only because out of our friends we don't smoke pot. We're not perfect angels who have never sinned, but it's just funny considering that most of our friends do.

I walk out to the crowded parking lot -- no one even in their car because they were saying good byes to their friends. I think it's kind of dumb to be having a little sob fest over this, considering that we all have to go to graduation. So, Technically, my summer does not start until I toss my cap in the air and say "au revoir" to all of my peers. 

Dani and Morgan are coming over to my house because there's really no point in getting turnt tonight because we have graduation practice at 11 in the morning. 

I first spot Dani because of her bright pink hair, and walk over to where they are standing outside of my van. Dani is the tallest out of us all, she's probably about 5'10", so it's not too hard to spot her out in a crowd. Dani has bright pink hair, Morgan decided to go neon green, and I went pastel purple. We all we're extremely drunk one night and went into Morgan's moms salon part of the house -- her mom's a hair dresser -- and dyed our hair, of course we managed to accidentally dye her furniture too due to the fact that we were shitfaced.

I pull my keys out of my shoulder school bag and unlock the car, startling both Dani and Morgan who had seemed to be in some sort of intense conversation. Dani slides the door to the back of the car open to climb in. My mom had bought a mini van when my brother and I were younger to be the ultimate soccer mom or something, and just had it sitting around because my brother and I had both quit soccer about five years ago. So, when I got my drivers permit I ended up learning how to drive on my mom's mini van, and just ended up getting it for free because "no one else was going to use it." 

"Ad, can we stop at Chipotle?" Morgan whines from the passenger seat.

"Yea, Ad, please!" Dani joins in.

"Why?" I groan. Chipotle is across town from my house, so it'd take like fifteen minutes to drive there and all I really want to do is go home.

"IT WAS OUR LAST DAY OF SCHOOL LET'S GET SOME FUCKING CHIPOTLE." Dani leans up in her seat to yell into my ear.

"Fuck you, Dans. That was loud as shit." I groan. I turn the minivan around, and head in the direction of Chipotle. Chipotle is a Mexican food place, that all of my friends hangout at. It's not bad, it's just too far for me to want to go there everyday. 

I do like Chipotle, but I recently stopped liking it as much because I found other vegetarian restaurants near me. The main reason why I was so in love with Chipotle was becuase they had "Sofritas" and a Veggie option. 

I've been a lacto-octo-vegetarian since the end of Freshman year. It's not too hard to eat when I'm around my friends and shit, but it's hard when going out to eat because most people aren't vegetarian, so mostly everything has meat in it.

When we finally pull up to the Chipotle, Dani and Morgan sprint out of the minivan and towards the front door, I assume that they both have money because I sure as hell know I'm not paying for their asses.


ok i promise it will get better i'm just trying to introduce you to the characters before i get into the story xx
