You're sick

Short but cute

"Go away" I mumble into my pillow as my boyfriend walks into my room for the third time in 10 minutes.

"Come on baby i just wanna help you" Austin softly speaks as he sits on the end of my bed and rubs my lower back.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke" i groan as i become fidgety and my stomach begins to churn away once again.

"That's exactly why I'm not going to leave you alone baby." Austin whispers as he lays next to me on the bed "I've got a bucket for you if you're sick and I've got some chocolate and some strawberries for when you feel better so i thought we could watch some Netflix while you're ill and then we can go out and get some fresh air when you feel better" his voice is so soft and gentle, it's making me feel bad for being so grumpy.

I take a deep breath and turn to him with a smile on my face; my cheeks instantly turn red. "I'd like that a lot, it sounds perfect" I smile as I nuzzle my face into his chest as he puts on an episode of the office.

"Best boyfriend ever" I whisper softly as the programme starts. "You mean best girlfriend ever" Austin replies gently, playing with my hair and placing a gentle kiss on my temple.
