
As the years passed Bill went to school and Aurora and Charlie became closer. Aurora tended to spend more time with the Weasleys and Sirius and Remus then her own parents. Not like they complained, the new fame of their son got to their head quite a bit. But no matter what Harry always loved his big sister, and when ever she was home he stuck to her like glue. She was probably the only thing that kept him from getting a bigger ego then their father. It was now the summer before Charlie and Aurora could go to Hogwarts. They were waiting for the Hogwarts express to arrive at the platform, Aurora had gone on vacation with her parents over Christmas break so she hadn't seen Bill for almost 9 months.

"Where is the train?" That was what Charlie repeated every 5 minutes. Till Aurora finally just grabbed his hand and pulled him to a standstill. Every once and awhile he would bit his lip, but she just gave him a small squeeze. Till "THE TRAINS HERE!" Charlie didn't let go of her hand but started to pull her with him closer to the train.

Aurora rolled her eyes at his antics and let go of the hand. Charlie fell to the ground and gave her a mock hurt look, she just smiled pretty and helped him up. "That is what you get for being so impatient, and trying to drag me to the train. Just wait Bill will be off soon." But before she even turned all the way back to face the train. Bill like always came like a bullet at her, and spun her around in a hug. His friends looked after him confused, but it turned to shock when they saw the girl in his arms. But they didn't bother to try and get him back into a conversation . She hugged him as hard as she could and put her face in his neck, to keep him close for a minute or 2.

Bill didn't let go but pulled his brother into the hug to, the three stayed like that for a minute till Molly spotted them. She pulled Bill into a bone crushing hug and handed Ginny back to Aurora. She was right Ginny and Ron did love Aurora, just like she was a older sister. But lately Ginny had taken to sitting on her hip as much as she could and pouted when she was put down. Bill hugged all of his siblings then went back to Aurora side, she felt better then she had in a long time. She always had Charlie next to her and Bill near by, it felt weird without Bill there.

They went back to the Burrow and went to Bill's room, they knew that the little ones would fallow them soon so they went up as fast as they could. The second the door was shut, Bill pulled Aurora back into his arms. They they stood there till Charlie came in and took a seat on the bed. Aurora sat next to Charlie and they sat in silence and watched Bill unpack. After about 6 minutes the little kids came in and fought for the spot on Aurora's lap, till she picked up Ginny and sat her on her lap and picked Ron up and put him in Charlie's lap. Then had the twins sit next to her and Percy at her feet.

They spent all summer together till Aurora and Charlie got their Hogwarts letters on their birthdays. Bill had started cheering his head off and pulled them into hugs, happy he finally had family at Hogwarts. They went shopping and Aurora got a little white and black kitten, that she named sky.

Now it was time to get on the Hogwarts Express and the boys were worried it had been bugging them for a while but they knew that Aurora's parents wouldn't come to see her off.  

They were proved right when at 10:40 Aurora came though the Flue alone. They had gotten their early so they could make sure she didn't walk around the station alone. Charlie ran over and pulled her into a hug, calming her down. Mrs. Weasley came over and gave her a sad look. Then gave her a hug pushing her to the train a little bit. Aurora took a calming breath and grabbed her trunk pulling it to the train and to a compartment that Bill was in waiting for her.

Once the train left the station, Aurora had tears brimming her eyes. Bill pulled her into his lap like he did when they were younger, and her parents would forget her birthday. She just sat there silently crying in shock, her parents actually forgot that she was supposed to go to Hogwarts today. She knew her parents sometimes forgot she was there but this was a new low. She got off of Bill's lap after she had calmed down, went to her spot next to Charlie and pulled Sky out of her cage. After sky was on her lap she spoke "Thanks, I was just in shock that they forgot today of all days."

Charlie put a arm around her and let her lean on him, calming her down more. She leaned on Charlie's side taking deep breaths, mumbling "Thanks." They sat in silence for most of the ride, saying hi to some of Bill's friends from his year, playing chess, and eating some candy Aurora bought for them to share.

"FIRST YEARS! FIRST YEARS OVER HERE!" All the first years looked over to see a giant of a man waving them over. Aurora grabbed Charlie's hand scared of how steep the hill was they were walking down. Once they went across the lake and were at the entrance hall,  she had to bit back the wanting to scream grandma minnie and jump up to hug her new professor. They were told to wait in a smaller side room to get called for sorting, Aurora was so nervous that her metamorphmagus powers started to go hay wire. Her hair and nails were going through the rainbow, but Charlie saw that everyone was staring at her and chuckled. That set everyone off, Aurora looked around till she caught a glimpse of her hair which had turned a light blue and purple. She laughed and said "Well at least that calmed everyone down, by I wish that my powers would just calm down." She took a few deep breaths and got her hair back to its normal ink black, but it stayed a bright purple/blue at the tips.

A few muggleborns started asking what happened with her hair, trying to see if they were behind on something. After explaining that she was a metamorphmagus things calmed down and they all waited in a comfortable silence to get sorted.

To say professor Mcgonagall was surprised to come back to a calm group of first years was a understatement. It took her a minute to gain her composure, but she smiled a little when she saw that the tips of Aurora's hair nodding a little. They went to the great hall and stood in front of the staff table, where a tall stole and a old hat was standing. Professor got a list and started calling names after a small song by the hat. Once she got to the 'P's Aurora gripped Charlie's hand tightly and took a step closer to him.

"Potter, Aurora" for the first time ever for some of the students they saw a warm smile on their professors lips. Some started whispering about how they forgot their had been a older potter. But when they saw her walk up to the stole with long black curly hair with colored tips they stopped in anticipation. Professor Mcgonagall put the hat on and waited.

"Well, well I don't need much time to think about where your going to go a lion at heart. Your dreams are realistic to good good. Well I think it's time for you to go to... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat only said that before he was lifted off of her head. She smiled her metamorphmagus powers going hay wire again turning her hair to red and gold back and forth. She gave the hat back to professor Mcgonagall and ran over to the table that Bill was sitting at. Bill waved her over to a seat next to him near the other first years.

She sat next to him and hugged him around the middle and waited for Charlie to join them. Charlie took the seat next to her and took her hand after a quick hug. After the headmaster gave the speech the food popped up onto the table. Had she not heard about it from Bill she would have been shocked like the other first years, but she did. The other first year girls dragged her into a conversation about the houses right after she got food on her plate.

The feast was fun she made friend with all of her new dorm mates and most of the first year boys. But she knew that she would always be the closest to Charlie. She just was happy to hear that their was a open space for chasers and seekers next year. While Charlie was a Amazing seeker she couldn't just sit their looking for the whole game she performed better in the center of the action and loved to play chaser.

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