Chapter 7-day two...i guess

||Classic's POV||

I really don't know what happened, I woke up, feed fluffy, brushed my teeth, and went to school, only for some octopus like dude to fucking pick on me.

I growled and stood up, which made the octo-guy grinned "what.Wanna fight?" The guy asked me, and I, being myself, rolled my pupils "sorry, I'm against animal cruelty" as I said it everyone, almost everyone laughed, making it impossible for me not to laugh too.
"HEY!" Octo-guy yelled, turning around to look at the other kids, probably to be intimidating, hah, funny.

"Heh heh heh" I said, and the octo-guy just huffed and went to his seat, Purrfect.

The rest of the day was normal, I had to pay for my darn lunch even though I SAW that a kid didn't pay and got away with it. After school I went and got to my house only to clean up the mess my cat made, yeah, hell of a nice day if I say it myself
