Chapter 5

Jean ~ what's up niki
Niki~ "ummmm"..
Jean~ you know you can tell me anything I promise  I will not be mad.
Niki~ it's really bad but I will tell you now I really like you jean....
Jean~ really?
Niki~ yeah.
Jean~ so what you want to tell me
Niki~ you asked me were I was last night.......
Jean~ yeah...
Niki~..i...was with levi..and.....
[ I told jean what happend between me and Levi and he just stood there with a blank look]
Niki~jean are you ok.
[Jean walks away from me and leaves me there all by myself I sit on the floor think how much I just hurted him]
"I didn't want to hurt him, I love him so much why did I let.this happend" I said to my self cying. [ I look up too see eren, he sat down next to me and gives me a hug]
eren~ you told him.
Eren~......what did he...
Niki~he just walked a way. He didn't say anything. Eren he justed walk away from me.
(I stared getting louder)
[Eren claims you down]
Eren~I think he needs time to think.
Niki~.....thanks anyway.
[ you both get up you go to your room and take off your shirt and pants to put on black shorts and a black long sleeve shrit and sit on your bed].
niki~ what am I going to do.
I said that to my self about ten times then I heard  a Nock at the door.
Niki~"umm" .... who there.
Levi~"tch" let me in.
I open the door and he sits on my bed.
Niki~ what do you want.
Levi~ we are going on a mission tommorow and you are with me.
[Levi walked out of the door and you go back to sleep.]
